
Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

author:Wu so-called
Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

In the area of consumption intensity, we Chinese say second, no one dares to say first. Many foreign merchants like Chinese travel groups to come to the store for consumption. It can be said that as long as it is a good thing, our Chinese consumers are willing to spend money to buy it.

Take chicken feet as an example, there are many food products that have chicken feet, as well as braised chicken feet in supermarkets, etc., which are very rich.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

According to the statistics of the relevant departments, consumers in the mainland can eliminate 20 billion chicken feet in one year.

That normal chicken has only two chicken feet, and it is not Nezha, so it is impossible to grow three heads and six arms.

20 billion chicken feet is equivalent to taking 40 billion chickens.

Does our country really raise so many chickens? Why is there never a shortage of stock in the market?

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

1. Can the chicken industry afford it?

First of all, it is clear that the mainland's chicken industry is indeed quite large, but one thing is certain is that the mainland's own production capacity alone cannot meet the needs of consumers.

If it is the poultry sales in the vegetable market and the sales of chicken food in the store, it may still be satisfied.

Now the times are different, when KFC McDonald's entered the market, China's chicken industry was "forced" to start expanding. With the changes brought about by time, the era of takeaway and the era of e-commerce have arrived.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

Various fried chicken merchants on the takeaway platform, as well as Wang Xiaolu, a brand that sells boneless chicken feet, have been wildly favored by consumers.

Under the frenzied buying and buying of consumers, mainland consumers, as mentioned above, will eliminate 20 billion chicken feet a year.

And according to the author's estimate, as more and more brands enter the industry, the sales data of this industry should steadily increase in the future. So how does the mainland find ways to meet the needs of consumers?

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

In fact, you should have heard some rumors that some black-hearted workshops do have bad performance in the way of raising chickens. However, after these companies were strictly investigated, they basically died down.

Nowadays, many chicken enterprises in the mainland advocate scientific chicken raising. Through scientific methods, the growth cycle of chickens is shortened as much as possible. The growth cycle of a white-feathered chicken can be controlled at 45 days, and then it can be pulled to the market for consumer consumption.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

2. Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market?

This speed is already very fast in the world, and it can also be said that it has been forced out by China's huge consumption power.

But even this production speed still can't meet the crazy consumption of chicken feet by Chinese consumers.

In order to meet this gap, our country's enterprises can only take another path. This road is import.

The mainland can import hundreds of thousands of tons of chicken feet from abroad every year to really meet the demand of mainland consumers for chicken feet food.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

We have imported so many chicken feet, is there enough for the exporting country? This has something to do with the differences in food culture between countries. The charm of Chinese cuisine, which is world-famous, pays attention to the use of ingredients to the fullest.

There is hardly anything that cannot be eaten in a chicken, and there are many ways to prepare each part. Just the chicken feet, we can braise them, make lemon chicken feet with cold dressing, or make shabu shabu, and even make them into lo-mei.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

However, countries that import chicken feet from the mainland often have a monotonous attitude towards ingredients.

They won't eat chicken feet and offal. Therefore, when shopping in the market, the finished edible chicken that you often see has been processed.

Not only is there no chicken feet, but the internal organs are hollowed out, and there is no chicken head. However, professional breeding and slaughtering companies will not throw these things away.

They will freeze and preserve these ingredients in a professional way, and then negotiate with Chinese companies to reach a cooperation.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

In a country like Thailand, chicken feet are also eaten in the food culture, but the domestic population is limited and the consumption power is not strong, so the extra chicken feet will be sold to us.

Nowadays, there are many countries that export chicken feet to the mainland, such as Brazil, Chile and Argentina, as well as the United States and other countries, and the import volume will be less than the above three countries.

From this point, it can be seen that the mainland has taken great pains to meet the food needs of consumers. In fact, in addition to chicken feet, the trade items that Chinese "foodie" consumers bring to the world can be described as rich and diverse. It can be said that one China feeds many international food trading companies.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

3. The black-hearted workshop produces chicken feet, do you dare to eat them after watching the whole production?

This chicken feet are collected from China and bought from abroad, which can meet the needs of China's consumer market, as long as they are inspected and can be sold in the public market, there is no problem with the ingredients themselves.

Now netizens are still worried about one thing, that is, whether there will be some problems in the process of making chicken feet food. Now that the public continues to emphasize food safety, there are still many black-hearted merchants who are challenging the bottom line of the law.

In 2018, the Guangdong police knocked down a black-hearted workshop specializing in the production of "poisonous chicken feet", and 700 kilograms of chicken feet could not pass the food hygiene inspection after inspection.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

The entire production chain smelled disgusting, and the arrested suspects themselves admitted that the cost of a chicken foot was only 2 cents.

None of the chicken feet in your team will eat them.

The source of these chicken feet, there is no identification in the packaging, the cost price is pitifully low, it looks skinny, the meat is not full at all, and the color is also abnormal.

The water used to soak chicken feet should be filtered and purified according to hygiene requirements. This black-hearted workshop uses unfiltered well water, and the cooking oil used is gutter oil.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

In order to make the chicken feet look white and attractive, and win the favor of consumers, the black heart workshop uses some chemicals to treat the chicken feet. In hygiene inspections, the inspection of the composition of these chemicals is a top priority.

Some news has also reported on many black-hearted manufacturers, which make us as consumers feel panicked.

But no matter how scared we are, we should eat or eat, and the manufacturers on the market can't be killed with a stick.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

Some of the videos have also sparked some controversy after they were broadcast, because the reports were not very specific, which could lead to innocent injuries for businesses that seriously abide by market rules.

For example, in the report of the black-hearted sauerkraut factory back then, some workers had cigarettes in their mouths and trampled in the sauerkraut pond with their bare feet.

Such a scene makes the audience look at it and think of the sauerkraut they once eaten, and feel sick to their stomachs.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

This incident directly led to a sharp decline in the sales of Master Kong's sauerkraut noodles, and Master Kong responded as soon as possible in order to save the market of his products, and put on the on-site production video of his own sauerkraut source manufacturer.

Master Kong told all consumers that any ingredient in his products is genuine, and it is in full compliance with market regulations.

It was the lack of specificity in the Black Heart Workshop's report that led to the phenomenon of consumers beating to death the market products containing sauerkraut.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

Fourth, how to distinguish

Let's start with what the normal chicken feet processing process looks like. No matter what type of chicken feet you are eating, the basic cleaning of chicken feet is the first step.

The merchant will arrange a running pool to thaw the chicken feet. The running water used should be filtered water that meets the standards. Secondly, these chicken feet are sent to a salt water pool to soak them, allowing some of the dirt and blood from the chicken feet to surface.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

Nowadays, most chicken feet food processing plants are equipped with high-pressure washing machines to rinse chicken feet and use high-temperature steam to disinfect chicken feet. These feet are then ready to be processed.

As for the processing method, it depends on the type of chicken feet product. In recent years, the sales of boneless chicken feet have been very good, and brands like Wang Xiaolu have various flavors of boneless chicken feet that are its signature products.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

There is such a saying about boneless chicken feet. It is appalling to say that the black-hearted manufacturers give the lady a cheap salary, and they gnaw it out one by one. After this news came out, it also caused a certain fluctuation in the sales of boneless chicken feet in the market.

However, it didn't take long for this rumor to be debunked. If you think about it carefully, it is actually very simple, mechanical bone stripping is more affordable than manual labor in terms of efficiency and cost. The most important thing is efficiency, how many aunts do you have to eat thousands of chicken feet a day?

The more aunts involved in this work, the faster the news will spread, isn't this food factory asking for its own hardships?

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat

As consumers, how should we tell if the chicken feet we eat are healthy and safe, and have not been seriously damaged by chemicals?

The first cleaned chicken feet look white, but if you look closely, the meat will still show some yellow. If it is pure white and looks too clean, it is most likely that it has been cleaned with chemical ingredients.

Second, these chemical components have the ability to penetrate, we usually eat chicken feet, gnaw open the bones, and find that there is some blood in them, which is normal. If you find that there is no blood in it, and there is no dark brown in it, it is very likely that it has been washed clean by chemicals.

Why are chicken feet never out of stock on the market? After watching the whole production, you still dare to eat


The chicken feet industry is definitely a big industry with strong consumption power in the mainland. Through independent production and imports, the mainland has met the demand for chicken feet in this market.

As for the processing method after that, it will have its own merits. We cannot deny that the food market in the mainland is very problematic today, and there are many moths constantly causing trouble in the market, destroying the reputation of the industry. Among them, there are many problems, and there is the problem of collusion between superiors and subordinates.

However, the author believes that with the strengthening of food safety and sanitation in the mainland, coupled with the increasing rationality of consumers, their lives will not be easy.

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