
A small recipe for gynecological inflammation costs less than 20 yuan and only 2 flavored medicines, which can be called a damp evil scavenger

author:Professor Jiang Ziqiang of the Department of Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine

There are many reasons for the frequent occurrence of inflammation, compared with Western medicine, such as bacterial imbalance and bacterial infection, traditional Chinese medicine is much simpler, just one reason - dampness.

When it gets wet, all kinds of diseases are born. With the arrival of the rainy season, the recent rain has also made the environment wet, but these belong to the external dampness, and the internal dampness and the external dampness are the same and mutually influential, and the heavy moisture in the body is easy to attract external dampness, and the continuous dampness in the environment will also aggravate the accumulation of moisture in the body.

A small recipe for gynecological inflammation costs less than 20 yuan and only 2 flavored medicines, which can be called a damp evil scavenger

Once the moisture accumulates, the most important impact is the private parts, which continuously destroys the environment and immunity of the private parts, resulting in the emergence of various gynecological diseases.

The two flavors of medicine sorted out today are commonly used by me in clinical practice to target the "damp evil trap", because the specific medication requires a specific dialectic, so I sorted out the common and daily usable ones: tangerine peel and poria cocos.

A small recipe for gynecological inflammation costs less than 20 yuan and only 2 flavored medicines, which can be called a damp evil scavenger

Tangerine peel is bitter, pungent, warm, and returns to the lungs and meridians. It not only regulates the spleen and lungs and regulates the qi in the middle of the body, but also regulates the dampness and dissolves phlegm and turbidity, which has obvious curative effects on qi stagnation and dampness, and can also alleviate the gynecological diseases arising therefrom.

A small recipe for gynecological inflammation costs less than 20 yuan and only 2 flavored medicines, which can be called a damp evil scavenger

Poria cocos is sweet, light and flat. It not only enters the spleen and kidney meridians, but also is good at infiltrating dampness and water and dissipating water to drink, strengthening the spleen and promoting the transportation of water and dampness; It also enters the heart meridian, calms the heart and calms the nerves, and has obvious curative effects on damp heat betting, and therefore has obvious curative effect on gynecological diseases caused by damp heat betting, such as abnormal vaginal discharge, itching and burning.

The combination of the two medicines strengthens the spleen, regulates qi, clears away heat, dispels dampness, and the dampness and heat dissipate, and the gynecological diseases caused by dampness will also dissipate.

In order to prevent the re-accumulation of moisture, it is important to pay attention to the following in daily life:

1. Adjust the dietary structure: Avoid eating raw, cold, sweet, greasy, spicy and irritating foods, reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach, and help prevent moisture from entering the body.

2. Living environment: It is recommended to choose a comfortable living environment and avoid a humid and cold sleeping environment, which will cause moisture to enter the body.

3. Exercise: You can participate in appropriate exercises, such as jogging, walking, yoga, Baduanjin, etc., to expel moisture from the body through perspiration, which also helps to prevent moisture from entering the body.

4. Mentality: Maintain a good attitude. Avoid irritability and negative emotions that lead to stagnation of liver qi, which can cause heavy dampness.

A small recipe for gynecological inflammation costs less than 20 yuan and only 2 flavored medicines, which can be called a damp evil scavenger