
"Saint Seiya" Memory Kill! Do you remember the lonely Ioros who broke into the palace?

author:Super comic fans

In the 80s, there was a manga called "Saint Seiya", its appearance was like a bright star, which once illuminated the childhood of countless people, the saint seiya written by Mr. Masami Sadada, they guarded their goddess Athena with their firm beliefs and fearless courage, "Saint Seiya" presented us with a world full of blood, among which the zodiac chapter and the underworld chapter have become the classics in the hearts of countless fans, this time let's travel through time and space, Come to those exciting moments with the Saint Seiya and feel the glory of the Athena warriors together.

"Saint Seiya" Memory Kill! Do you remember the lonely Ioros who broke into the palace?

1. The lonely journey of Aeolos

In the era of Saint Seiya SS, Sagittarius Aiolos because he knew that Saga usurped the throne, he went into the zodiac alone, he faced a powerful opponent, behind him was the young Athena, he did not flinch, but chose to move forward bravely, Aiolos defended the justice in his heart with his life, and he became an indelible legend among the saint seiyas.

"Saint Seiya" Memory Kill! Do you remember the lonely Ioros who broke into the palace?

2. The glorious battle of the five small powers

When the goddess Athena was hit by the golden arrow, the five Xiaoqiang, as the bronze saints, they resolutely stood up, and Seiya broke into the zodiac with their firm faith. In the process, the five Xiaoqiang experienced countless hardships and obstacles, but they never gave up saving Athena, and in the end they succeeded in saving the goddess.

"Saint Seiya" Memory Kill! Do you remember the lonely Ioros who broke into the palace?

3. The struggles and choices of the Zaga trio

Sachar, Shura, and Ka Miao were originally Athena's saint warriors, but when they were resurrected and manipulated by the Hades army, the Three Golds were forced to betray the goddess. However, deep down in their hearts, they have always retained their loyalty to the goddess, and the three of them choose to convey the important message of the goddess in an extreme way, although they bear the infamy of traitors, but the actions of Sachar, Shura and Ka Miao are full of tragedy, and their helpless struggle allows us to see the complex inner world of the saint Seiya.

"Saint Seiya" Memory Kill! Do you remember the lonely Ioros who broke into the palace?

4. Shi Jingmo's silent guardian

Virgo Saint Seiya Shi Jingmo, he is a super strong person in the zodiac, once at a critical moment, he did not hesitate to step forward, in order to save the goddess Athena, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life, although the guardian action of the first seat of the Virgo Palace was silent, but his loyalty to Athena can be seen by the sun and the moon, and Shi Jingmo's sacrifice let everyone see his greatness.

"Saint Seiya" Memory Kill! Do you remember the lonely Ioros who broke into the palace?

5. The firm belief of the water mirror

In the ND era, in order to convey important information to the Holy Domain, Shui Jing, who incarnated as the three giants of the underworld, resolutely broke into the zodiac signs, and in the face of many obstacles, Shui Jing still held on to his beliefs, and finally he successfully passed on the important information.

"Saint Seiya" Memory Kill! Do you remember the lonely Ioros who broke into the palace?

6. The battle of the inheritance of the new five small powers

When the Hades chapter ended, the goddess Athena with the help of the god of time, Kronos, she returned to the past, and her personal guards also came to Athena's side, and they and the newly joined Pegasi formed a new generation of five small powers, these five people resolutely broke into the zodiac house, in order to save the goddess in the infant state, the bronze five small strong wrote a new chapter with their actions.

"Saint Seiya" Memory Kill! Do you remember the lonely Ioros who broke into the palace?

When we look back on these exciting moments of breaking into the palace, everyone can't help but be moved by those saints of Athena, these warriors interpret what true loyalty and faith are with their actions. The above is the content of this issue, do you think these palace breaks are moving? Let's talk!