
He disguised himself for 18 years, was a textbook "hero" and was sentenced to life in prison after exposing the hoax

author:A thousand cups are not drunk

In China's modern history, there is such a person, whose name has been written into textbooks, and is known as a heroic model of self-sacrifice. His deeds have touched countless people, and he has even been received by senior leaders many times. However, 18 years later, a shocking lie was exposed, and the true face of this "hero" is chilling.

How did he weave this hoax? Why has it been able to deceive people for 18 years? And what led to the truth coming out in the end? What is the end of this former "hero" now? Let's step into this bizarre story and uncover the truth behind this amazing lie.

A seemingly ordinary night, an ordinary bridge, and a seemingly thrilling struggle became the beginning of this scam. How did this "hero" step by step establish himself as a model of self-sacrifice?

On December 17, 1967, the winter night at a forest farm in Gansu Province was particularly cold. Liu Xuebao, the ordinary deputy squad leader, is thinking about how to become famous in one fell swoop. His eyes fell on the nearby bridge, which connects the forest farm to the outside world and is the lifeblood of local transportation.

Liu Xuebao had long noticed his comrade-in-arms Li Shibai. Li Shibai is honest, not good at words, and often goes alone. Such a character trait made Liu Xuebao see an opportunity. He began to orchestrate a shocking scam, and Li Shibai became the scapegoat in his plan.

That night, Liu Xuebao pretended to meet Li Shibai by chance and invited him to go out for a walk together. When the two came to the vicinity of the bridge, Liu Xuebao's face suddenly changed. He pulled out the explosives that had been prepared long ago and claimed that he was going to blow up the bridge. Li Shibai was stunned, he didn't expect that Liu Xuebao, who was usually taciturn, would have such crazy ideas.

Before Li Shibai could react, Liu Xuebao suddenly attacked him. The two engaged in a fierce fight by the bridge. Although Liu Xuebao is not tall, he is athletic and quickly gained the upper hand. He took the opportunity to push Li Shibai off the bridge, and he used the knife he carried with him to decisively make a cut on his left arm.

In order to make this scene more realistic, Liu Xuebao also deliberately placed some explosives at the bottom of the bridge. He counted the time and waited for passers-by to appear. Sure enough, it didn't take long for a villager to find two people lying on the ground.

Liu Xuebao pretended to be dying, and weakly said to the villagers who came to the rescue: "Go and arrest the reactionaries, leave me alone, he has explosives on him, and he wants to blow up the bridge!" After saying that, he "fainted". The villagers were taken aback by the sudden situation and rushed the two to the hospital.

In the hospital, Liu Xuebao continued his performance. When he "woke up", the first thing he said was to ask if the bridge was safe and sound. This move made the people around him respect him, believing that he was a hero who fought to the death against the "enemy" in order to protect the bridge.

On the other hand, Li Shibai died because of his injuries and being labeled a "reactionary" because he was too seriously injured. Liu Xuebao took this opportunity to fabricate a touching story: he said that he found Li Shibai's whereabouts suspicious and suspected him of sabotage, so he secretly followed him. When he saw that Li Shibai was about to plant explosives under the bridge, he rushed forward desperately, which prevented the disaster.

Liu Xuebao's "heroic deeds" soon spread throughout the forest farm, and even to the higher departments. People praised him for his wit, bravery and selfless dedication. In this way, an ordinary deputy squad leader, through this well-planned scam, became a hero in the eyes of everyone.

However, the truth is often more bizarre than fictional stories. Liu Xuebao's "Hero Saves the Bridge" drama is just the beginning of his step-by-step approach and blinding the world. How will he maintain this lie in the next 18 years, and what challenges will he encounter?

Liu Xuebao's "heroic deeds" quickly spread throughout the forest farm and soon attracted the attention of higher authorities. In that special era, such a heroic image of sacrificing oneself for others and defending national property was exactly what the society needed at that time.

At the beginning of 1968, the head of the unit personally came to the forest farm to find out what had happened. Liu Xuebao once again recounted that thrilling night, and he described it vividly, as if he had experienced it himself. After hearing this, the head of the unit was deeply moved and decided to ask for credit for Liu Xuebao on the spot.

Soon after, Liu Xuebao was awarded a first-class meritorious service. This was an extremely high honor at the time, and many people would not have been able to obtain it in their lifetime. At the ceremony, Liu Xuebao stood on the stage and accepted the applause and cheers of the audience. On his chest, the golden first-class merit medal shone.

This medal is not only an affirmation of Liu Xuebao's "heroic deeds", but also a passport for his glorious life in the future. From this moment on, Liu Xuebao's life trajectory has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Soon, Liu Xuebao's story spread to a higher level. In the summer of 1968, he was invited to Beijing and was received by a number of senior leaders. In the splendid conference room of the Great Hall of the People, Liu Xuebao stood beside the national leader, receiving commendations and awards. This scene was reported by many media, and Liu Xuebao's name and image began to appear in newspapers across the country.

Subsequently, Liu Xuebao began a national lecture tour. He traveled all over the country, telling his "heroic deeds" to thousands of people. In every speech, Liu Xuebao was able to describe the scene of that night vividly, and the audience was all moved. His speech inspired countless people, especially young people, and many expressed their desire to follow Liu Xuebao's example and dedicate themselves to the country and the people.

In 1970, the education department decided to include Liu Xuebao's deeds in middle school textbooks. Since then, tens of millions of students across the country have to learn from Liu Xuebao's heroic deeds. In the textbook, Liu Xuebao is portrayed as a perfect hero who is witty, brave, and self-sacrificing. Students discuss his deeds in class and write essays in praise of his spirit. Liu Xuebao's name began to take root in the hearts of the people.

He disguised himself for 18 years, was a textbook "hero" and was sentenced to life in prison after exposing the hoax

At the same time, the literary and artistic circles also began to pay attention to Liu Xuebao's story. In 1972, a movie "Hero Bridge" based on Liu Xuebao's deeds began to be filmed. The film was directed by a famous director at the time, and the most popular movie star was found to play Liu Xuebao. In the movie, Liu Xuebao's image is further beautified and he becomes an almost flawless hero.

After "Hero's Bridge" was released nationwide, it caused a sensation. Audiences rushed to watch, and the box office soared. Liu Xuebao's fame reached its peak, and he became a household name as a national hero.

Under such glory, Liu Xuebao's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. He has gone from an ordinary deputy squad leader to a nationally renowned heroic model. He has received many opportunities and treatments that are unimaginable to ordinary people. Not only has he been received by national leaders many times, but he has also been often invited to participate in various important meetings and events.

However, under the aura of honor, Liu Xuebao has never been able to get rid of his inner uneasiness. He knew that his "hero" identity was built on a huge lie. Every time he was praised, every time he saw his image in textbooks and on the screen, he felt a burst of emptiness.

But at this time, Liu Xuebao was already difficult to ride a tiger. He enjoys the glory and convenience of being a hero, but at the same time has to be constantly on the lookout for the truth being revealed. This contradictory psychological state makes him more cautious in public, for fear that if he says something wrong, he will show his feet.

In this way, Liu Xuebao spent year after year in glory and fear. His image as a "hero" is becoming more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but at the same time, the power to reveal the truth is also secretly accumulating. How long can this "hero" forged by lies exist under the protection of the halo? The day when the truth will finally be revealed to the world, what impact will it have on Liu Xuebao and the whole society?

In the spring of 1985, on a calm afternoon, a newspaper office in Gansu Province received an anonymous letter from a remote mountainous area. The letter claimed that the "Hero Saving the Bridge" incident that caused a sensation across the country 18 years ago was actually a well-planned hoax. This letter was like a bombshell, and it instantly detonated the entire press circle.

The newspaper immediately organized an investigation team to secretly go to the scene of the incident to conduct on-the-spot visits. Investigators first found the villagers who had participated in the rescue that year. Surprisingly, there are many discrepancies between the accounts of these villagers and the official reports from 18 years ago. Some villagers recalled that when they arrived at the scene that night, they only saw Liu Xuebao lying alone by the bridge, and did not see the so-called "reactionary elements".

Investigators followed the clues and found a nurse who worked in the hospital that year. The nurse revealed that Liu Xuebao's injuries were not serious when he was sent, mainly because he had a shallow knife wound on his left arm. Another wounded, Li Shibai, was in a terrible condition, with multiple fractures all over his body, apparently caused by a fall from a height. What is even more disturbing is that she vaguely remembers that someone prevented the doctor from treating Li Shibai in a timely manner.

The progress of the investigation attracted the attention of the higher authorities. Soon, a joint investigation team composed of the public security, the procuratorate, and the Commission for Discipline Inspection was formed. They retrieved the case files of that year and carefully sorted out every detail. While rummaging through the hospital's old files, the investigation team found an important clue: Li Shibai's death was several hours later than the official report. This means that if he had been treated in time at that time, Li Shibai would probably not have died.

The Joint Investigation Team decided to re-investigate the scene of the crime. They came to the bridge and carefully examined every place where any clues might have been left. At the bottom of the bridge, they found some pieces of metal that had long since been rusted. The fragments were professionally identified as coming from explosives, but the blast was far from powerful enough to damage the bridge structure. This discovery further confirms that there are major doubts about the claim of "heroes saving the bridge".

As the investigation deepened, more and more suspicious points surfaced. The investigation team found a comrade-in-arms who was in the same class as Liu Xuebao back then. A comrade-in-arms recalled that a few days before the incident, he had seen Liu Xuebao wandering sneakily by the bridge alone, and he didn't care at the time. Another comrade-in-arms revealed that not long after the incident, Liu Xuebao's life suddenly became more prosperous, and he often invited his comrades-in-arms to eat and drink.

The most critical breakthrough came from a retired veteran cadre. He took out a notebook that had been dusty for many years, which recorded in detail some abnormal situations after the incident. It mentioned that Liu Xuebao's statements at the beginning of the incident were inconsistent and changed the details many times. However, due to the special environment at that time, these suspicions were suppressed by the high-level, and the case was quickly characterized and publicized.

Faced with all kinds of evidence, the investigation team decided to summon Liu Xuebao for questioning. Over the years, Liu Xuebao has maintained the aura of a hero and often attends various important occasions. When he received the summons notice, he was unusually calm and seemed to be prepared.

During the hours-long interrogation, Liu Xuebao at first insisted on his heroic claims. But as investigators cummerated the evidence, his defenses began to crumble. In the end, in the face of ironclad facts, Liu Xuebao lowered his arrogant head and admitted that the "heroic deeds" 18 years ago were all self-directed and self-acted deceptions.

Liu Xuebao confessed that he carefully designed this scam in order to be promoted. He took advantage of Li Shibai's taciturn personality to trick him to the side of the bridge, and then pushed him off the bridge. In order to make the scene more convincing, he also deliberately prepared some less powerful explosives. Originally, he just wanted to create an opportunity to make meritorious contributions, but he didn't expect that the development of events was beyond his control, which eventually led to Li Shibai's death.

As soon as this astonishing truth was announced, it immediately caused an uproar across the country. What was once a "heroic model" has now become a heinous criminal. People are asking: Why did this lie last for 18 years? How many people have been involved in the concealment of the truth during these 18 years?

As the investigation deepened, some officials who were involved in the matter were also implicated. Some people admit that in order to create the image of the hero at that time, there was indeed a deliberate ignorance of some suspicious points. This case not only exposed Liu Xuebao's personal crimes, but also exposed many problems in the social system and public opinion environment at that time.

In this way, a scam that lasted for 18 years finally collapsed under the weight of the truth. This case not only changed Liu Xuebao's fate, but also profoundly affected the entire society. People are beginning to reflect: in the pursuit of heroic models, have we neglected the pursuit of the truth? What will be the impact of the subsequent development of this case on society?

On July 15, 1985, the People's Daily published a full-page report entitled "18 Years of Lies: An Investigation of the Truth of Liu Xuebao's "Heroic Deeds". The report was like a bombshell that caused a huge shock across the country. Since this day, Liu Xuebao's image in the eyes of the public has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the first week after the report was released, major media outlets across the country followed up with reports. Television stations, radio stations, newspapers and magazines are constantly tracking the development of this event. This topic is hotly discussed in the streets, on the factory floor, in the school classrooms. Liu Xuebao, who was once regarded as a heroic role model, became a liar and murderer spurned by everyone overnight.

Many reporters and writers who had participated in publicizing Liu Xuebao's deeds issued public statements, expressing deep remorse for their irresponsibility back then. They asked: Why wasn't there a deeper investigation into the facts? What blinded them? This reflection soon spread to the entire world of journalism, sparking a debate about journalistic authenticity and journalistic ethics.

He disguised himself for 18 years, was a textbook "hero" and was sentenced to life in prison after exposing the hoax

The education sector responded quickly. The textbook that originally included Liu Xuebao's story was urgently recalled, and the rewritten textbook emphasized respect for the truth and the importance of critical thinking. Schools across the country organized symposia to guide students to think about the social issues reflected in this case.

The literary and artistic circles have also been greatly impacted. The literary works, plays, and movies that were once widely circulated in praise of Liu Xuebao were urgently removed from the shelves. Some artists began to create new works that reflected on the phenomenon of hero worship and the social environment in which the truth was distorted. A drama called "The Price of a Lie" was staged in Beijing and resonated strongly with the audience.

At the same time, Li Shibai's family finally waited for belated justice. They were interviewed by various media outlets about the arduous journey of 18 years of seeking the truth. Li Shibai's wife wept and said: "In the past 18 years, we have lived in a nightmare. Now that the truth is finally out, my husband can look at it. The government awarded a pension to Li Shibai's family and promised to help them in the long run.

However, the reversal of public opinion has also brought some unexpected problems. Some ordinary people who have had contact with Liu Xuebao have become the targets of public opinion. Some of them have expressed their admiration for Liu Xuebao in public, but now they are being criticized for it. This situation raises questions about "collective memory" and "individual responsibility".

More worryingly, some extremists have begun harassing Liu's family. Liu Xuebao's wife had to move out of her original home with her children to avoid the public eye. The situation has caused dissatisfaction among some rational people, who have called on the public to remain calm and not to transfer their anger against Liu Xuebao to innocent family members.

In this storm of public opinion, some scholars have stood up and called on society to calm down and reflect. They pointed out that the Liu Xuebao incident should not simply be attributed to the deception of one person, but to the failure of the entire social system. From the initial fabrication of lies to the 18-year-long cover-up of the truth, every link reflects some of the shortcomings of the social system at that time.

As time went on, people began to analyze this event in greater depth. Some scholars have pointed out that the problems exposed by Liu Xuebao's case are actually a microcosm of that special era. In that era of advocating heroism and pursuing perfection, real human nature and complex social reality were often simplified and idealized. This tendency not only creates "heroes" like Liu Xuebao, but also provides a breeding ground for similar deception.

Media coverage has gradually shifted from mere condemnation to pluralism. Some media outlets began to focus on those who had questioned Mr. Liu's story for 18 years. These "dissenters", who were once ostracized because of their dissenting voices, are now seen as warriors who stand up for the truth. Their experiences have become a new headline, raising questions about freedom of expression and dissenting voices.

As events unfolded, the repercussions of this case began to extend from the social level to the political level. Some political commentators have pointed out that the problems reflected in Liu Xuebao's case actually involve the political system and ideology of the entire country. They called for this opportunity to promote political reform and establish a more transparent and accountable social oversight mechanism.

In this way, a seemingly simple heroic deception case gradually evolved into a profound reflection on the whole society. From media coverage to public discussion, from academic research to political reform, the ripple effects of Liu's case have far exceeded expectations. This storm of public opinion not only changed people's perception of Liu Xuebao, but also profoundly affected the values and system construction of the entire society.

In November 1985, the aftermath of Liu Xuebao's case continued. This incident is not just a story of personal deception, but an important catalyst for social change. From the judicial system to the news media, from the field of education to cultural creation, the impact of Liu Xuebao's case has touched almost every corner of society.

First, in the judicial realm, the case has exposed long-standing problems. In order to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents, the Supreme People's Court promulgated the Several Provisions on Strengthening the Review and Admission of Evidence in January 1986. This provision emphasizes the importance of evidence and requires judges to comprehensively and objectively review all evidence when adjudicating a case, and cannot make judgments based solely on unilateral statements. The promulgation of this provision has greatly enhanced the fairness and credibility of judicial adjudication.

In the field of news media, the Liu Xuebao incident has sparked a big discussion about the authenticity of news. In March 1986, the Chinese Journalists Association held a special meeting to discuss how to improve the truthfulness and objectivity of news reporting. The meeting culminated in the adoption of the Code of Professional Ethics for Journalists, which emphasized the principle of "seeking truth from facts, objectivity and impartiality". The promulgation of this standard marks the beginning of the development of China's journalism in a more professional and responsible direction.

The education system has also undergone profound reflection and reform as a result of this incident. In September 1986, the Ministry of Education promulgated the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Ideological and Moral Education in Primary and Secondary Schools. This opinion emphasizes the need to cultivate students' critical thinking skills, and encourages students to think and judge independently about what they have learned, rather than blindly worshipping or following them. At the same time, schools around the world have also begun to re-examine the way of hero education, focusing more on the good deeds of ordinary people in their daily lives, rather than exaggerating or glorifying certain "heroic deeds".

The field of cultural creation has also been profoundly affected. Many writers and artists are beginning to reflect on the way they have done in the past, focusing instead on more real, complex human and social realities. In 1987, a film called "The Price of Heroes" was released, which was based on the Liu Xuebao incident and delved into the social pressures and personal struggles behind heroism. The film won the Best Film award at that year's Golden Rooster Awards and is considered a landmark work in the turn of Chinese film realism.

At the political level, Liu's case has also spurred a series of important changes. In 1988, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) adopted the Decision on Strengthening Supervision over Government Work, which clearly stipulates the power of the NPC to supervise government work, including the right to question and inspect. The promulgation of this decision marks a step forward in the reform of China's political system in the direction of more democracy and transparency.

However, the path to change has not been easy. In the process of advancing these reforms, there have also been some resistance and controversy. Some conservative officials, for example, believe that an overemphasis on critical thinking could shake the party's leadership. Still others worry that if the media is too free, it could affect social stability. These controversies have slowed down the pace of reform to a certain extent, but they have also prompted all sectors of society to have more in-depth discussion and reflection on these issues.

In the early 1990s, with the deepening of reform and opening up, a series of changes triggered by Liu Xuebao's case gradually showed positive results. The impartiality of the justice system has improved, the truthfulness and objectivity of news reporting have improved significantly, and the education system has paid more attention to developing students' independent thinking skills. These changes have laid an important foundation for the progress of Chinese society.

It is worth noting that the impact of Liu's case is not limited to China. The international community has also paid great attention to this incident. Some international media have seen the case as an important symbol of China's social transformation, as a reflection of China's gradual move towards a more open and rational social atmosphere.

In addition, this case has also promoted in-depth research on the phenomenon of "hero worship" in Chinese academic circles. Many sociologists and psychologists have begun to explore the psychosocial mechanisms behind hero worship and how to avoid falling into the trap of blind worship while promoting positive values. These studies not only enrich China's academic achievements, but also provide an important reference for the government to formulate relevant policies.

To this day, Liu Xuebao's case is still frequently raised and has become an important case in modern Chinese history. It is not only a story of personal deception, but also a mirror that reflects the flaws and limitations of an era, and also shows the ability of a society to correct itself and make continuous progress. The series of changes triggered by this case have laid an important foundation for the long-term development of Chinese society, and its impact will last for a long time.