
These things that broken bridge aluminum doors and windows merchants will not tell you

author:Top 10 brands of doors and windows

There are more and more owners of the aluminum doors and windows of the buyout bridge, and the editor has spent half a day sorting out some of the problems that we are easy to ignore in the customization process.

These things that broken bridge aluminum doors and windows merchants will not tell you

Xiaobian sighed while sorting out the broken bridge aluminum doors and windows The water in the industry is indeed very deep, but if you want good products and services to be guaranteed, it is not recommended to choose broken bridge aluminum doors and windows products below 800 square meters.

These things that broken bridge aluminum doors and windows merchants will not tell you

Finally, I still have to remind you that you don't have to compare too much with the custom broken bridge aluminum, and grasp the configuration according to your own budget, of course, you say that I am not short of money, so you can directly go to the system window of more than 2000 square meters (Zhengerba), but in addition to the extremely cold Northeast region, I personally feel that it is not necessary to have a system window, and the entry-level products are also enough, mainly the service experience is the most important (delivery time, installation standards, after-sales), because many brands have disappeared from the market when they are open, and they feel nothing in three or five years. But what about a decade or more? Even if you are willing to pay, it may not be easy for the merchant to serve you, so this reflects the advantages of big brands.

These things that broken bridge aluminum doors and windows merchants will not tell you

Pay attention to the editor, continue to update the door and window customization, doors and windows brand original dry goods, thank you for your attention