
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)

author:Little birds love to eat melons

In September 2010, Wang Xiaofei and Da S met for the first time, and according to Wang Xiaofei's words, he successfully proposed marriage on the fifth meeting. The speed of this flash marriage is also outrageous now!

But if you understand Wang Xiaofei's extremely hot love with Zhang Yuqi before marriage, it is not difficult to understand why he fell into the gentle township of Big S in the first place.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)

Glamorous and moving actress VS rich boy brother in Beijing

In 2009, Zhang Yuqi and Wang Xiaofei met at the Huayi banquet, Wang Xiaofei fell in love with Zhang Yuqi at first sight, and immediately launched a passionate pursuit, and the two quickly established a love relationship.

Wang Xiaofei was 28 years old at the time and was known as the four young people in Beijing.

2008 was the peak of Zhang Lan's career, "South Beauty" became the only Chinese food supplier for the Beijing Olympic Games, and "Lan Club" became one of the designated catering venues for the Olympic Games. Because the Lan Club is positioned as high-end luxury, many international VIPs are received here, such as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)

Zhang Yuqi was 23 years old and was a hot female star in the entertainment industry.

was favored by Stephen Chow and starred in "Yangtze River No. 1", and the success of the movie made Zhang Yuqi jump from a little-known actor to a popular actress.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)

Their love has always been generously displayed in front of everyone, holding hands on the red carpet and attending banquets.

23-year-old glamorous and moving female star VS 28-year-old rich boy brother in Beijing, the word spring breeze is concretized in them. Until now, netizens are still lamenting that Zhang Yuqi is the ceiling that Wang Xiaofei talked about.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)

When they were in love, they were photographed at the airport, Zhang Yuqi appeared without makeup and holding her luggage, and after seeing Wang Xiaofei, she forgot to kiss and couldn't give up. Then Wang Xiaofei hugged her girlfriend with one hand and left with her luggage with the other.

The media described it at the time: lingering like a conjoined baby.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)


I loved so hard to part with back then, why did I break up in the end?

One of the most popular theories on the Internet is that once Wang Xiaofei returned to Beijing from other places, she did not notify her girlfriend Zhang Yuqi as soon as possible, but followed her friend to the Lan Club. Zhang Yuqi learned from her friend's mouth that Wang Xiaofei had returned to Beijing, she was so angry that she rolled up her sleeves and rushed to the Lan Club, and after finding Wang Xiaofei, she slapped him directly in the face.

Wang Xiaofei was stunned, but the dignity of the man made it impossible for him to swallow this breath easily, and he also slapped Zhang Yuqi the impulse. Then the two of them were like enchanted people, fanning each other in the clubhouse, you slap me and I slapped each other, and they didn't let each other go, and the slapping sound resounded throughout the Lan Club, until the onlookers came back to their senses and pulled the two of them apart.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)

When I heard this gossip back then, I might have felt a little outrageous. But now looking at the degree of fiery personalities of these two, it really seems that they can do this.

Mainly because Wang Xiaofei also mentioned this incident in his book "Born in 1981", and also mentioned that he almost died on Chang'an Street after this "mutual fan" turmoil.

Wang Xiaofei mentioned the old relationship with Zhang Yuqi in the book

In 2009, Wang Xiaofei's career was proud, but her physical condition was not very good. It's either a broken nose in a fight, a broken kicking foot, or a sprained back.

Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan both believe in Buddhism, so they went to India to meet the Dharma King and asked for a string of bracelets to wear on their hands. In his book, he wrote: "I have been wearing the bracelet all day since I received it from His Holiness, and my anxiety has eased a little.

After India returned to Beijing after seeing His Holiness, Wang Xiaofei saw that no one was deserted at home, and he didn't want to stay at home, so he went to the Lan Club. It just so happened that several good buddies were gathering at the Lan Club, and Wang Xiaofei had dinner with them, chatting about what they had seen and heard in India by the way. Just as the conversation was about to start, his girlfriend suddenly came, complaining that Wang Xiaofei didn't contact her at the first time, and quarreled with Wang Xiaofei in front of her friends.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)

Of course, Wang Xiaofei didn't write about "mutual fans" in the book, he just said in one stroke that several of his buddies were there at the time, which made him feel particularly faceless, so he drove away with his girlfriend.

In the car, my girlfriend sat in the co-pilot and kept complaining, Wang Xiaofei couldn't stand the nagging in her ear all the time, but the more the girlfriend said, the more excited she became, the more intense she became, Wang Xiaofei braked suddenly, stopped the car on the side of the road, and was about to rush down when she pulled the car door. His girlfriend grabbed his hand and grabbed the bracelet that His Holiness had given him. Wang Xiaofei shook it hard, the bracelet broke, and the beads crackled and rolled everywhere.

Originally, Wang Xiaofei believed in Buddhism, but this time she felt that the peace she had finally obtained was broken like this, which was a bad omen, and Wang Xiaofei was so anxious and angry that she was "crazy". He climbed over the guardrail in the middle of the road again, and ran on the empty Chang'an Avenue again, but he didn't pay attention, a rolling machine drove past him, and the track roll of the right foot rolling machine was pressed.

The right foot was painful, Wang Xiaofei couldn't leave, and she didn't know who she could call, after all, she had just come to Lan Club with her girlfriend in front of so many people, and it was so embarrassing. Wang Xiaofei's own mentality also collapsed, so she sat on the side of the road for two hours. It wasn't until after dawn that I took a taxi and went to my mother's house.

Zhang Lan was having breakfast when Wang Xiaofei entered the door, he didn't tell himself that Zhang Lan's foot was crushed by the road roller, but said that he fell and sat on the side of the road in the middle of the night and couldn't get a taxi. Zhang Lan was taken aback when she saw her son's appearance, and hurriedly walked up to help Wang Xiaofei, Wang Xiaofei was suddenly aggrieved and cried loudly in her mother's arms.

This day happened to be Wang Xiaofei's birthday, and he wrote in the book:

My tears flowed uncontrollably, my mom held me, and I became a child again. It's my birthday, and it's my mother's hard day. It was she who gave me life, it was not easy, I shouldn't waste it casually, I have to cherish it, I have to live well.

In the end, Wang Xiaofei's evaluation of herself and Zhang Yuqi was: The temperament is indeed incompatible.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)

When you meet Big S, you have a good impression

In 2010, Wang Xiaofei was also 29 years old. His emotional outlook has always been more traditional, because his parents' marriage is not perfect, so Wang Xiaofei is very yearning for an ordinary and warm family married life.

is about to be 30 years old, although Wang Xiaofei still devotes most of his time to work, but when he is idle, he will feel lonely, and he begins to yearn to find the girl who enters the marriage hall hand in hand and grows old.

Just when Wang Xiaofei was so eager for marriage, he met Big S for the first time in September 2010.

One night, An Yixuan sent a message to Wang Xiaofei, saying that he would take his friends to the "Lan Club" to play at night, and Wang Xiaofei agreed to say hello when he saw that there was nothing to do at night.

An Yixuan's friend that day was Da S, Wang Xiaofei said that the first time she saw Da S, she was thin and thin, and she looked very small. In 2010, Big S should have filmed "Bubble Summer". The first time they met, Wang Xiaofei had a good impression of Big S.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)

Wang Xiaofei took the initiative to stretch out her hand to shake hands with Big S, but Big S didn't stretch out her hand, she was embarrassed to say that her hand was a little wrong and she couldn't lift it. The scene at that time was a little embarrassing, and later Wang Xiaofei learned that Da S had injured the nerve in his right hand while filming, and he came to Beijing to treat his illness at that time.

The first time they met, Da S left the impression that Wang Xiaofei was very polite and spoke softly, which made him feel very kind and good. But Wang Xiaofei said that she runs a catering business, and often meets friends who have a good impression but only one side. So with the mentality of casual fate, he didn't ask Big S for contact information.

If the first meeting is the beginning of a good feeling, then the second meeting is the beginning of Wang Xiaofei's being manipulated.

Because of the space, we will talk about the fatal attraction of Big S to Wang Xiaofei in the next chapter, so that Wang Xiaofei proposed marriage when he saw his fifth side.

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