
Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

author:Qingti will talk about it

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Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

Editor: Let's talk about it

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

The well-known time-honored brand "Fat Donglai" spoke out again to protect its own rights and interests. Many netizens left messages and likes after reading it, and some people shouted "well done" excitedly!

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

Things have to start a few days ago, Xuchang Fat Donglai Supermarket Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Fat Donglai Trading Group, found that there were products on the market with similar packaging designs to its self-operated "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer" beer products.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

This has led to confusion among many customers. To this end, the company quickly responded by issuing a statement to defend its rights.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

As soon as the statement came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Studying the reasons carefully, you have given everyone a wake-up call: in today's market economy, the protection of intellectual property rights should not be underestimated. That small problem, which was once not taken seriously, has an increasing impact as the scale of development expands.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

Fat Donglai's rights protection action feels very neat and efficient. According to the statement, the company owns intellectual property rights to the packaging design of its own products, and has long been registered for copyright. Any unit or individual who uses its design or similar design without authorization will be regarded as an infringement, and will be investigated for legal responsibility once found. At the same time, consumers are urged to pay attention to screening when purchasing, so as not to damage their rights and interests.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

It can be said that Fat Donglai's move is not only to check for consumers and safeguard their own interests, but also to pave the way for the long-term development of the entire industry. Because intellectual property is the representative of the core value of the enterprise, if even this cannot be guaranteed, then all the efforts are not in vain?

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

From this point of view, Fat Donglai's approach is undoubtedly admirable. In order for an enterprise to succeed, in addition to good products and services, it must also have the determination and courage to protect its own rights and interests. Otherwise, a brand with a long history like Fat Donglai may have long ceased to exist.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

However, the banner of rights protection is not limited to product packaging design. The day before the announcement was released, Fat Donglai Weichu Jewelry Company also announced a similar move. It turned out that they found that some individuals or merchants used the company's shopping receipts, bags, labels and jewelry boxes in videos and pictures for marketing without permission, but the actual products sold were not directly related to their company.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

This has undoubtedly brought great confusion and misleading to consumers, and has also adversely affected the brand image of Fat Donglai Weichu Jewelry. For this reason, the company had to take legal measures to report the person involved to the market supervision department, and reserved the right to investigate the corresponding responsibility.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

In the face of such a "cunning" marketing trick, it is no wonder that Fat Donglai Company is so angry. It is conceivable that if this kind of behavior is allowed to develop unscrupulously, it will have a great impact on the entire market order, so that enterprises operating in good faith will fall into the predicament of being passively beaten, and ultimately hurt the rights and interests of consumers.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

There is no doubt that Fat Donglai's high-spirited rights protection action gives people the feeling that the time-honored brand is dedicated to checking for consumers, purifying the market environment, so that customers will not be misled when purchasing.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

The cry from Xuchang, a city in the Central Plains, is a wake-up call for operators across the country and even around the world. While pursuing the maximization of profits, we must not relax the protection of our own rights and interests. Once lost, there will be endless troubles, and eventually you will pay the price of losing your brand and market.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

So, how should consumers guard against such a complex and volatile market environment? Start with yourself and improve your discernment. Second, choose formal channels to purchase products and services. In addition, if you encounter infringements, you should actively report them to the relevant departments

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

It is not difficult to see from the Fat Donglai incident that maintaining intellectual property rights and brand image requires not only the courage and determination of enterprises, but also the participation and cooperation of the whole society. Only by working together, cherishing honest management, and attaching importance to the spirit of the rule of law, can our market environment develop in a standardized and orderly direction.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

Perhaps, for many people, intellectual property issues such as copyrights and trademarks do not seem to be directly related to them. But this is not the case, they are all important magic weapons to protect the innovation power of enterprises, and they are closely related to your vital interests. Once it fails, it will inevitably lead to a waste of social resources and hinder economic development.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

From this point of view, everything Fat Donglai has done is tantamount to defending the innovative vitality of the whole society. It allows us to re-examine the importance of intellectual property rights, guide everyone to establish a correct concept of consumption, and jointly maintain a fair and orderly market environment.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

Brand is the most valuable intangible asset of an enterprise, and an excellent brand requires huge investment and long-term operation to accumulate. If you allow others to imitate and plagiarize, wouldn't it be in vain to live up to the hard work of the entrepreneur? Fat Donglai Company's rights protection this time is to defend the dignity and rights and interests of the enterprise.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

From this incident, we can also see that integrity is the lifeblood of the survival and development of enterprises. Once the integrity is lost, both for consumers and for society as a whole, there will be a heavy price. The reason why Fat Donglai has been able to stand for a hundred years is precisely because it has always adhered to the concept of honest management.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

Let's work together to create a more fair and just market environment!

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

Only by fully respecting and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all parties can our society develop in a more civilized and orderly direction.

Fat Donglai statement! Involving "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer"

I look forward to the brand spirit of Fat Donglai to fly further and become the coordinates and beacon of the times!

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