
547|Organizational skills are the foundation of the foundation

author:Zhixing double helix
547|Organizational skills are the foundation of the foundation
It is difficult for a good woman to cook without rice. The ability of the organization to organize itself in order is the foundation of the foundation.

June 30, 2024, Psalm 547

When I read history, I often read that General XX was brave and powerful, and led his troops like a god, so he won the battle. In fact, the reason why wise leadership is "wise" is based on the mobilization capacity of this organization. The splendid victory was the result of the combination of organizational and mobilization ability and excellent generals. The reason why the Qin Dynasty frequently produced generals is related to the talent system of the Qin Dynasty, and it is also related to the organization and mobilization ability stimulated by the Qin Dynasty's cultivation and warfare system. When everyone heard that there was a war, their blood boiled.

547|Organizational skills are the foundation of the foundation

We often say that without a platform, you are nothing. The original intention of this sentence is also to explain that a person's performance has personal ability, but it is more based on the organizational resources provided by the platform.

Organizational ability does not refer to the organizational ability of an individual, but refers to the ability of an organization to be in order. No matter how good a person is, when he encounters a bad organization, it is also useless for a hero, and a less excellent person, in an orderly organizational structure, can also create achievements that they will not believe. As the saying goes, it is difficult for a good woman to cook without rice.

Individual ability matches excellent organizations, strong alliances, and shines. The ability of the organization to organize itself in order is the foundation of the foundation.

547|Organizational skills are the foundation of the foundation