
The one-eyed general, who mistakenly killed Xu Xiangqian's wife in 1932, woke up and made miraculous contributions to resist US aggression and aid Korea

author:Coffee History C

In that difficult era, there was a hero who was one-eyed, but he made great achievements for the motherland in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. This person is General Zhou Chunquan. In the early years, he once followed Zhang Guotao and made some terrible mistakes, which even led to the ominousness of Mrs. Xu Xiangqian. But then he woke up and unswervingly contributed his strength to the revolutionary cause. In 1950, under Peng Dehuai's orders, he was sent to the Korean front to take charge of logistics support.

The one-eyed general, who mistakenly killed Xu Xiangqian's wife in 1932, woke up and made miraculous contributions to resist US aggression and aid Korea

It turned out that as early as 1931, Zhou Chunquan had become Zhang Guotao's right-hand man, and during the Soviet period, he was appointed director of the Political Security Bureau. It's a pity that at that time, in order to consolidate his power, Zhang Guotao indiscriminately carried out rebellion, resulting in many innocent people suffering, even Xu Xiangqian's wife could not escape the doom. Later, when Xu Xiangqian questioned Zhou Chunquan, he also felt deeply guilty and realized how stupid and terrible what he did at that time. This incident made him feel humiliated, and from then on he suddenly woke up and was determined to completely reform himself and contribute his strength to the revolutionary cause.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, although Zhou Chunquan did not directly participate in the fighting, he always sent revolutionary forces to the front line in the rear. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the central government made a strategic policy of "developing to the north and defending to the south". The party organization took a fancy to Zhou Chunquan's ability in logistics and sent him to the northeast region to take charge of logistics work. There, he successively served as the commander of the Eastern Front Combat Logistics Command and the head of the Logistics Department of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army, and provided a large number of weapons and equipment for major battles such as the Liaoshen Campaign, the Pingjin Campaign, and the River Crossing Campaign. This experience allowed him to further accumulate rich experience in logistics support.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea that broke out later became a stage to test Zhou Chunquan's ability. At the end of 1950, under Peng Dehuai's order, he immediately went to the Korean front line and was responsible for logistics support. At that time, our army's supply lines had been heavily bombed by the US military, and it was difficult for supplies to reach the front line. In the face of the dangerous situation, Zhou Chunquan was undaunted, first mobilized a large number of manpower to form a transport group, and at the same time set up a logistics supply station in North Korea, and called on railway soldiers to repair the bombed railway line.

The one-eyed general, who mistakenly killed Xu Xiangqian's wife in 1932, woke up and made miraculous contributions to resist US aggression and aid Korea

However, the US military's air supremacy advantage is too great, and they often send a large number of planes to besiege our army's supply lines. In this regard, Zhou Chunquan, Hong Xuezhi and others repeatedly discussed, and decided to set up more than 1,600 air defense posts along the road to form an air defense army of 10,000 people, responsible for air surveillance and road maintenance. In addition to this, they also mobilized anti-aircraft artillery forces to counterattack US aircraft. This series of measures has made our army's "anti-strangulation" campaign initially effective, and although there are still losses on supply lines from time to time, on the whole, it can basically meet the needs of front-line troops.

The one-eyed general, who mistakenly killed Xu Xiangqian's wife in 1932, woke up and made miraculous contributions to resist US aggression and aid Korea

Although Zhou Chunquan took various measures to strengthen the protection of supply lines, the air superiority of the US military was too great, and the intensity of their bombing was higher and higher. Sometimes a transport line has just been repaired and is quickly blown up, and the situation is critical.

In the face of such difficulties, Zhou Chunquan was not discouraged, but responded to the situation and acted actively. He and Hong Xuezhi and others repeatedly discussed countermeasures, and finally came up with a "local method" - as long as the road was blown up, they would immediately organize rickshaws, horses and camels to transport supplies to the front line in the most primitive way; As long as the railway is damaged, the whole army will go out to repair the road, even if it accumulates several hundred meters a day, and will not give up.

The one-eyed general, who mistakenly killed Xu Xiangqian's wife in 1932, woke up and made miraculous contributions to resist US aggression and aid Korea

In this way, our army has made unremitting efforts with one heart and one mind, and in just one year, it has basically reversed the passive situation and brought the US military's "strangulation" operation to a stalemate. Among them, it is naturally inseparable from thoughtful and wise decision-making and excellent organizational ability. As the supreme person in charge of logistics support, he always pays close attention to the changes in the situation on the battlefield, allocates resources in a timely manner, and formulates countermeasures. For example, as soon as an important battle started, he immediately organized a large-scale transportation team of rickshaws and horses to rush a large number of weapons and ammunition to the forefront; Another example is that when the communication line is blocked, he can command the soldiers to build a detour route day and night to ensure that the materials are delivered without fail.

With his outstanding leadership skills and outstanding decision-making skills, Zhou Chunquan has built an indestructible logistics support iron army in just one year, which has strongly supported the victory on the battlefield. However, the formation of this team did not happen overnight, and he put a lot of effort into it. It is said that in order to dispatch the limited capacity, he did not sleep a day for months; In order to check the supply line, he also ran the long way, rain or shine. The one-eyed man wrote the legendary life of a "one-eyed general" with practical actions.

The one-eyed general, who mistakenly killed Xu Xiangqian's wife in 1932, woke up and made miraculous contributions to resist US aggression and aid Korea

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a great and difficult battle, and a powerful logistical support group was an important guarantee for the final victory. Admiral Zhou Chunquan is the founder and leader of this team. From scratch, from weak to strong, he worked hard, wise and brave, and interpreted the truth that "logistics is combat effectiveness" with his own practical actions. As a soldier, he unreservedly contributed all his strength to the motherland; As an ordinary person, he won the respect of the whole army with his indomitable character and noble qualities. It is with heroes like Zhou Chunquan that we can achieve the ultimate victory in that cruel war. Let us always remember their great achievements and pay tribute to these lovely people's soldiers#头条首发大赛! #