
Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!

author:Food collector

In addition to the matching scheme that we are familiar with in daily life, sometimes try to change the combination, there will be a more different flavor~ Today, I will share a few sets of home-cooked food combinations that make people feel bright!

1. Stir-fried beef with yam

The yam is crisp and delicious with soft and fragrant beef, which is really fragrant and loved by adults and children!

Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!
Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!
Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!
Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!

2. Garlic willow crab fillet

Don't just know how to take the crab fillet to the hot pot! This is fragrant, tender and refreshing, and the rice is delicious, the garlic is full of fragrance, I love it so much after eating a bite, the crab fillet is tender and tender with rice, and the rice is so fragrant~ The key is that it is delicious and not fat!

Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!
Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!
Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!
Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!

3. Fry oysters

Who can resist the golden and crispy oysters! It is a snack that can often be seen in the streets and alleys of Xiamen, and you don't have to go far to eat food when you learn this craft! There is oyster meat in every bite, which is so delicious, charred on the outside and glutinous on the inside, fresh and fragrant, really simple and delicious!

Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!
Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!
Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!
Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!
Try a different combination of these foods! It's so delicious that it's amazing!

Author: Sakura loves food

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