
Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!


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Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

When walking down the campus paths of a university, have you ever heard the whisper: "Don't choose this major, I regret it?" Why does this voice of "persuasion" seem to be everywhere, like the autumn breeze on campus, with a hint of coolness, blowing through the hearts of every student who is about to step into the professional hall?

The following is the real sharing from netizens, let's take a look!

Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

I studied a popular major at the time for 15 years, and now I have graduated and look at the industry I am in. Proper sunset industry.... My heart stuffed me.

Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

I chose the popular BP machine maintenance major at the time, but the person didn't graduate yet, and the BP machine graduated first.

Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

This is a novel angle, the drawbacks of "concentrating on doing big things" and "doing big things quickly".

Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

The newspapers blame young people, and the whole system is scolding young people for not working hard, shouting that they will not support lazy people.

Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

The main problem is that everyone wants to be an exploiter, and they don't want to be exploited, so they will break their heads......

Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

The Boomers preach a philosophy of struggle, not so much to get young people to work as cheap labor.

Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

The prisoner's dilemma is a real hammer, and there are always people who are willing to lower their own value.

Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

Don't be afraid, ancient civilizations have rich experience in ruling stock societies.

Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

Finance has become the main culprit, and in the final analysis, it is taxpayers' money.

Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!

China's involution is too serious, and the level of domestic development is not high.

Perhaps, this voice of "persuasion" is not completely pessimistic, but the seniors have used their experience to draw a real and complex career map for us. In this map, there are challenges and opportunities, ups and downs and smooth roads. May we all keep an open heart, listen to different voices, explore our own interests and potentials, and find our own starry sky in the four years of college.

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Why are almost all college majors being discouraged? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonates with thousands of people!