
One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch


CCTV has a new drama again!

Following the explosion of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" some time ago, a legal drama was launched-

Executive Judge.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

In addition to the male protagonist Luo Jin, I also saw the old drama bone Sarina, the powerful actor Lin Jiachuan and others in the play, thinking that this drama will not be bad no matter how good it is.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

But what the audience never expected was that CCTV also had a time to "look away".

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

is also a legal case drama, not only is it not as popular as "In the Name of the People" back then, but even clicking on the comment area is overwhelmingly bad.

Seeing that it has been released for 4 days, I clicked on the popularity list, only to find that the popularity was only ranked 10th, and even the popularity of some online dramas did not exceed it.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

"Did the heroine grow up eating gunpowder?" "Yang Zishan's acting was too bad, and she took Luo Jin's acting skills in vain." ”

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch
One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

After reading the comments, I realized that the audience was still very sure of the acting skills of the male protagonist Luo Jin, but only the heroine Yang Zishan was complained about.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Some said that her acting skills were poor in the play, she could only stare and roar, and some netizens said that she collapsed the whole drama.

Could this be another "failed" actress who brought down the whole play?

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Today, let's talk about why this "Executive Judge", which was broadcast on CCTV prime time, was complained by the audience that it was too uncomfortable to watch, and even wanted to abandon the drama!

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch
Due to the headline revision, it only takes 5 seconds to unlock halfway, and it is not easy to create, thank you

The expression is upright, and the "face" is serious

"I can't stand the heroine after watching half of the episode, so I will only have a straight face and be completely face-painted."

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

In recent years, the film and television industry has launched many TV series of the "big heroine" type, and the audience also loves to watch this kind of heroine cool text.

Whether it is a costume drama or a modern drama, it can be said that it is a popular film.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

And the female president "Chu Yun" played by Yang Zishan in "Executive Judge" seems to want to show such a feeling.

But after watching Yang Zishan's performance in the play, especially when she yelled at the leaders, colleagues, subordinates, and parties, she almost yelled at them.

It doesn't matter who you are, she starts glaring when she doesn't agree with her, and then she starts arguing very strongly.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

It seems that everyone owes her millions all day long, and she knows that she is in a bad mood at work, but does she have to act like this?

I just want to ask, if in real life, if you talk to the masses like a heroine, will you really not be complained?

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Obviously, this role is a very serious and upright character, but Yang Zishan played a female president who is not close to people and does not understand the world.

Whether it is facing leaders or colleagues, even the masses and parties, they all have a straight face.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

But the audience has also eaten "fine chaff", and the performance can be seen at a glance.

After watching Yang Zishan, it immediately reminded everyone of the female judge played by Gao Ye in the movie "Article 20" during the Chinese New Year.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Not only does he not have any "official authority", but he sincerely cares for the masses and the people, and in order to fight for the rights and interests of a dumb girl, even if he loses his job, he must fight for it.

This is the image of a female judge that the audience wants to see, upright, but not lacking human touch, so that she will be a judge who sincerely serves the people!

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

But as for Yang Zishan, before the drama was broadcast, I saw the official promotional video, and I saw that Chu Yun played by her was babbling "scaring people" again.

In the early stage, because I misunderstood that the male protagonist was a relation, I only thought about seeking personal gain, so I didn't have a good attitude towards him.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

When I first saw this, I didn't think anything was there.

It wasn't until I saw Chu Yun taking everyone out to handle the case that I realized that this plot was real?

In the play, there is an old man who owes money and does not pay it back, and he is restricted from leaving the country and secretly runs outside to gamble, so Chu Yun took everyone to find the old man to enforce it.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

In order not to repay the money, this old man even threatened the executive judge by jumping off the building.

I didn't expect to meet Chu Yun, a "ruthless character", this time, even if he wanted to jump off the building.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

I saw that Lao Lai was about to fall down holding the railing, Chu Yun was shouting below with a loudspeaker, wasn't he afraid that he would be stimulated, and the person really fell.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

"Someone else wants to jump off the building, whether it's true or not, the judge below collects it and stimulates others, it's really a divine drama."

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Yes, although this old man looks scary and wants them to retreat, as the president, her handling can be regarded as an eye-opener for everyone.

No wonder the audience complained that she "ruined" the whole drama by herself, and the people who watched it as soon as she appeared on the stage were very uncomfortable.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

The "swollen" Yang Zishan collapsed the whole drama

"What's wrong with Yang Zishan's face?" "Is there something wrong with Yang Zishan's face?" ”

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Could it be that because she is getting older, Yang Zishan's face has also begun to bless?

But when I look at the age, Yang Zishan is only 37 years old, so she is not at the age of fortune.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

But the gap between her photos in the play and the previous pair is clear at a glance, the nose has become upturned, and the face has become swollen.

Especially when viewed from the front, the nasolabial folds are also very obvious, and the state of the face is very bad, and there is no temperament at all.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

However, in the play, she also likes to make large expressions, and she is emotional from time to time, like a menopausal women's director.

In the words of netizens, she is like eating gunpowder, and she is like a machine gun when she speaks, even if she talks to the leader.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

I have to say that there are too many lai lai in the play, and there are even lai lai who hold other people's creditors hostage.

Because the place where the case was handled was forty minutes away from the court, but because there were more people making trouble, when Chu Yun said that he would apply for the police force immediately.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

The subordinate next to him whispered that the court was still 40 minutes away, if it weren't for Qi Lin's quick response, he would pretend that the police were nearby.

Scared away the troublesome villagers, this matter would definitely not be dealt with so quickly.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

This obviously shows that Qi Lin has more experience in handling cases than her, while Chu Yun has no next plan after giving the order.

After the whole plot, Yang Zishan's face basically maintained this expression, completely like a leader who can only give orders, but has no ability.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Sure enough, after watching this performance, netizens said that it was better to watch the anti-Japanese drama, which was not real at all.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Obviously, Yang Zishan's acting skills were good before, but why did her acting skills "collapse" all of a sudden in this drama.

If it weren't for Luo Jin's acting skills, there would only be more audiences who abandoned the show.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

However, looking back at Yang Zishan's performances in "A City in the City" and "Riding the Wind and Waves" some time ago, she still performed very well.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

What do you think of her acting skills?

Reference: TV series executive judge released the "Lao Lai" video on June 23, 2024;
One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch
On June 27, 2024, the executive judge of the TV series released the video of "Lao Lai Sha Ren Holding Creditors Hostage";
One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

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