
When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

author:Xiao Li who rides the wind and waves

When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

Everyone goes through different stages in the journey of life, and middle age is often a critical period to connect the previous and the next. Especially middle-aged men, at this stage, they need to recuperate, quit sex, maintain physical and mental health, focus on their careers, and maintain family relationships.

When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

After the age of 50, how to recharge

The body begins to show signs of decline

As people age, their physical functions begin to decline gradually, and various signs of decline appear, such as vision loss, memory loss, and sagging skin, which will bring certain psychological pressure to middle-aged men.

When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

Learn to adjust your mindset and accept the natural laws of life

In the face of physical decline, middle-aged men must learn to adjust their mentality, accept the natural laws of life, and understand that this is a stage that everyone will go through, not their own individual problems, and only by accepting this can they better face and solve problems.

When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

Recuperating and abstaining from color is the best way to cultivate

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, essence is the most important material foundation of the human body, and for men, essence is an important source of physical health and vitality. Middle-aged men who have passed the age of 50 must learn to recharge their energy through various ways, and abstinence is considered one of the best ways to cultivate.

When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

Keep a pure heart and few desires, and your career will go smoothly

In addition to physical adjustments, middle-aged men who have passed the age of 50 should also have corresponding understanding and adjustment in their careers. This stage should be a critical period for middle-aged men to struggle for their careers, and if they want to make a breakthrough in their careers, they must maintain a pure heart and few desires, so that they can have more energy and mind to devote themselves to their work and gain something in their careers.

When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

Far from divorce and external affairs, maintain family harmony

Middle-aged men who are successful in their careers are also susceptible to all kinds of temptations, especially extramarital affairs. At this stage, middle-aged men need to know how to regulate their emotions, stay away from all kinds of bad temptations, and maintain a moral bottom line, so as to better maintain family harmony.

When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

How to adjust your life

In addition to work and family, middle-aged men should also pay attention to their lifestyle, stay away from various bad habits, such as staying up late, alcoholism, smoking, etc., and develop a healthy lifestyle, ensure that they have enough sleep and good eating habits, in order to maintain physical and mental health.

When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

Proper exercise and exercise

In addition, middle-aged men should also participate in some sports and exercises appropriately, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., which can not only help them reduce stress and strengthen their bodies, but also maintain good physical strength and physical condition.

When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

How to better face a midlife crisis

In middle age, many people will face the trouble of mid-life crisis, and how to better face and solve the mid-life crisis has become a compulsory course. For middle-aged men, psychological counseling or psychological counseling can help them adjust their mentality, know themselves, and find a suitable way to vent, so as to better cope with the midlife crisis.

When people are over fifty, "abstaining from sex" is the top level of self-discipline, restraining oneself, and one will be more blessed in old age

Participate in social events and volunteer work

In addition, middle-aged men can also try to participate in some social activities or volunteer work, through which they can expand their interpersonal relationships, increase the joy of life, reduce the temptation of the opposite sex, and better adjust their life status.

5. How to better maintain family relationships

In the marital relationship, middle-aged men should also learn how to increase the interest and fun of marriage, can participate in some trips or learn new skills with their wives, and experience various interesting things together, which can effectively alleviate the conflicts and pressures in the marriage and enhance mutual feelings.

Maintain good communication and understanding

Husbands and wives also need to maintain good communication and understanding, whether it is difficulties at work or troubles in life, they should share with each other and face various problems together, only in this way can they better maintain family relationships and avoid the breakdown of relationships due to poor communication.


After the age of 50, it is a very special stage in life, and it is also a stage that needs to be treated with special care. At this stage, middle-aged men must not only learn how to recharge their energy, quit sex and maintain physical and mental health, but also know how to balance their career and family, how to better adjust their life status, and how to better face various challenges and troubles. I hope that every middle-aged man can find his own happiness and success at this stage and meet a better life.