
In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

author:Li min

On the way back from Azerbaijan, there was a helicopter accident involving Iranian President Raisi.

Iran is a theocratic country, and the leader who actually holds power is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. To put it bluntly, the most important figure of power in Iran is Khamenei, who has a pivotal position in the country as the spiritual leader.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

Surprisingly, in the 35 years that Khamenei has held a key position, there has never been a record of past visits to other countries. What was the reason why he never made a diplomatic visit? We're curious about it.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

Khamenei's past experience of fierce clashes and battles has made him more cautious in his follow-ups.

Born in 1939, Khamenei followed his father on a long 20-kilometre journey as a young boy to the quarters where wealthy Europeans and Americans lived.

Under the rule of the Pahlavi dynasty, Iran was then in a specific historical period. The policies of this dynasty were clearly inclined towards the United States, resulting in most of Iran's oil resources falling into the hands of big European and American business.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

Pointing to a luxurious house and décor, Khamenei's father told him bluntly: "These people are the cause of our lack of food and clothing." They can live here and enjoy luxury, while we can only live in the slums. "Such social disparities are unacceptable.

When Khamenei was ten years old, he witnessed an unfortunate scene on the street. He saw an elderly man with a small child being hit by a car and knocked to the ground. Subsequently, the police arrived at the scene, but greeted the driver with a smile and let him go. The policeman turned around and glanced disdainfully at the crowd of onlookers and said, "Look at what, that guy is British." Khamenei was deeply impressed by such a scene.

Khamenei's inner dissatisfaction and anger gradually intensified, and due to the influence of his family background, he chose to enter the seminary for further study. This experience gave him a deeper understanding of religion and thought.

When Khamenei was 19 years old, during his studies at the seminary in the holy city of Qom, he met a figure who had a profound influence on him, Ayatollah Khomeini.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

Khomeini was an excellent mentor who was able to skillfully blend religion and politics, and as a result, he won the respect and adoration of many followers. His influence spans the globe. Among his many followers, he also noticed Khamenei. Although the age difference between the two is 37 years, their thoughts are highly consistent, as if they are friends who have forgotten their years. Khamenei, as one of his students, also received his appreciation and attention.

At the time, following Khomeini was not an easy choice, as it could be very risky.

Due to Khomeini's opposition to the Pahlavi dynasty's proximity to the United States, he launched an anti-shah operation, was hunted down and eventually forced to leave his homeland. His actions led to six prison sentences that befell Khamenei because he had many followers.

In 1979, the Iranian people rebelled and overthrew the rule of the Pahlavi dynasty. Khomeini then quickly returned home, stabilized the situation, and became Iran's spiritual leader. At the same time, to protect Khomeini's security, Khamenei established the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, which has a strong military capability.

Since 1981, Khamenei has served two consecutive terms as president and has always been steadfast in the policies of spiritual leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

Despite this, Khomeini's successor was not originally Khamenei, who failed to meet the requirements at the time.

Under the old rules, Khomeini's replacement had to be of very high teaching standing. Although Khamenei came from a poor background, his clergy had reached the third level of Khojath Islam. However, at the regular rate of promotion, he would need at least twenty years or so of hard work to reach a sufficient rank. As a result, he will need to put in more effort to move up his teaching position in order to meet the conditions to succeed Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

At this time, there was a clear disagreement between Khomeini and his original successor. This situation led Khomeini to resolutely decide that he would pass on power to Khamenei no matter what happened.

Following the decision, Khomeini resolutely revised his original policy in order to pave the way for Khamenei's succession and remove all obstacles.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

In 1989, the day after Khomeini's death, Khamenei was officially appointed as Iran's supreme leader. However, he didn't feel at ease because of this. Still, he has to face a variety of challenges and responsibilities.

Khamenei's survival has faced several crises, two of which he almost escaped from death.

In one incident in 1981, a journalist planted a bomb in a tape recorder and entered a venue in this way. During the interview, the journalist approached and detonated the bomb, causing Khamenei and others present to be covered in blood and shattered skin tissue.

Khamenei's life was saved after the rescue, but unfortunately he lost the function of one hand, and now his right hand is a useless ornament.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

In 2012, there was an attempt to detonate a depot. Once the plan is successfully implemented, it will be difficult to imagine the scorched barrenness. In 2012, one person tried to detonate ammunition in a warehouse, and if he did, the resulting disaster would have been terrifying. The consequences are something that everyone can imagine. On one occasion, in 2012, an attempt was made to launch a dangerous operation to detonate an ammunition depot. If this plan is successfully implemented, everyone probably knows what kind of devastating scenarios people will face.

Khamenei, a representative of a faction staunchly opposed to the United States, has endured many trials of life and death. He clearly understands that, despite his insistence on his position, there is still a pro-American faction in Iran that has been trying to threaten his life. He knows the gravity of the situation and always remains vigilant.

Be vigilant at every moment, wherever you are, just like the elements that are born in your body are deeply integrated into his life.

However, in addition to caution, there is another important factor in Khamenei's 35-year absence from visiting other countries, and that is his self-perceived position – "I am the leader". This self-orientation has led him to lead more internally than to engage in frequent diplomatic activities.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid
In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was an important leader with ecclesiastical authority and was seen as a representative of the "divine nature". In the Iranian mind, when a representative of divinity visits a foreign country, it seems to be a reduction in his honorable status, a loss of status.

As for the situation of the Emperor's visit to Iran, he naturally could not sit on the main seat, so he had to sit in a secondary position. Anyone who goes to Iran will hardly be on par with Khamenei, because Iran's "theocratic" culture emphasizes its particularity and importance. This cultural tradition is what makes Iran's power structure unique and needs to be clearly highlighted and respected.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

Khamenei is not only highly vigilant about his position, but also has a deep understanding of "theocracy". During his thirty-five years as spiritual leader, he has witnessed the change of five presidents. These presidents have close ties with Khamenei because Khamenei's support is one of the important factors in their ability to assume the presidency. He has always maintained absolute caution and vigilance regarding his role and status.

Ahmadinejad, the once widely trusted president, had a deep consensus with Khamenei against all things American. However, the situation changed, and there was a rift in his relationship with Khamenei, which eventually even went to a rupture. Unfortunately, Ahmadinejad was later thrown into prison.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

One man Khamenei admires is Ahmadinejad, who joined the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps during the Iran-Iraq war in the eighties and has since grown up.

In 2005, Ahmadinejad was unexpectedly elected president as a civilian. After taking office, he decisively replaced more than 40 diplomatic envoys, all of whom were pro-American factions that supported the United States. He acted swiftly and resolutely, demonstrating his leadership style.

At the UN summit that year, Ahmadinejad spoke out and demanded that the United States withdraw from the Middle East; At the World Zionist Congress in Tehran, Ahmadinejad made radical remarks, arguing that Israel should disappear from the world map or be relocated somewhere in Europe. At this moment, his voice was like thunder, attracting widespread attention and discussion. During the meeting, he was unsparing in pointing out that the situation in the Middle East and the presence of Israel were the problems and that action was needed to change the status quo. His remarks have not only aroused discussion in the international community, but also aroused the attention and concern of all parties about the situation in the Middle East.

At some point in Iran, Ahmadinejad's government invested heavily in nuclear weapons research. Ahmadinejad has said that Iran has the right to use nuclear energy, which is its natural right. He stressed that nuclear energy technology would not only continue to be developed, but also that it would be shared with others, which was worrying to some countries. Over the past few years, Iran has invested a lot of resources in nuclear energy research. Ahmadinejad believes that Iran has the right to use nuclear energy, which is not only part of its sovereignty, but also a manifestation of its national rights. Not only that, but he also advocated for Iran to share the technology with other countries, much to the dismay of some international powers. During the Ahmadinejad era, Iran invested heavily in nuclear research. He firmly believes that Iran has the right to use nuclear energy and believes that it is the natural right of the state. He not only wants to develop his own nuclear energy technology, but also wants to share it with the world, which has caused a lot of pressure and concern for some countries.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

In Iran, there is a popular president named Ahmadinejad. He has a high approval rating among the population. Despite his repeated assassination threats, he remained active in the public eye and commented on certain things in a humorous way. He once openly questioned, "Why am I still alive?" "It shows his tenacity and his vitality. In Iran, he is known as the "madman president" and often jokingly jokes with certain powers.

Ahmadinejad was re-elected, which was a natural consequence.

However, Ahmadinejad's second term as madman seems to have made some gaffes, angering Khamenei's position as spiritual leader.

Ahmadinejad put his brother-in-law Mashai in the second top administrative position, and then quickly replaced the head of the intelligence service. The replaced minister, who had been an important trust in Khamenei, caused a certain amount of embarrassment to him. This personnel reshuffle has shaken the domestic leadership, and the change of the post of intelligence minister has also attracted widespread attention from the outside world. Hopefully, the above answers meet your requirements.

Ahmadinejad left no room for Khamenei, and in his capacity as president, he publicly accused the Revolutionary Guards of corruption and smuggling. This is no small matter, as the Revolutionary Guards are a very close force in Khamenei's eyes. His move is undoubtedly a severe blow to Khamenei.

In the 35 years he has been in office, the "boss" of Iran has never visited other countries, and the reason is: I am afraid

In 2013, Ahmadinejad ended his second term. He tried to run again in 2017, but Khamenei thwarted his plans and prevented him from doing so. To put it simply, Ahmadinejad wanted to be re-elected but was rejected by Khamenei.

Khamenei has a different view of Ahmadinejad, believing that his election was inappropriate. Therefore, he sent Ahmadinejad to prison on charges of "inciting the people".

Ahmadinejad's life has been relatively quiet since he left prison. He chose not to get involved in politics and instead became a university professor. The suit he wore was bought at a street stall and lunch was brought from home. The dilapidated house in which he lives has not been replaced, and his car is not air-conditioned. This life allowed him to distance himself from the hustle and bustle of politics and focus more on his teaching and research work. He still maintains a low-key attitude to life, does not have too many material pursuits, and focuses on living a simple and peaceful life.

There seems to be a little more gossip about Khamenei than Ahmadinejad. Khamenei is constantly being rumoured, while Ahmadinejad is much less widely rumoured. Controversy and rumours about Khamenei seem to be coming up more frequently than Ahmadinejad. In contrast to Ahmadinejad, there are many rumours about Khamenei. Khamenei seems to be more likely to draw criticism of the comparison between the two figures. Rumours of Khamenei are more widespread than Ahmadinejad. Khamenei has been rumoured frequently, while Ahmadinejad has been relatively uncontroversial. By comparison, Khamenei is more gossip than Ahmadinejad. Overall, there are more rumours about Khamenei and less about Ahmadinejad.

According to rumors, photos of someone who had married a bride under the legal age were exposed, and some information about his luxurious life was also exposed. Recently, someone shared a video saying that Khamenei's granddaughter is in the United States, wearing a fashionable sleeveless skirt and frequently appearing in public. There have been some news about him on the Internet, saying that he once had pictures of young brides, and although these rumors have attracted much attention, there are many untruths. Similarly, not long ago, there were rumors that scenes of his family's lavish life were captured by the media. In addition, it is said that Khamenei's granddaughter lives abroad and often swaggers in fashionable short skirts. Recently, there has been a heated discussion on the Internet about the photo incident of a celebrity, pointing out that he has a photo of his marriage to an underage woman. There are also voices spoken about its high-profile luxury lifestyle. What's even more interesting is that a recent video said that his grandchildren's life abroad was very eye-catching, especially the girl under the sleeveless skirt was often noticed. Although such a statement is embarrassing, we cannot judge the authenticity of the unconfirmed news.

In Iran, women are still required to wear a headscarf and wrap themselves tightly.

However, the veracity of these rumors is uncertain, so let's listen to them.

To sum up, although Khamenei, a mysterious figure, has not appeared in public, his influence still plays a role in anchoring Iranian society. In short, Khamenei is a solid force in Iran, rarely seen in public but important, and his influence within Iran is still too strong to be underestimated.

In interpersonal interactions, the core that determines the direction of the relationship is still interests. Let's take the example of his relationship with Ahmadinejad. Although their philosophies are highly aligned, when the interests of one of the parties are compromised, a rift in their relationship immediately appears. This means that no matter how much the two people are compatible, if there is a matter of interest, the relationship can become fragile. Therefore, we must carefully weigh and consider the interests of all parties when dealing with interpersonal relationships.

. Come to an end. This is the final point and will not continue.

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