
Detailed explanation of the cost of brick drainage ditch (300*300) in 2024

author:Site Alert 101

In the construction of urban infrastructure, brick drainage ditches occupy a place with their solidity and practicality. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of the cost of brick gutters (300*300) in 2024, with each expense the result of careful planning and precise calculations.

Detailed explanation of the cost of brick drainage ditch (300*300) in 2024

1. **Labor Cost**:

- **Standard brick masonry: 40.6 yuan/m**

- This fee covers the labor cost of skilled workers to accurately masonry standard bricks into drainage ditches, ensuring the sturdiness and stability of the structure.

- **Cement mortar plastering: 17.1 yuan/m**

- To enhance the durability and aesthetics of the gutters, workers apply a layer of cement mortar to the surface. The cost per meter reflects the labor value of this meticulous work.

2. **Material Fee**:

- **标砖:26.16元/m**

- Choosing the right standard bricks is critical to the overall quality of the gutter. The cost per meter is based on the purchase price of the bricks and the actual amount used.

- **砌筑砂浆:12.27元/m**

- Masonry mortar is a key material for joining bricks, and its quality and dosage directly affect the firmness of the structure. The cost per meter takes into account the market price of the mortar and the actual consumption.

- **Cement mortar: 4.7 yuan/m**

- The cement mortar used for plastering should not only ensure a smooth surface, but also have a certain waterproof performance. The cost per meter reflects the cost of the mortar and the necessary coating thickness.

Detailed explanation of the cost of brick drainage ditch (300*300) in 2024

3. **Other Expenses**:

- **Management fee (5%): 5.04 yuan/m**

- Project management is an important part of ensuring that projects are completed on time and with quality. The overhead fee per meter is used to support project planning, coordination and supervision.

- **Profit (10%): 10.08 yuan/m**

- Reasonable profits are the basis for the sustainable development of enterprises. The profit per meter is designed to safeguard the normal operation and future development potential of the enterprise.

4. **Tax quotation**:**123.39 yuan/m**

- The final quotation after taking into account tax factors reflects the compliance with national tax policies and a responsible attitude towards customers.


In 2024, the total quotation of brick drainage ditches (300*300) is 123.39 yuan/m, which embodies the strict control of project quality and accurate cost accounting. From labor to materials, from management to profits, every expense is a reflection of the commitment to quality. This quotation not only provides the customer with a clear cost budget, but also demonstrates the thoughtfulness of the engineering details and the reliable guarantee of future use.

Detailed explanation of the cost of brick drainage ditch (300*300) in 2024