
Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future

author:Comfortable orange DCy

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Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future

Hello everyone, today I would like to talk to you about an interesting topic - why has our opinion of Liu Chan, the queen of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period, changed in recent years? When it comes to Liu Chan, many people may think of "Adou who can't be helped", but is this really the case? Let's walk into history together and explore the story behind the improvement of Liu Chan's style

The following sharing by many netizens made me realize it instantly


Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future


Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future


Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future
Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future


Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future
Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future

‬也就蜀汉太小,不然刘禅是个高质量的皇二代。 One generation expands the territory, and the second generation keeps it. The foundation laid by Liu Bei was originally poor, and everyone's requirement for Liu Chan to unify the whole country was the standard of the founding monarch

Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future


Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future


Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future


Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future


Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future

‬一辈子就杀俩人的皇帝,其中一个活该,其中一个还是走的法律流程。 Huang Hao also provided some emotional value, the worst general is the Tun Bing Guanzhong, this treatment should be given to Yue Fei to die happily

Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future
Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future
Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future


Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future

‬不是亡国之君里算不错,就算在所以皇帝里头都算好的了。 At the end of the Song Dynasty and the end of the Ming Dynasty, Huaxia could avoid land sinking. Proper peace prince

Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future

‬其实真实的原因是明亡三百年,鞑清一朝都在不遗余力地试图掩灭扭曲我煌煌华夏史! The success of education in recent decades has finally given us the ability to re-examine history

Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future
Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future


Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future


Why has Liu Chan's reputation been improving in recent years? Netizen: I will be a god in the future

By re-examining history, we can see that Liu Chan was not as incompetent as the traditional view, but was misunderstood to a certain extent. In recent years, with the re-evaluation of Liu Chan, his reputation has begun to improve. This also reminds us that when evaluating historical figures, we should fully understand the background of their times and the dilemmas they faced, and avoid simplistic and one-sided views. I hope that today's sharing can give everyone a more comprehensive and objective understanding of Liu Chan. Thank you!

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