
laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

author:Haha laughs at Mi Spicy
laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

Comedian Shen Teng and Ma Li's other comedy movie "Catching the Doll" has been officially announced to be broadcast on July 16. Looking back at their "Charlotte Troubles", it seems like it was just yesterday, because it is so classic that I never get tired of watching it, and then their movies feel average. And this new movie is the story of rich parents pretending to be poor and raising a baby in poverty [tears] [tears] It's funny to think about, traveling in luxury cars, wearing famous watches, and luxury cigars to entertain guests, but in order for the baby not to develop the habit of being lazy and not seeking progress, he chooses the whole family to nest in a broken house [cover his face] [cover his face]

laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

This sense of contrast, it's funny to think about, pretending to read, being complained about by his son, so he loves to read, why is he so poor [tears] [tears]. I can't wait to see it anyway, and netizens are also watching

laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area


laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

Niu Qi, this session of netizens has a lot of taste, hahahaha [tears] [tears] Who understands the appeal of the four words "Shen Teng Ma Li", even if it is a bad movie, I want to watch [Eating Melon] [Eating Melon]


laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

Wang Qi: It's not a backlash? [I'm about to cry] [I'm about to cry]

I think of the kid who didn't know he was the rich second generation after graduating from the college entrance examination, and he hid it from him for 18 years [tears]

laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

The son of the boss of the Spicy Prince, his father is a billionaire but hides from him. He always thought that his family was very poor, looking for a job and submitting hundreds of resumes, and finally went to the Spicy Prince to apply for a job after internal pushing, and only gave 4000 to the salary of 6000, but he didn't expect that in the end the Spicy Prince was himself [tears] [tears] [tears]

laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

Save both of you one more time

laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

The handsome men and beautiful women of the past [tears] [tears] The years are a pig-killing knife [I want to be quiet]

laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area


laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

And Yan Ruyu [呲tooth][呲tooth]


laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

Baba Ma Ma pushes me to go shopping [yes] [yes]


laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

It's really a golden combination, Wang each other [呲tooth][呲tooth][呲tooth][呲tooth] [呲tooth]


laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

: Charlotte will definitely explode at the box office again, it's really good-looking, there are too many stalks, [呲tooth][呲tooth]

laughed and embraced, Shen Teng Ma Li's comedy movie "Catching the Doll" came, but I died laughing in Wang Qi's comment area

This Shen Ma combination, I believe it is a hit in the summer vacation, and the cold period of the movie will be broken through for more than a month, so hurry up and get lively during the summer vacation [wipe the sweat] [wipe the sweat] [wipe the sweat] [wipe the sweat] [wipe the sweat]

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