
Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing

author:Watermelon rambling

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Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing

We often hear voices like, "Why can't I even get 10,000 dollars?" But then someone will say, "One million, that's not much." Why did these two very different voices appear in the same generation?

Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing
Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing

Only when you make your own money do you know how important cash flow is.

On a macro level, you're right

Microscopically, or at the individual level, you are very wrong

Just talking about a house of 10 million, as long as the entire community is not sold at the same time, it will be sold for 9 million minutes and rush to ask for it

Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing

I used to think about something similar, but I was thinking about companies that went bankrupt after the 20th century, like Lehman Brothers, and Nokia, which sold its mobile phone business.

It is completely impossible to understand why such a giant has fallen just by looking at assets, but by looking at cash flows, it is reasonable to see that it has fallen.

So not just individuals, even companies must not be fooled by asset valuations.

There is also a concept that many people do not understand the impact of transaction volume on prices, if the total value of real estate in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen is 100 trillion, and you want to buy New York and sell the 100 trillion house together, the final cash obtained may remove more than a 0.

Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing
Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing

Don't blame it, your mother-in-law wants a house, if you don't have it, you don't have a daughter-in-law, you say you find someone who doesn't want a house, well, it's okay to marry low. But the child wants a house to study, and you say you don't want the child, well, Dink is fine. And then your parents get sick and you go to the hospital, and you have to fly back overnight, and then ask a local friend to help you drive here, well, you don't need your parents. And then you see that someone is renting out a couple of apartments, which is more than your 996 income, and looking at you is like looking at garbage.

Brother, it's not me who said, we all know that the status quo is unreasonable, but in the face of the times, the correct opinion of the individual is a fart.

In fact, it is liquidity, but the stock market and Bitcoin are much more liquid, and your money below 100 million can be taken out at any time (within 1 week), but the house has to be less than 10 million, and you have to wait for 1-3 months

Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing
Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing

Sometimes it's thinking, and now it's all about inflation and cash depreciation, but sometimes the wrong investments lose faster.

Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing
Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing

Therefore, productivity is fundamental, and the commodities that the people need most are the most stable, and I personally feel that food, which is worthless at a glance, is the most valuable, even if war breaks out, food will never depreciate. But grain is a commodity with a high ceiling and a low ceiling, and capitalists who like to use economic leverage do not look down on this kind of thing.

Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing

This is indeed the phenomenon, but now the young people who are working hard in the first and second tiers are generally renting houses, and those with better family conditions live in their own homes, not to mention the eighteenth-tier small cities, where almost a family of parents with similar conditions can have 2 houses. But it's true that cash flow isn't much, unless the property performs. Or rent.

Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing


The kind of that is proud of one or two sets of houses at home is very speechless

You have a house of 1000w, a monthly salary of 1w, and you look down on a monthly salary of 1w without a house, I don't think it should be but understandable, I really don't understand if you look down on a monthly salary of 5w.

Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing

Returning to the subject, objectively speaking, this kind of person just lives in fantasy, and wants to think that a million is very rare, then you earn it, let others see that you don't have the ability to say that you haven't woken up yet.

The intuitive feeling is that the housing cost of ordinary people is constantly increasing, but as long as people are alive, this cost has to be recognized. The so-called sitting on millions of real estate is nothing more than a choice of lifestyle that is more expensive, and real estate is meaningless if it is not converted into real money. It's fine to inflate your vanity, but it's a bit unreasonable to not understand. Of course, there are always lucky people in society, and financial freedom is achieved by selling a house, on a first-come, first-served basis, but are you really that lucky person?

Why are many young people now unable to pay 10,000 yuan, but they feel that 1 million is very little? Heart-piercing

It's too profound, young people are like this now, so everyone here should be able to say why, the reason is very simple, you can't afford to earn a salary of more than 10,000 yuan a month, but you live in a lot of places that need money and just need a lot of money, and you just happen to have a lot of people around you who can easily get these things. Coupled with the emergence of self-media led by Douyin Kuaishou, everyone sees more and more money and ways to make money. But I still can't earn 10,000 yuan a month, but what I see is that I am already rich in the world. Think about the thought that might come to you when you care about sexual immorality: "A million? It's not enough to buy a house in full, and there's not much left to buy a good car that is about the same. "But the reality is that I still have to worry about credit cards and mortgages every month.

We should also guide them to establish a correct concept of wealth, rational consumption and planning for the future, seize opportunities and challenge themselves. Only in this way will they be able to realize their dreams and pursuits in the future.

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