
Fan Zhongyan chose a cemetery for his mother, and Mr. Feng Shui pointed out: This is a desperate place, and Fan Zhongyan said that he would choose this

author:Coffee History C

Hello dear friends! Today I would like to share with you a shocking and thought-provoking story. The protagonist of this story is Fan Zhongyan, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty. At that time, Mr. Feng Shui pointed out two cemeteries for him, one of which was a treasure of Feng Shui, which could give birth to noble descendants; The other is a desperate land, and those who are buried in it will cut off their children and grandchildren. Which piece of land do you think Fan Zhongyan in the literati's bones will choose?

Fan Zhongyan chose a cemetery for his mother, and Mr. Feng Shui pointed out: This is a desperate place, and Fan Zhongyan said that he would choose this

Fan Zhongyan was born into a wealthy landowning family. However, the tricks of fate caused him to suffer family changes since he was a child. When he was 2 years old, his father died young, and he had to marry into the Zhu family with his mother and live a frugal life. Poverty and poverty could not stop Fan Zhongyan's enthusiasm for studying, he was diligent and studious, writing on the ground with a wooden stick to practice literacy. Soon he was appreciated by Master Huitong, and at the age of 23, he became a senior in high school and became a leader in the government and the opposition. Fan Zhongyan, who can be returned to the true story, is not arrogant and complacent, but remembers his mother's teachings and wants to repay his mother's kindness with filial piety. He first took his elderly mother to serve by his side, so that she had no worries about food and clothing in her later years, and lived a life of fine clothes and food, which can be called the happiest mother in the world.

Fan Zhongyan chose a cemetery for his mother, and Mr. Feng Shui pointed out: This is a desperate place, and Fan Zhongyan said that he would choose this

Ten years later, when Fan's mother was dying, she taught earnestly, saying that it was really the luckiest thing in her life to be able to give birth to such a filial son. Fan Zhongyan burst into tears at that time, and the deep family affection between the mother and son made everyone who watched it moved. In order to choose a good feng shui cemetery for his mother, Fan Zhongyan invited a famous feng shui master for the first time.

The feng shui gentleman had long white hair and looked like a fairy-like man. He took Fan Zhongyan to a deep mountain, pointed to the two pieces and said: "This is a treasure land of feng shui, and the descendants will be endless, and there will be many talents and prosperous descendants in the future." Fan Zhongyan was secretly happy when he heard this, thinking that it was most appropriate for his mother to be buried here.

Unexpectedly, the feng shui gentleman pointed to another piece and said: "That place is a desperate place, people are buried here, and the descendants will have no heirs, and no children and grandchildren!" When others heard this, they all looked sideways, of course, they all thought that Fan Zhongyan would definitely choose the previous treasure land. Unexpectedly, Fan Zhongyan said unexpectedly: "Just bury my mother in this desperate place."

Fan Zhongyan chose a cemetery for his mother, and Mr. Feng Shui pointed out: This is a desperate place, and Fan Zhongyan said that he would choose this

The people were puzzled and discouraged again and again, saying that this is a feng shui taboo! Fan Zhongyan responded indifferently: "If you don't use this desperate land, then do you want to let the poor people be buried here?" It is too unfair for the common people to have the good land occupied by the powerful. "

Fan Zhongyan's words expressed his feelings for the people as a member of the imperial court. Although he is already a very popular minister, he always thinks about the poor years and always takes the warmth of the people to heart. Just as he said the motto of "the worries of the world first, and the joy of the world after the world", he regarded the people as relatives and sacrificed himself for the people, and this gentlemanly demeanor is worthy of our admiration and learning.

Sure enough, Fan Zhongyan not only did not have the fate of "the last one", but gave birth to four sons. Among them, the eldest son Fan Chunren is a great writer, and the second son Fan Chunyou is an official worship of the prime minister, and he has done his best for the court. The descendants of the Fan family have successively produced champions, jinshi and other talents, and they have been prominent for a while, which shows that the previous worries of the feng shui master were all groundless. #头条首发大赛#