
Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation

author:Yihan is studious

Recently, Jiang Ping achieved the 12th place in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, and even directly surpassed a group of students in Qingbei, which quickly caused a series of controversies on the Internet.

The video can be viewed here


Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation

Some netizens said that Jiang Ping's family was poor, and her results in the high school entrance examination were quite good, but due to family reasons, she could not continue to sponsor her to go to an ordinary high school, so she could only choose a secondary school with a lower cost. Jiang Ping also did not give up her studies in the secondary school and has maintained excellent results.

Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation

But this also prompted netizens to question Jiang Ping's achievements more and more, after all, no matter how much a secondary school student learns, it is still quite difficult to make up for the gap with Qingbei bigwigs and mathematics professionals in a short period of time.

Therefore, some netizens believe that Jiang Ping's achievements are achieved by cheating, and a considerable number of netizens and experts think about the possibility of Jiang Ping's cheating.

Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation

And many netizens expressed their belief in miracles, believing that Jiang Ping is a mathematical genius, and Jiang Ping's achievements can be said to have exploded on the Internet recently.

Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation

As for the rumors that have been discussed, Jiang Ping has never stood up to speak. In fact, if Jiang Ping wants to prove her ability and wants to prove that her results are real, Alibaba's final is the best opportunity to prove it, but many netizens who raised questions did not have the patience to wait for the finals to come, and Jiang Ping has not come out to make a statement, but recently, some netizens suspect that Jiang Ping's personal freedom may have been restricted.

Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation

The reason is that some netizens published an article on June 21, called "The Day Jiang Ping Disappeared from the Secondary School", and it was in this article that the author mentioned that Jiang Ping's father once asked the village party secretary: Why did you lock up my daughter?

Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation

As soon as this article appeared, it immediately aroused widespread attention from netizens, many people expressed concern about Jiang Ping's situation, and some netizens directly notified the relevant departments of Lianshui County of this matter.

Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation

But some netizens came out to explain that after all, Jiang Ping is now in a controversial state, and sometimes she may face some unpredictable dangers, so some people said that Jiang Ping was protected before the Alibaba finals.

From this point of view, everything seems reasonable, and the local department or the relevant organizations of the Damo Academy protect it.

Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation

After all, Jiang Ping is now at the center of the storm of public opinion on the Internet.

So it seems that Jiang Ping should be safe at present, and is preparing for the finals of the global Alibaba Mathematics Competition. And the relevant departments may have transferred Jiang Ping first for safety reasons, and only notified the parents, which led to a misunderstanding in communication between the two parties.

Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation

And the appearance of this incident made many people who didn't believe in Jiang Ping's level and achievements start to carnival, and began to make a big fuss about this sentence, and some people even said that Jiang Ping was suspected of criminal detention.

The power of the Internet cannot be underestimated, and if negative rhetoric is allowed to continue to ferment, it will eventually lead to tragedy. It is believed that after the relevant departments have clarified this matter, they will also tell the public the truth of the matter as soon as possible.

Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation

In some ways,

Escalation! Jiang Ping is suspected of being detained, and his father is dissatisfied with questioning, Lianshui County: Under investigation