
It's officially open! The high-speed rail is "new", Chengdu and Chongqing are in front of you, what signal will be released

author:Dr. Jiang's Enterprise Competitiveness

The high-speed rail miracle has happened again!

Do you know, Bazhong, this old revolutionary area that we are all familiar with, is now about to turn over!

Why? Because the new high-speed rail is coming!

The "Banan High-speed Railway" was officially opened recently, connecting Bazhong with Chengdu and Chongqing!

It's officially open! The high-speed rail is "new", Chengdu and Chongqing are in front of you, what signal will be released

Think about it before, our friends in Bazhong are going to Chengdu and Chongqing, so how much it is a toss, and it takes a long time to take the car. What now? It only takes more than 2 hours to easily reach Chengdu or Chongqing, which is not too convenient!

This high-speed rail is not only convenient for travel.

More importantly, the economy of Bazhong is also about to take off, and it will be directly integrated into the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities metropolitan area.

Did you know that Bazhong is the birthplace of rice and fish farming, and this technology has a history of thousands of years and is now being promoted throughout the country. The Red Army cultural tourism industry in Bazhong is also very distinctive, and red sites such as the Sichuan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Memorial Hall and the Red Army Martyrs Cemetery have attracted a large number of tourists, driving local accommodation, catering and souvenir sales.

It's officially open! The high-speed rail is "new", Chengdu and Chongqing are in front of you, what signal will be released

In addition, Pyeongchang County in Bazhong is famous for its exquisite stone carving art, and the carving of Fotoushan Grottoes is very popular in both domestic and foreign markets. Bazhong is also rich in ancient ginkgo tree resources, and the products such as ginkgo leaf tea and ginkgo wine developed in Pyeongchang County have formed a complete ginkgo industry chain. Bamboo culture also has an important position in Tongjiang County, Bazhong, bamboo handicrafts, bamboo furniture, bamboo charcoal products and so on have become the characteristic industries of Tongjiang County.

In addition, Bazhong City also has characteristic beekeeping industry, Chinese herbal medicine industry, Bashan native chicken industry, red souvenir industry, mountain spring water industry, purple sand pottery industry, alder fossil industry, fungus cultivation industry, ancient paper industry, crystal mining industry, walnut deep processing industry, green energy stone industry, sericulture and silk industry, mountain wine industry and natural medicinal plant industry, etc.

It's officially open! The high-speed rail is "new", Chengdu and Chongqing are in front of you, what signal will be released

As soon as the high-speed rail comes, these industries and products will be able to better get out of Bazhong and let more people know!

No, employment opportunities and wealth will follow, our friends in Bazhong, your wallets are going to bulge!

Moreover, integrated into the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle, do you know what that means? It's easier to find a job, education and medical resources are more abundant, and the quality of life of the friends in Bazhong is rising! Also, housing prices may also rise, there are more entrepreneurial opportunities, social security is more perfect, and Bazhong will get better and better!

Speaking of which, I'm a little excited!

Let's Bazhong, this old revolutionary area that used to be inaccessible, is now about to spread its wings and fly high!

Do you expect such a Bazhong?

Come on, come on, cheer for the rise of our old revolutionary base area!