
If I were a man, I would choose older leftover women, who have a lot of experience and don't value the bride price

author:Happy melon ftU

In the traditional concept of most of us, the first thing men and women should do when they reach the marriageable age is to start a family, but with the development of society, people's concepts have gradually changed, and a small number of people's views on love and marriage have become more and more personalized, and they will choose not to marry or marry late for various reasons.

If I were a man, I would choose older leftover women, who have a lot of experience and don't value the bride price

I just recently swiped a video of an older leftover girl, in which the woman said: "My 85-year-old, unmarried and childless, older high-quality leftover girl, is also the leftover girl who can't get married." The woman complained that since she began to share her life on the Internet, there have been a lot of bad voices in the comment area, she said that people are now very unfriendly to older leftover women, many people say that older leftover women are old and ugly and can't get married, can't have children, marriage objects can only find a wife, don't get married as a nun and so on, there are any ugly words.

If I were a man, I would choose older leftover women, who have a lot of experience and don't value the bride price

Then the woman said that if she were a man, she would definitely give preference to older leftover women, because they have many advantages over those young girls, specifically the following points:

Older leftover women usually have a higher level of economic status

After so many years of hard work, their economy is relatively independent, and they do not need to rely too much on the economy of others in their lives, this independence is a significant sign of modern women, and it is also an important factor for them to attract partners, compared to little girls in their 20s, their advantages are simply too great not to want.

If I were a man, I would choose older leftover women, who have a lot of experience and don't value the bride price

Older leftover women are usually experienced and emotionally stable

They are not like girls in their 20s, who always need to be accompanied, they have a stable job, know how to find a balance between work and life, and how to grow together with their partners. At the same time, older leftover women are also more rational when dealing with family conflicts, and they are more emotionally stable when encountering problems. This maturity is not something that can be cultivated overnight, but a precious asset that time has given them.

If I were a man, I would choose older leftover women, who have a lot of experience and don't value the bride price

Older leftover women do not pay attention to the bride price when they get married, but only on feelings

Older leftover women are more practical, they will not ask for much bride price when they get married, nor will they ask for a house or a car, as long as they look at the right eye and talk about it, there is no big problem, as for little girls in their 20s, it is okay to talk about love, if you get married, it is not very reliable, and now many divorces in society are young people, and the reasons for divorce are all kinds of immature reasons. Older leftover women generally fall in love for the purpose of marriage, so they will be much more stable after marriage.

If I were a man, I would choose older leftover women, who have a lot of experience and don't value the bride price

It is a fallacy that older leftover girls do not have children

But anyone with a little common sense knows that as long as a woman has normal menstruation and good health, it is absolutely no problem to have children, and now that medicine is so advanced, there is no problem in giving birth to twins or anything, let alone having a child.

If I were a man, I would choose older leftover women, who have a lot of experience and don't value the bride price

The above is the woman's opinion on older leftover women, in fact, speaking of which, there are probably the following opinions on why people are prejudiced against older leftover women:

People's traditional view of marriage

In the traditional culture of the mainland, there is a default expectation of a woman's age of marriage, and if you are not married beyond this age, it may destroy this expectation and make people feel disappointed.

If I were a man, I would choose older leftover women, who have a lot of experience and don't value the bride price

The criteria for choosing a mate for older leftover women are high

In people's general concept, the reason why older leftover women are not married in their thirties and forties is because they generally have high requirements for the other half, and ordinary people may not be able to enter their "magic eyes", which is also the main reason why people sneer when older leftover women come out to complain that they can't get married.

Fertility stress

Although the woman said that as long as the older leftover women are healthy, they can have children, but the question is, how many older leftover women are really healthy in the first place? Secondly, advanced maternal age is recognized as having a high risk of childbirth, and even the most professional doctors give special treatment to elderly mothers. Finally, what man wouldn't want to marry a woman of prime age childbearing? The child born in that way will be healthier.

If I were a man, I would choose older leftover women, who have a lot of experience and don't value the bride price

Write at the end

Many men are afraid of these problems of older leftover women, and some even deliberately ridicule them on the Internet, but we should all understand that everyone has their own way of living, and we should not blame anyone for this.

In fact, there is no right answer to choose a partner, as long as you look at the right eye and ask not too much, we can be brave to pursue our own happiness, regardless of whether he is old or young, what suits us is the best.

So, if you were a man, would you choose an older leftover woman?