
The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

author:Lol Lol Literature

TV series "Blazing Road": The two actors who play mother and daughter are only 16 years apart. Jin Chen, 32, will play the heroine Zheng Qingying, while He Yuhong, 48, will play her mother.

This seemingly unreasonable role arrangement has sparked heated discussions on the Internet about age and character relationships, and the audience has speculated: Does this hint at some amazing plot twist? Or is it just an artistic venture?

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

As questions continue to emerge, people's expectations for this military suspense drama are becoming more and more intense, what kind of storyline does it require such a unique age setting?

The preparatory phase was fraught with challenges. The first task facing the production team was how to turn words into vivid images. Director Zhong Shujia recalled in an interview: "We wanted to find a group of actors who had both strength and perfect interpretation of the role. Every casting decision was well thought out."

When he knew that Jin Chen was going to play the heroine Zheng Qingying, it sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Some people questioned: "Is she up to the task of SWAT?" Some people also expressed their expectations: "Jin Chen's acting skills have been improving, and I believe she can surprise us."

The addition of Wang Anyu brought the chemistry of the on-screen couple into focus. Although there is an 8-year age gap between the two, this has made many viewers curious about their interaction, and some netizens even commented: "The age gap may bring unexpected sparks."

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

The cast of "Blazing Road" is composed of powerful actors such as He Yuhong, Zhao Ke, Sun Kewei, etc., which are star-studded. Viewers expressed their expectations on social media, believing that "just looking at the cast list makes me think this drama must be exciting".

However, as more details came to light, many also raised questions. The main focus was on the 16-year age difference between Jin Chen and He Yuhong, which also sparked a lot of controversy.

Some viewers said: "Is such a small age gap reasonable? Will it affect the audience's sense of substitution? "。

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

In the face of these doubts, the crew chose to remain silent, which instead stimulated the public's curiosity. People began to speculate whether this age arrangement heralded an important plot turn.

With the popularity of the TV series "Blazing Road", the promotion of the show is also being strongly promoted. The level of production and wonderful plot clips shown in the trailer make the audience look forward to this work.

The perfect integration of the theme of the military brigade with suspense and love elements makes everyone full of imagination about the direction of the plot.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

As the broadcast date approaches, the discussion of "Blazing Path" continues to rise. Whether it is the cast, plot setting, or production level, it has aroused heated discussions among netizens. The show seems to be on its way to becoming one of the most anticipated TV series of the new season.

In this environment of expectation and skepticism, the production team of "Blazing Path" is working hard to make the final preparations. As director Zhong Shujia said: "We firmly believe that when the audience actually sees this work, all doubts will be solved."

Jin Chen, born in 1990, graduated from Beijing Film Academy. When she received the role of Zheng Qingying in "Blazing Road", her heart was full of complex emotions. At the age of 32, she stands at a crossroads in her career, knowing full well that this role could be a major turning point in her acting career.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

"When I learned that I was going to play the role of a SWAT, to be honest, I was a little apprehensive," Jin Chen said frankly in an interview, "I was worried that the audience would think that my age did not match the role."

However, this apprehension soon turned into motivation. Jin Chen devotes a lot of time to physical training and SWAT skills. She wakes up at 5 a.m. every morning for two hours of physical training, followed by learning about firearms handling and martial arts.

"I hope to be able to embody a real and credible Zheng Qingying," Jin Chen said, with a determined light in his eyes, "I want the audience to see not only me Jin Chen, but also a living SWAT."

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

Meanwhile, Wang Anyu, who was born in 1998, faces a different challenge. As a top student of Communication University of China, although Wang Anyu is young, his acting skills have been affirmed in many works.

However, the eight-year age gap with Jin Chen forced him to work harder to shape his character: "The age gap did put some pressure on me," Wang admits, "but I think it just adds some special spark to our performance."

In order to better play his role, Wang Anyu spent a lot of time studying the daily life and work status of civil servants in small towns, and he even asked the crew to arrange for him to go to the local government department to experience it on the spot, so that he could better understand the role.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

"I hope to capture the realism of the characters in the details, and the age gap should not be an obstacle, but a spice for our performances," Wang said.

On the shooting site, the interaction between Jin Chen and Wang Anyu always makes the crew smile. Jin Chen treats Wang Anyu like his own brother, takes care of him, and will guide him in some acting skills in detail.

Wang Anyu often looks at Jin Chen with adoring eyes, listens to and humbly learns from her acting experience, and this delicate relationship makes the performances of the two more layered.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

Director Zhong Shujia spoke very highly of Jin Chen and Wang Anyu, saying that their combination made the relationship between Zheng Qingying and Duan Yu, a happy couple, more three-dimensional and interesting.

Jin Chen's maturity and stability and Wang Anyu's vigor collided with a unique spark on the screen, which is why they were selected.

Regarding the outside world's doubts about the age gap between the two leading actors, both sides maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. Jin Chen said: "Age is just a number, the important thing is whether we can play our role well.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

I believe that the audience will see the characters themselves through our performances, rather than being bound by age," said Wang Anyu: "Our age gap can just add some interesting elements to our character relationships, and this contrast may bring unexpected surprises to the audience."

With the deepening of filming, the tacit understanding between Jin Chen and Wang Anyu has been continuously improved, and their performance in the rivalry has been highly praised by the director and crew. "The two of them are like a real couple of happy friends," one crew member described, "and it's hard to believe there's an eight-year age gap between them."

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

"Blazing Road" has a strong cast, and the starring and supporting roles are impressive. The contrast between the ages of the actors and their characters makes the whole show full of unique charm.

39-year-old Zhao Ke plays the experienced "master" Cheng Yaqin in the play, who is an outstanding graduate of the Beijing Film Academy. Zhao Ke relied on his profound acting skills to interpret this role to the fullest.

He said in an interview: "I think the accumulation brought by age can help me better understand Cheng Yaqin's inner world and way of doing things" On the filming site, Zhao Ke often relies on his experience to provide advice and guidance to young actors, so he is respected as "master" in the crew.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

36-year-old Lu Dinghao tried a special role - playing Jin Chen's younger brother Lin Jing in the play. This seemingly unreasonable age setting adds a unique interest to his sister-brother relationship with Jin Chen.

Lu Dinghao said humorously: "Although I am older than Sister Jin Chen, I am still comfortable playing my younger brother, and the key is to grasp the psychological state of the character" In order to better interpret this role, Lu Dinghao especially observed the behavior of many young people and had an in-depth understanding of Lin Jing's psychological state.

Sun Kewei, who plays the spicy female Shi He in this TV series, is only 21 years old, a student at Beijing Film Academy, and her youth and vigor have brought a youthful vitality to the crew.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

Sun Kewei said: "Because I am the same age as Shi He, I can better understand her thoughts and behaviors" Although Sun Kewei does not have rich acting experience, she studied seriously on the shooting site and improved her acting skills, showing her professionalism beyond her age, which was appreciated by the director and seniors.

Director Zhong Shujia explained: "Our casting is not completely based on the age of the characters, but pays more attention to whether the actors can accurately grasp the spiritual core of the characters. Zhao Ke's maturity and stability, Lu Dinghao's vitality, and Sun Kewei's youthful vigor, although the ages of these three supporting characters seem abnormal, they add unique charm to their respective roles.

During the filming, the interaction between the actors became a wonderful sight. The older Zhao Ke will give the younger Sun Kewei meticulous care, while Lu Dinghao will make some age-related jokes with Jin Chen.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

This harmonious atmosphere not only enhances the tacit understanding between the actors, but also injects more vitality and realism into the whole play.

The casting process for Blazing Road was a challenging and deliberate game of art and reality, with the selection of each character going through repeated discussions and trade-offs. Producer Li Ming (pseudonym) said: "We need to find a delicate balance between the age, image, and acting skills of the actors.

Jin Chen and He Yuhong, a mother and daughter with a small age gap, became the focus of casting. Casting director Wang Fang said: "When we choose actors, we pay more attention to whether they can reflect the temperament and relationship that the characters should have.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

Although Jin Chen is young, her sense of maturity transcends her age; He Yuhong is a good illustration of the vitality and wisdom of young mothers."

Stylist Zhao Xiao said that this bold casting decision brought a lot of challenges to the entire crew, and the crew put a lot of thought into makeup, hair and costumes, hoping to dilute the actual age gap between the actors and highlight the characteristics of the characters themselves.

In order to make Jin Chen and He Yuhong look more like mother and daughter, Zhao Xiao and her team spent a lot of time researching makeup techniques and clothing matching, striving to visually narrow the age gap between the two.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

In the face of skepticism, the crew has always kept a low profile, and director Zhong Shujia said in an internal meeting: "I firmly believe that the audience will eventually be moved by our story and the performances of the actors.

Age is just a number, the most important thing is that we have to tell the story well" This spirit of perseverance also affected the work attitude of the entire crew, and everyone was more focused on how to impress the audience through superb acting and excellent production.

The casting challenge is not limited to the main character, the choice of backup actors is also well thought out. For example, the decision to let 36-year-old Lu Dinghao play Jin Chen's younger brother also caused controversy within the crew at first.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

However, as the casting director said, "We believe that Lu Dinghao can bring an unexpected performance, and his mature temperament can add a unique charm to this character."

Throughout the casting process, the crew adhered to the principle of "role first", believing that age cannot be a restriction only if the actors can accurately capture the essence of the role. This bold and innovative casting concept has brought a new direction of thinking to the film and television industry.

Despite the many challenges and doubts, the production team of "Blazing Path" remained confident in their choice. As Li Ming said, "We expect the audience to be able to see the unique charm of each character through the wonderful performances of the actors, rather than being bound by superficial age numbers."

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

The broadcast of "Blazing Road" not only provides the audience with a wonderful TV series, but also brings a new direction of thinking to the film and television industry. This drama broke the conventional criteria for selecting actors, which triggered a re-examination of the industry's criteria for selecting actors.

Ms. Wang mentioned on social media: "At first, I was a little hesitant about the set age of the actors, but after watching it, I realized that it made the play more unexpectedly exciting.

The performances of the actors across ages have brought me a new experience of watching the show" This response suggests that the audience is gradually becoming more receptive and paying more attention to the actors' performances rather than the superficial age numbers.

The age of the actors in "Blazing Road", Jin Chen and Wang Anyu are 8 years apart, how old is Duan's mother?

Jin Chen said in an interview that he expects this drama to bring different insights to the audience, and looks forward to more excellent storylines that break the convention. Her views have captured the hearts of many actors, and she has also made clear the industry's desire for artistic innovation.

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