
I was raised by my second aunt since I was a child, and my parents wanted to return when the two families had a conflict, and my second aunt fell and injured me to repay my kindness

author:Shin Shin talks

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In my childhood memories, my second aunt's embrace was always warm and generous, and her smile was like the sunshine in spring, warming my heart. However, the wheels of fate always like to turn inadvertently, making our lives full of uncertainties. I remember when I was seven years old, the two families had a conflict over some trivial matters, and my biological parents decided to take me back. That day, my second aunt accidentally fell and injured me while sending me away, and that scene still makes my heart twist.

I was raised by my second aunt since I was a child, and my parents wanted to return when the two families had a conflict, and my second aunt fell and injured me to repay my kindness

As the saying goes, "the grace of a drop of water is reciprocated by a spring", how can I forget the kindness of my second aunt's nurturing? Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I have grown up, and my second aunt's pain has slowly healed with time, but the emotional bond has become stronger and stronger. I often wonder, how can I repay this deep love? Is it just a material reward? No, I think, it's more important to communicate with the heart and accompany the spirit.

I was raised by my second aunt since I was a child, and my parents wanted to return when the two families had a conflict, and my second aunt fell and injured me to repay my kindness

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Since I returned to my biological parents, my life has changed drastically. The environment of my new home, my classmates at a new school, and my new way of life all felt new and strange to me. In the dead of night, I always think of my second aunt and those carefree days. I often called my second aunt to tell her how I was doing, listen to her voice, and feel the constant care.

I was raised by my second aunt since I was a child, and my parents wanted to return when the two families had a conflict, and my second aunt fell and injured me to repay my kindness

As time went by, I gradually understood my parents' struggles. Although they made the decision to separate me from my second aunt, it was also out of love and expectation for me. I began to try to understand, to communicate, to integrate into this new family. And the second aunt is always on the other end of the phone, giving me encouragement and strength.

I was raised by my second aunt since I was a child, and my parents wanted to return when the two families had a conflict, and my second aunt fell and injured me to repay my kindness

During college, I chose to major in medicine, perhaps by a coincidence of fate, or perhaps as a silent repayment to my second aunt. I hope that through my own efforts, I can alleviate people's suffering, just like the warmth that my second aunt once gave me. Whenever I intern in the hospital and see patients who are suffering because of their illness, I always think of the scene when my second aunt fell and injured herself, and that empathy made me more determined to practice medicine.

I was raised by my second aunt since I was a child, and my parents wanted to return when the two families had a conflict, and my second aunt fell and injured me to repay my kindness

After graduating, I became a doctor and I used my professional knowledge and skills to help many people in need. Whenever I see a patient's smile after recovery, I think of my second aunt and her expectations and encouragement for me. I know that this is not just a job, but also a responsibility, a mission.

I was raised by my second aunt since I was a child, and my parents wanted to return when the two families had a conflict, and my second aunt fell and injured me to repay my kindness

Sublimation at the end

The years are like a song, and in the blink of an eye, I have gone through several springs and autumns on the road of medicine. Looking back, I am filled with emotion. Although my second aunt's fall was an unfortunate event, it became an important turning point in my life. It taught me to be grateful, to reciprocate, and to understand the power of love.

I was raised by my second aunt since I was a child, and my parents wanted to return when the two families had a conflict, and my second aunt fell and injured me to repay my kindness

Every time I go back to my second aunt's house, I feel happy and satisfied when I see her kind smile and hear her warm words. I think this may be the true meaning of life - no matter where we go, no matter what we go through, that bond of affection will never break.

At this point in the article, I want to say that every setback and difficulty in life is a stepping stone for our growth. We should learn to learn from it, learn to be grateful, and learn to reciprocate. Just like the old saying, "Give people roses, hands have fragrance", let us use a grateful heart to warm the world and illuminate the lives of others.

That's my story, a story of growth, gratitude, and reward. Maybe it's not earth-shattering, but it's a treasure in my life. Let's work together to write the chapter of life with love and feel every moment of life with our hearts.

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