
The joke is big! A five-year-old boy shouted at the man that his son was beaten by the man!

author:Fun facts about Xiao Chen

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Editor|Xiao Chen's interesting facts

Text: Xiao Chen's interesting facts

In an ordinary community in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, a storm caused by Tong Yan Wuji made the entire community and even the Internet lively. One day, a five-year-old little fellow, lively and active, like a spring, was bouncing around the neighborhood. Suddenly, he saw a 32-year-old "brother", probably thinking it was funny, so he shouted "son" at him. This shout was like throwing a stone on the surface of a calm lake, causing a lot of waves.


Having said that, as soon as this "old brother" heard this, his face changed instantly, as if he had eaten a fly, and that expression, oops, was simple. He didn't think much about it, so he pulled the little boy over directly, and punched and kicked him with punches and kicks, especially on the vulnerable parts of the back of the little boy's head and temples, which was a terrible place. Fortunately, the people around him stopped it in time, so it didn't cause a bigger tragedy.

The joke is big! A five-year-old boy shouted at the man that his son was beaten by the man!

This incident was quickly recorded by the surveillance video, and as soon as the video was transmitted to the Internet, netizens exploded. The little boy's mother was distressed, saying that the child's head and eyes were swollen, and what worried her even more was that this incident had left a shadow on the child's young mind. She decided to call the police and let the law teach this "old brother" a lesson.

The joke is big! A five-year-old boy shouted at the man that his son was beaten by the man!

The police uncles were not idle, and after some investigation, it was determined that the behavior of this "brother" constituted intentional injury, so the matter was settled after 15 days of administrative detention and a fine. But the turmoil is far from over, netizens have expressed their opinions, some say that this "brother" is too much, and some think that this little guy is usually spoiled and doesn't understand the rules. In short, this incident made everyone start to reflect, can the child's words really be "mowgli"?

The joke is big! A five-year-old boy shouted at the man that his son was beaten by the man!

In the final analysis, this incident teaches us that adults need to have a cool head and a broad mind when dealing with children's words and actions. Children's world is simple, and their words may not go through the brain, but do we have to be a little responsible as adults, guide with reason and love, instead of doing it without saying a word? What do you think about this matter? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area below [Rose] [Rose]

The joke is big! A five-year-old boy shouted at the man that his son was beaten by the man!

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