
The old man was in rags and had trouble in the milk section of the supermarket: my wife wanted to drink milk in the late stage, but I only had 12 yuan

author:Five-year love said

In a busy city, the supermarket is always brightly lit and full of goods, and people come and go, each picking out what they need. However, on this seemingly ordinary night, something extraordinary happened in the milk section of a supermarket.

The old man was in rags and had trouble in the milk section of the supermarket: my wife wanted to drink milk in the late stage, but I only had 12 yuan

An old man with gray hair staggered into the supermarket. His clothes were shabby, stained with the marks of time and specks of dirt, and it was clear that life was not rich. The old man's gaze wandered up and down the shelves, and finally settled on the milk section. He stood there, staring at the rows of milk, as if searching for something.

The old man was in rags and had trouble in the milk section of the supermarket: my wife wanted to drink milk in the late stage, but I only had 12 yuan

Xiao Li, a supermarket worker, noticed the old man. She walked over and asked the old man softly what help he needed. The old man raised his head, a trace of helplessness and longing flashed in his eyes, and he said slowly: "My wife is not in good health, the doctor said that she needs to supplement nutrition, and she especially wants to drink milk today." But...... I only have 12 bucks, is there any cheaper milk here? ”

The old man was in rags and had trouble in the milk section of the supermarket: my wife wanted to drink milk in the late stage, but I only had 12 yuan

Xiao Li listened to the old man's words, and an inexplicable sour feeling surged in his heart. She looked around and saw that the cheapest milk was more than the old man's budget. But that's when she thought of a supermarket promotion — there's a buy-one-get-one-free offer on a milk.

The old man was in rags and had trouble in the milk section of the supermarket: my wife wanted to drink milk in the late stage, but I only had 12 yuan

Xiao Li smiled and said to the old man: "Old man, don't worry, we have a milk campaign here, you can buy two boxes for 12 yuan." This way your wife will be able to drink fresh milk. After hearing this, the old man showed a surprised expression on his face and thanked him repeatedly.

Xiao Li helped the old man select two cartons of milk and delivered them to the old man in person. The old man took the milk, tears of gratitude glistening in his eyes. He held Xiao Li's hand tightly and said, "Thank you, girl." You're such a nice guy. For my wife, this milk is not only a nutritious product, but also the hope of her life. ”

Looking at the back of the old man leaving, Xiao Li had mixed feelings in his heart. She realized that there are many people in this world who live in poverty and hardship like this old man. But they still maintain their love and yearning for life, and use their weak strength to resist the arrangement of fate.

On this night, the lights of the supermarket were still bright, but Xiao Li's heart was more warm and touched. She understands that every seemingly mundane moment can become a turning point in someone else's life. And she herself is willing to be the one who brings hope and warmth to others.

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