
Why are people who do business so ruthless? Netizen: Don't be ruthless! People's hearts are unpredictable and piercing

author:Watermelon rambling

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Why are people who do business so ruthless? Netizen: Don't be ruthless! People's hearts are unpredictable and piercing
Why are people who do business so ruthless? Netizen: Don't be ruthless! People's hearts are unpredictable and piercing

I read a paragraph last time and share it with you, how should this degree be handled.

If you are too hard, others will resist; If you are too soft, others will take advantage of it.

What is called not hard and not soft, what is called hard and soft,

You can be "respectful" and "upright" with people, and you can be neither hard nor soft, but also hard and soft.

You have to learn to respect everyone and be upright with everyone and everything.

The former makes you show soft, and the latter makes you show hard.

No matter what attitude you use and what skills you use, failure will be inevitable. If you experience enough, you'll understand what I mean. It's not about attitude, it's not about not making mistakes, not about encountering situations that are out of your control. But what happens after it's broken? Many people are so obsessed with success and success that they are already terrified at the mere sight of the signs of failure. But failure always happens, and the odds are high. Those who think about how to avoid failure and setbacks should go through several more attempts and failures. Already exhausted, then what to do? That's when you really start learning.

Yes, people who can really do business and people who can be leaders (anti-bar, non-profiteers and non-corrupt officials) are the best to deal with, because they have experienced a variety of people and troubles, they are more likely to look at people, and their purpose is very clear, only asking you to do what you can do, and the result is that everyone can do everything smoothly.

There is no whimsy, self-made cleverness, demanding and mean, nothing to do, greed, nitpicking, and non-demanding.

Why are people who do business so ruthless? Netizen: Don't be ruthless! People's hearts are unpredictable and piercing

I'm in business, and I don't think the people who go to work don't understand society.

You don't understand society, you think too much, haven't you seen profiteers? Offline slaughter and online killing, who is that, it is not enough to have two silver goods, you have to rely on the ability of the insider to take advantage of a small advantage, and the fake goods are sold first. Who says people who work don't know society? Spent unjustly spent money and was laughed at as a fool.

Everyone is eating in society, what boss is not bossy,

Honesty against cunning,

Tolerance is cruel to yin,

Kindness to cruelty,

good against evil,

Punctuality to slackness,

Responsible for perfunctory,

All normal business practices encounter a variety of heroes from all walks of life, forcing people into various bodies to adapt to this complex routine.

Indeed, because I have seen more and had more contact, and seeing others succeed, my mentality will slowly change over time. Doing business, if you are not ruthless, it is difficult to do it, after all, everyone is just a porter, it is nothing more than a matter of moving from someone else's pocket to whose pocket, your own pocket is less, other people's pockets are more, your own pockets are more, and other people's pockets are less. Doing business is the same as running business, why do they say that doing business can exercise people, one is to hone their own mentality, and the other is to increase their knowledge, and to see more can be broader, the truth is actually the same.

Why are people who do business so ruthless? Netizen: Don't be ruthless! People's hearts are unpredictable and piercing

Honest people will suffer losses and be fooled when doing business, and they will suffer a few losses, and if they lose a few times, they will be principled, and there will not be so much human touch. Now doing business, it is not easy to make money, many times it is on the verge of profit and loss, and if you are ruthless, you will make some money, and if you are not ruthless, you will work for the landlord and the platform.

It's not that honest people can't do business, but this society is imperfect, the law is not perfect, it's too rubbish, the weak eat the strong, the heart is blacker than coal, the skin is thicker than the corner of the city wall, and it seems that all of them are human spirits, and this kind of country and society are beaten by the country with high cohesion and honest people.

I just want to slander people, the gangsters don't have a serious income routine, they are not afraid to be honest if they have the strength, and they have to endure it if they are not honest if they don't have the strength.

Why are people who do business so ruthless? Netizen: Don't be ruthless! People's hearts are unpredictable and piercing

The most important point is that successful businessmen can see through how much value others can bring to themselves, and will pay attention to it accordingly. I don't do things like getting angry with people who are important to you, and rushing to lick people who are bad to you.

Originally, the world is the law of the jungle, and the law of the jungle preys on the strong. All moral shortcomings are, in fact, advantages. Because true morality is the opposite of propaganda morality.

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