
Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

author:It's loose

Oh my god, are you ready? We're going to talk about a hot topic today!

Imagine, if our good old comrade Comrade Liu Bei suddenly becomes an arrogant and domineering master, how touching the picture is! Anyway, this Liu Bei, after winning a battle, his tail went up to the sky, and before the envoy sent by Dongwu to sue for peace opened his mouth, he began to pretend to be an uncle:

Hmph, it's late! Whether it's your little sister or Jingzhou, it's not rare for you to send it, and you can get it by yourself!

This is even worse than taking gunpowder! The envoy Zhuge Jin was dumbfounded, so he had to move out of Cao Pi, the first boss of the Three Kingdoms, to suppress the array. The result? Our Uncle Liu Huang is even more crazy:

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

If Cao Pi dares to come, he will clean up with him!

This is not the end, Uncle Liu Bei also made up for it: Go back and tell Sun Quan, let him take the rabble in Jiangdong and surrender obediently!

After Zhuge Jin heard this, he estimated that his inner OS was: I'm obedient, did this Liu Bei eat the bear's heart and leopard gall?

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

Looking at Sun Quan's side again, he was frightened by Liu Bei's 700,000 army, and he was so frightened that he had no master, and he asked who had any good way. Zhuge Jin looked at it and carried Cao Pi out again. Sun Quan almost fainted after hearing this:

What? You asked me to surrender to Cao Pi? Our ancestors' inheritance is so worthless?

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

Zhuge Jin also said: Lord, this is a good way to save your life! Maybe you can trick Cao Pi into helping us!

After hearing this, Sun Quan called him a good guy, although he was 10,000 unwilling, but he couldn't stand Liu Bei's fierce fight, so he had to pinch his nose and admit it.

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

No, Sun Quan went to the grave of the good old man Lu Su to complain. Wenchen Zhang Zhao couldn't stand it anymore, so he gave Sun Quan psychological counseling:

Lord, when the belly of the leader, it is all propped up by all kinds of grievances!

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

With these words, Sun Quan finally made up his mind and sent a well-spoken Zhao Shi to Xuchang to sue for peace.

Cao Pi is shrewd, and when he heard that Dongwu was going to surrender, his heart blossomed: Isn't this pie in the sky? However, on the surface, he still had to pretend, so he gave Sun Quan the false title of King Wu, as for sending troops to support? Hehe, don't even think about it!

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

Cao Pi asked the military advisor Sima Yi to discuss countermeasures, and these two people really smell like each other:

No matter who wins or loses Liu Bei and Sun Quan, let's take advantage of the fisherman and it's over!

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

After hearing this, Sima Yi laughed directly and let out a pig cry, which startled Cao Pi.

Sun Quan's side is embarrassed, surrender in exchange for two empty titles, this deal is a big loss! But after thinking about it: the mountains will fall, and everyone will run, so you still have to do it yourself!

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

So, Comrade Sun Quan slapped his thigh and decided to send Han Dang and Zhou Tai with an army of 100,000 to kill Liu Bei. The veteran Cheng Pu was anxious when he heard it:

Lord, this is not right!

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

Sun Quan was not in a hurry after hearing this: Old general, you think too much! Let's fight at home, afraid of a hammer! Besides, even if it is a decisive battle, the master will not be afraid of Liu Bei!

This is said to be domineering and exposed! But Liu Bei is not a vegetarian on his side. Veteran Huang Zhong saw the situation and immediately offered advice:

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

Let's set up an ambush at Fuchikou, lure Wu Jun over, and keep them from coming back!

When Liu Bei heard this, his eyes lit up: Wonderful! But who's going to be the bait?

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

Huang Zhong didn't say a word, patted his chest and stood up: The old man is willing to use his example as bait!

Liu Bei was not happy when he heard it: Old general, you are seventy-five, we can't spoil you like this!

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

Huang Zhongke was stubborn: Lord, it's because I'm old that I'm more suitable to be a bait! Those Wu generals, who doesn't want to make meritorious contributions to the old man's head?

Liu Bei was so moved that he didn't want it, so he had to agree to Huang Zhong's request. However, before leaving, he still advised:

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

Come back safely, old general! We don't have Guan Yu Zhang Fei anymore, I don't want to lose you anymore!

Oh my god, this one is really a climax, ups and downs! Liu Bei's operation is like this, can it be successful? Will Soochow fall for the scheme? Will General Huang Zhong be able to return safely?

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

Speaking of which, the editor has to sell it! If you want to know the follow-up, you have to pay attention, like, and comment quickly! See you next time!

What do netizens think of this Three Kingdoms drama? Some people say: Liu Bei's operation is simply too showy, Dongwu is afraid that it will be cool! Some people are also worried: General Huang Zhong is so old, don't make any mistakes!

Three Kingdoms 136: Liu Bei and Wu were very arrogant, losing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and losing the veteran Huang Zhong

How do you think this drama will continue? Can't wait to know the ending? Come and talk about your thoughts in the comment section! Remember to like and collect, and we'll see you next time!

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