
The man brought three babies less than five years old alone, leisurely, netizens, and a man had to come with a child

author:Light Emotion

**New fashion of dads with babies: the leisurely life of three little cute babies**

In this fast-paced society, mothers are often the ones who bring babies, but today, I would like to introduce you to an unusual dad - Li Zhiqiang. He is 35 years old this year, a project manager of an Internet company, usually busy with work, but every weekend, he turns into a super dad, alone with three babies less than five years old, leisurely and leisurely parent-child time.

The man brought three babies less than five years old alone, leisurely, netizens, and a man had to come with a child

Li Zhiqiang and his wife have been married for seven years and have three lovely babies. The eldest daughter's name is Xiaoyue, four and a half years old this year, smart and clever; The second son's name is Xiaojie, three and a half years old, lively and active; The youngest daughter's name is Xiao Yao, who has just turned two years old and is a very little princess. Because his wife is a doctor, she is busy with work and often needs to work overtime, so the task of bringing the baby on weekends was handed over to Li Zhiqiang.

At the beginning, Li Zhiqiang was also in a hurry and at a loss. The three little guys have their own personalities, Xiao Yue likes to draw and tell stories, Xiao Jie loves outdoor sports and toy cars, and Xiao Yao is a snack and always pesters her father for snacks. But Li Zhiqiang was not discouraged, he believed that as long as he worked hard, he could become a good father.

So, he began to learn various skills for raising a baby, read parenting books, and participate in parent-child activities. Gradually, he found the secret to getting along with children: to see the world through the eyes of children and to play in their way.

Every weekend, when the sun shines through the curtains in the room, Li Zhiqiang will get up on time and start his "daddy" life. He would prepare a hearty breakfast for the three little ones before taking them for a walk in the park. In the park, Xiao Yue will take out her paintbrush and drawing paper, and carefully paint the beauty around her; Xiaojie rides his beloved toy car and sps on the grass; Xiao Yao followed her father, eating snacks while curiously observing everything around her.

At lunchtime, Li Zhiqiang will take the children to a nearby restaurant to enjoy a delicious meal. He will let Xiaoyue order food and let her experience what it is like to be a "little master"; Xiaojie will love all kinds of toy car models; Xiao Yao, on the other hand, was attracted by all kinds of desserts, staring directly at those colorful cakes.

The man brought three babies less than five years old alone, leisurely, netizens, and a man had to come with a child

After eating, Li Zhiqiang will take the children to the library or museum. There, they can learn something new and enjoy their time together. Xiao Yue will immerse herself in the storybook and go on adventures with the characters in the book; Xiaojie is curious about various mechanical devices and exhibits; Xiao Yao will be attracted by those colorful books and toys, and have a lot of fun.

In the evening, when the sun is gradually setting, Li Zhiqiang will take the children home. On the way, they would sing nursery rhymes and chat together. When he returns home, Li Zhiqiang will accompany the children to watch cartoons, play games or tell stories. In the process, he will listen carefully to the children's thoughts and feelings, and give them enough love and support.

Although it is very hard to bring three babies alone, Li Zhiqiang enjoys it. "I feel very happy and satisfied watching my children grow up and improve day by day," he said. Although I sometimes feel tired and helpless, every time I see their innocent smiles and happy figures, I feel that everything is worth it. ”

Netizens expressed their admiration and admiration after seeing Li Zhiqiang's leisurely life with three babies alone. Someone said, "This man is amazing!" One person with three babies can still be so calm! Someone else said, "It seems that you have to have a man to bring a child!" They are not only attentive and patient, but also know how to get along with children. ”

Indeed it is! On the road of parenting, there is no absolute "difference between men and women", only the difference between intentions and not. As long as we accompany, care and educate the children with our hearts, they will be able to thrive and become the pillars of society!

The man brought three babies less than five years old alone, leisurely, netizens, and a man had to come with a child

#q1#奶爸带娃新风尚已经悄然兴起让我们一起为这些敢于挑战传统. Praise the dads who have the courage to take responsibility! At the same time, I also hope that more fathers can join this ranks to jointly create a warm, harmonious and happy growth environment for their children!