
What is a couple? This is the best explanation

author:Bin Tsai

In the bustling city, there is a couple, their names are Li Zhiqiang and Zhao Xiaoting. The two met on the college campus, and the passion and dreams of youth closely linked them, and after graduation, they entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. Li Zhiqiang was born in an ordinary working family, diligent and practical, and wanted to give his wife a warm home; And Zhao Xiaoting is a gentle and kind girl, her smile is like a spring breeze, which can always bring endless warmth to her husband.

Although their married life is ordinary, the two support each other and face the ups and downs of life together. However, fate played a cruel joke on them. A sudden car accident caused Li Zhiqiang to lose both legs, and his life fell into darkness from then on. Zhao Xiaoting looked at her husband's painful and helpless eyes, and her heart was like a knife. She decided that she wanted to be a pillar for her husband and use her love and strength to help him get back on his feet.

In order to raise medical expenses and make ends meet, Zhao Xiaoting began to work day and night. She works as a cashier at a supermarket during the day and sets up a stall at a night market at night. Although it was hard work, every time she saw the smile on her husband's face, she felt that everything was worth it. And Li Zhiqiang did not give up on himself, he began to learn network programming, hoping to bring a glimmer of hope to his family through his own efforts.

What is a couple? This is the best explanation

However, the pressures of life caused a gradual rift in the relationship between the two. Li Zhiqiang began to become sensitive and suspicious because of his low self-esteem and anxiety, and over-interpreted Zhao Xiaoting's words and deeds. Zhao Xiaoting, on the other hand, is tired because of long hours of work and family trivialities, and sometimes she will inevitably get bored with her husband's complaints. There were more and more quarrels between the two, and the former warmth and tacit understanding gradually disappeared.

One night, when Zhao Xiaoting was setting up a stall in the night market, she met a man who had pursued her. When he saw Zhao Xiaoting's exhausted appearance, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pity in his heart. He invited Zhao Xiaoting to have a cup of coffee and talk about the current situation. In the coffee shop, the man expressed his heart to Zhao Xiaoting, hoping that she could leave Li Zhiqiang and be with him. Zhao Xiaoting's heart was in turmoil after hearing this, she knew that her feelings for her husband had never changed, but the pressure of reality made her begin to doubt her choice.

Just when Zhao Xiaoting was hesitating, Li Zhiqiang suddenly appeared at the door of the coffee shop. He saw his wife sitting with the man, and he understood everything in his heart. However, instead of rushing in to question his wife, he left silently. He knew he had lost his legs and could not give his wife a good future. He decides to let go and let his wife pursue his own happiness.

What is a couple? This is the best explanation

However, when Li Zhiqiang returned home, he found that Zhao Xiaoting had already packed his luggage. She looked at her husband's haggard face, and her heart was full of guilt and reluctance. She tells her husband that she has not betrayed him, but has simply lost his way under the pressure of life. She cried and begged her husband to forgive her and expressed her willingness to face the difficulties ahead with him.

Li Zhiqiang looked at his wife's tearful face, and a warm current surged in his heart. He hugged his wife tightly and told her that he had never doubted her feelings. He told his wife: "The most important thing between husband and wife is mutual understanding and support. No matter how many difficulties lie ahead, we will face them together. ”

From that day on, the two regained their former warmth and tacit understanding. They worked hard together to overcome the difficulties of life and supported each other through the ups and downs of life. They used their own experiences to explain what it means to be a real husband and wife - supporting each other and growing together through thick and thin.

What is a couple? This is the best explanation