
If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now

author:Comfortable orange DCy

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If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now

Hello everyone, let's talk about a very real topic today: people are old and have no children, are they really pitiful? It is estimated that many people have pondered this question in their hearts. Some people may say that it is good to have children, family happiness; Some people also feel that they have no children, they are light and comfortable. Then let's take a good look at it, where does this "pitiful" come from?

The following sharing by many netizens made me realize it instantly

‬说的好像有孩子就不会衰老生病一样。 Regardless of whether there are children to take care of you, when you are old, disabled, demented, and unable to take care of yourself, you are the one who suffers. No matter how well the child is taken care of, if the body is not good, it will not work

If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now
If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now


If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now


If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now


If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now

‬当头一棒的感觉,高赞回答都是从自己的利益谈养孩子的好处。 This kind of calculated income is a chill

If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now
If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now
If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now


If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now
If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now
If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now

It's true, and if you have a child just to support your old age, it doesn't feel like there's much need

If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now
If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now

‬老了是否可怜与生不生孩子没有太大关系。 Some old people were demons when they were young, and when they were old, the children didn't care about her

If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now

‬享受了一辈子了 老了困难几年怎么了

If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now

‬我觉得答主非常真诚,而且善良。 A person who has children just to provide for himself is selfish

If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now
If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now
If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now
If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now


If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now


If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now

‬听朋友说,如果社区出现独居老人在家去世很久没被发现的这种事情,这个社区街道是要被上级批评的。 After listening, I feel that the old people are being paid attention to

If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now


If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now
If you don't have children, will it really be pitiful to be old? Netizen: I am miserable when I am not old, and I am miserable now

So, back to our original question, is it really pitiful to be old and have no children? Actually, there is no absolute answer to this question. Everyone's situation is different, some people may feel lonely and regretful, but others can find their own happiness and fulfillment. It is important that we plan well in advance according to our own situation, whether it is financial or psychological, so that we can face our old age calmly. After all, life is not for others to see, happiness is one's own feelings.

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