
The implementation of the new policy of "homestead" in many places is "cold", why don't farmers buy it?

author:Nong Xiaoqiang 2

Through online news, it can be seen that many places encourage farmers to give up the "homestead" in their hands. The major media rushed to report, but there were one-sided remarks in the comment area, so that the farmers could stay sober! Don't give up your homestead easily!

The implementation of the new policy of "homestead" in many places is "cold", why don't farmers buy it?

Recently, in order to promote the urbanization process, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places have encouraged farmers to give up the "homestead" and buy houses in the city, and have given attractive policies. For example, if you voluntarily give up the "homestead" and give up a one-time subsidy of 50,000 yuan for house purchase, farmers in the city can participate in the housing provident fund system more flexibly, and you can apply for a low-interest provident fund loan after half a year.

The implementation of the new policy of "homestead" in many places is "cold", why don't farmers buy it?

As we all know, the continuous reduction of urban mortgage interest rates seems to be a wave of policies to benefit farmers and the people for farmers, but most farmers do not buy it, and they are also opposed and questioned by the majority of netizens.

Is the encouragement policy "cold" a manifestation of farmers' soberness or helplessness?

The implementation of the new policy of "homestead" in many places is "cold", why don't farmers buy it?

"Homestead" is the foundation

"Homestead" guarantees that farmers have a place to live in the countryside, "Homestead" for farmers, not only a piece of land, rural "Homestead" continues the inheritance, memory and feelings of farmers' ancestors, rural "Homestead" is the foundation of farmers, carrying spiritual sustenance, farmers give up "Homestead", at the same time means that they give up the close relationship with the countryside!

Leaving the countryside, entering the city, bulldozing bungalows, and living in buildings is a triple test for the economy, psychology and spirit of the peasants for most peasants! Urban life is busy, behind the glamorous and glamorous, the pressure and cost farmers should not ignore!

The implementation of the new policy of "homestead" in many places is "cold", why don't farmers buy it?

Once farmers enter the city and buy a house and settle down, they need to face higher living costs and economic pressures, such as having a mortgage for decades and repaying the loan interest every month. The cost of living and all kinds of expenses are also increasing!

At present, the urban employment environment is not optimistic, with the pressure of industry competition, the pressure of finding a job, and the "involution" competition of self-employed people! After living in the countryside for a long time, I can't adapt to the new life in the city with fierce competition, fast work rhythm and high cost of living!

The state's various welfare policies, funds and projects benefiting farmers and the people continue to tilt towards rural areas, and the support for the "three rural" areas is getting stronger and stronger. With great foresight, the prospects for the future development of rural areas will become more and more broad. Take all kinds of agricultural products as an example: the sales channels are diversified, the network and logistics are popularized in the rural areas, and they are becoming more and more developed, and farmers can also increase their income and get rich in the rural areas.

The implementation of the new policy of "homestead" in many places is "cold", why don't farmers buy it?

Farmers should cherish the land in their hands even more, the land provides a source of livelihood and security for their ancestors, and "Homestead" is the foundation of farmers' lives.

The peasants' voluntary abandonment or withdrawal from the homestead not only caused economic losses, but also cut away the memories of several generations of rural people.

In the face of this situation, farmers should respond calmly, and the government cannot "one size fits all"!

The choices and wishes of the peasants are fully respected, and of course, the peasants have the right to decide their own lifestyle and development path! Farmers who voluntarily quit or give up their rural "homesteads" will not be retained. For farmers who are unwilling to quit and do not give up the "homestead", it is not forced.

The implementation of the new policy of "homestead" in many places is "cold", why don't farmers buy it?

In the future, we should strengthen rural construction and development, increase investment in rural infrastructure, adjust and optimize the rural industrial structure, improve farmers' income levels, improve the rural employment environment, and help the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, so that agriculture will prosper, rural areas will be beautiful, and farmers will be happy, so that rural areas can become beautiful homes for farmers to live and work in peace and contentment.

Urban-rural integration and urban-rural integration may be an inevitable trend in the development of modern society. At the same time, can urbanization develop in a high-quality, sustainable and stable manner? Can farmers adapt to the rapid pace of urbanization?

The implementation of the new policy of "homestead" in many places is "cold", why don't farmers buy it?

While promoting the process of urbanization, we should make urban and rural development more coordinated and sustainable, and fully consider the actual interests and real needs of farmers, so as to provide farmers with a better living environment and employment environment.