
Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

author:Willing to talk about emotions

In Beijing at the end of the 90s, Zhang Guoqiang was living a poor life in the north. One ordinary night, a strange phone call completely changes the trajectory of his life. On the other end of the phone, director Kang Honglei came: "Guoqiang, there is a role suitable for you, come to the crew."

Zhang Guoqiang was stunned, he didn't expect such an opportunity. After hanging up, the mood was mixed. Recalling the days of Beipiao, I was so excited that I couldn't calm down. With only 10 yuan, he bought a bottle of liquor and celebrated this rare opportunity alone.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

In the humble rental house, Zhang Guoqiang held up the wine bottle, his eyes full of tears and hope.

On the set of "Soldier Assault", Zhang Guoqiang made a bold decision: he told the director his thoughts, that is, he hoped to act without makeup, and strive to be close to the personality of the characters in the play.

The director agreed, and this decision made Zhang Guoqiang's character more real and won the audience's love.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

During the filming process, Zhang Guoqiang devoted himself to the role, and even achieved a high degree of integration of life and role. In one scene, he needs to say "I'm tired". In order to show the real fatigue of the character, Zhang Guoqiang did not have a good rest for several days.

When he said this line, the tiredness and helplessness in his eyes were not acted, but real feelings, which moved everyone present.

The success of "Soldier Assault" allowed Zhang Guoqiang to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, but he has not forgotten the hardships of the past. Whenever he recalls the night when he used 10 yuan to buy liquor to celebrate, tears always flash in his eyes, which is not only a gratitude for the favor of fate, but also a memory of the hardships of the past.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

The success of this drama not only made Zhang Guoqiang's career fundamentally change, but also gave him a deeper understanding of acting. He often said: "Every character is an experience in life, and only by truly experiencing the ups and downs of life can we profoundly interpret the soul of the character."

This understanding and dedication to acting has become a strong motivation for him to continue to break through himself in his acting career.

Since then, Zhang Guoqiang has gradually emerged in the entertainment industry. He has participated in many well-known film and television dramas such as "Soldier Assault", "Breaking through the East", and "Ocean's Eleven". He puts all his heart and soul into trying to bring out the true face of each character.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Looking back on his past experience, Zhang Guoqiang often sighs at the miracle of fate. A chance chance, coupled with a courageous decision, turned his life upside down. However, he knows that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

It is his persistence and hard work over the years that has given him the strength to seize this precious opportunity.

This experience has made Zhang Guoqiang cherish the present even more and devote all his enthusiasm to every role. His eyes often flashed with love for acting and gratitude for life, which may be the reason why he was able to go further and more steadily in his acting career.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Zhang Guoqiang's arrival in Beijing in the early 90s is still fresh in my memory. He has the dream of being an actor, but life tests him severely. For the young Zhang Guoqiang, Beijing is full of opportunities and thorns.

In order to make ends meet, Zhang Guoqiang had to temporarily put aside his dream of being an actor and work as a porter. Every morning, he had to get up early and brave the cold wind to go to the construction site. The hands that were supposed to be dancing on the stage were now rough and calloused from carrying heavy objects.

Every night when he returned to the cramped rental house, he would look at his tired self in the mirror and silently cheer himself up: you must persevere, there will always be a chance.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

However, despite his efforts, life did not get any easier. At 10 o'clock one night, Zhang Guoqiang finished his day's work and dragged his tired body on the streets of Taipingzhuang. Suddenly, two strangers intercepted his way.

Zhang Guoqiang panicked in his heart and instinctively took a step back.

One of them said fiercely: "Hand over the money!" Zhang Guoqiang smiled bitterly and explained that he only had 30 yuan on him. The other party still did not give up, and Zhang Guoqiang had no choice but to take out the only remaining 5 yuan.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

At this moment, Zhang Guoqiang noticed that one of the people was holding a mineral water bottle in his hand, and he suddenly had an idea and said, "Big brother, I'm very thirsty, can you give me a drink?" This unexpected request made the robber stunned, and then he smiled and handed the water to Zhang Guoqiang.

This episode made Zhang Guoqiang deeply understand the complexity of human nature. Even in the most difficult moments, he did not lose hope in life and trust in humanity. Back in his rented room, Zhang Guoqiang looked out the window at the night sky of Beijing, his eyes full of tears and more determination.

He is convinced that as long as he perseveres, he will one day achieve his dream.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

During his time in the North Drift, Zhang Guoqiang experienced countless difficulties and setbacks, once in order to save money, he ate only steamed buns and pickles for several days in a row, and sometimes he would walk for hours to cross half of Beijing in order to catch up with the audition.

Every failed audition, every rejection by the crew, is a test of his will.

Zhang Guoqiang has never given up his dream of being an actor. In difficult and difficult days, Zhang Guoqiang made full use of all his free time to practice lines and ponder acting skills. Even when he was working as a porter, he would observe the demeanor and movements of the people around him and incorporate them into his performances.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

This difficult period of drifting north not only became a valuable asset for Zhang Guoqiang's future acting career, but also made him deeply understand the difficulty of life. This hardship makes his performance more authentic and down-to-earth.

Looking back on those days many years later, Zhang Guoqiang often said: "Although those days were difficult, it was the lowest point that enabled me to interpret the role more deeply and show the various states of life."

From a young man who drifts north to a powerful actor loved by the audience, Zhang Guoqiang has experienced difficult but determined years at every step. This period of North Drift not only tempered his will, but also enriched his life experience, laying a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

When Zhang Guoqiang was 17 years old, he stood at the crossroads of his life. Coming from a poor family, he was faced with the difficult choice of whether to continue his education. However, his love for acting made him firmly choose to be admitted to Xinjiang Art School.

Zhang Guoqiang's mother was a soldier who spent a long time on missions outside, and her perseverance had a profound impact on Zhang Guoqiang. Whenever Zhang Guoqiang wants to give up, he will think of his mother's teachings: "No matter what you do, you must persevere to the end."

This sentence became the motivation for him to pursue his artistic dream.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Zhang Guoqiang's admission to Xinjiang Art School was not smooth. His father was so worried that he even approached the school teacher and said, "He is not doing well in his studies, I'm afraid he will fail."

However, Zhang Guoqiang did not let this give in, and he was determined to prove himself.

In school, Zhang Guoqiang faced many challenges, because of his family's financial difficulties, he was often unable to pay tuition on time, but he did not give up, but took the initiative to find the principal, sincerely explained the school situation, and promised to repay the school's trust with excellent results.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

His sincerity and determination touched the principal and gave Zhang Guoqiang the opportunity to continue his studies.

In order to live up to the school's expectations, Zhang Guoqiang put in more effort than other students. He is always the first to arrive in the classroom and the last to leave. In his spare time, he would practice his lines repeatedly and figure out the role.

Even in difficult conditions, he never let up on his demands.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Zhang Guoqiang's hard work has paid off. Not only did he successfully complete his studies, but he was also admitted to the puppet troupe performance class of the Xinjiang Art School in 1986. When he received the acceptance letter, he cried with joy, and his eyes were full of joy and anticipation for the future.

This study experience made Zhang Guoqiang deeply realize that only with perseverance can he realize his dreams. He often said: "The bitterness and tiredness of those days are sweet in retrospect."

Because every contribution has brought me one step closer to my dream."

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Zhang Guoqiang's study experience at Xinjiang Art School laid a solid foundation for his future acting career. He not only learned acting skills here, but more importantly, cultivated his love and dedication to art here.

This love and perseverance have undoubtedly become endless wealth to overcome difficulties in his future acting career.

Many years later, when Zhang Guoqiang recalls this time, his eyes will always be filled with tears of emotion. He often said to young people: "The road of dreams is always full of difficulties and obstacles, but as long as you persevere, you will definitely see hope."

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

This is not only a summary of his 17-year-old school experience, but also a true portrayal of his entire acting career.

Zhang Guoqiang's story began with the pursuit of his artistic dream at the age of 17, and after countless setbacks and tests, he finally grew into a powerful actor loved by the audience. This experience not only shaped his gritty character, but also laid the foundation for his authenticity and profundity in later performances.

In the filming of "Crossing the Guandong", Zhang Guoqiang's serious attitude towards performance was fully reflected. There is a scene where he is asked to walk barefoot in the bitter cold. In order to present the most realistic effect, Zhang Guoqiang insisted on wearing no shoes and repeated it over and over again on the cold ground.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

The director saw Zhang Guoqiang's frozen red feet, and asked distressedly: "Guoqiang, do you want to take a break?" Zhang Guoqiang shook his head, and his eyes revealed a firm light: "It's okay, let's do it again."

He understands that only real pain can show the authenticity of the character, and this dedication to performance moved everyone present.

By the end of the shoot, Zhang Guoqiang's feet had frozen so much that he was almost unconscious. However, when he saw the finished film, tears of relief flashed in his eyes, because he knew that his efforts were not in vain.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

This unreserved dedication and attention to detail has become a unique artistic hallmark of Zhang Guoqiang.

His dedication to acting allows Zhang Guoqiang to find a breakthrough in every role. For example, in "Soldier Assault", he resolutely does not wear makeup, but tries to bring out the most realistic side of the character.

When he appears in front of the camera with a dusty and sweaty face, the audience seems to see a real soldier, not an actor.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Zhang Guoqiang often said: "Every character is a fragment of life, and only by truly experiencing the ups and downs of life can the soul of the character be deduced." This understanding of life stems from the difficult experiences of his early life.

He recalled that time, and his eyes couldn't help but flash a trace of bitterness, at that time, in order to survive, he had to do various part-time jobs outside of performances, and sometimes he didn't even eat a decent meal for a whole day.

It is these rich experiences that have given Zhang Guoqiang a deeper understanding of life. These experiences are integrated into the interpretation of each of his roles, so that his performances always move the audience.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Whether it is the old squad leader played in "Soldier Assault" or the protagonist Zhu Kaishan in "Breaking through the Guandong", Zhang Guoqiang can play the role vividly.

In the TV series "Soldier Assault", there is a scene where Zhang Guoqiang needs to say "I'm tired". In order to realistically express the fatigue of the character, he did not have a good rest for many days. When he said this line affectionately, the tiredness and helplessness in his eyes touched the heartstrings of all the audience present.

This deep understanding of the role and wholehearted devotion to it has undoubtedly become the most precious wealth in Zhang Guoqiang's acting career.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Over the years, Zhang Guoqiang has participated in more than 60 film and television dramas and created many popular roles. He devotes all his heart and soul to each role, and often says: "The responsibility of an actor is not only to act well, but also to convey positive energy and influence the audience through the role."

This sense of responsibility has earned Zhang Guoqiang widespread respect in the entertainment industry.

Zhang Guoqiang is an actor who constantly breaks through himself and pursues the ultimate, and he uses his practical actions to interpret his dedication and dedication to art. Whenever he stands in front of the camera, his eyes flash not only his understanding of the role, but also his perception of life and his love for performing arts.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

In addition to his busy filming work, Zhang Guoqiang also has an important identity - a gentle son and loving father. Every time he came home, he would have a special habit: first beat his mother's back, and then sit quietly next to her and talk to her about family life.

When Zhang Guoqiang came home late at night, he was surprised to find that his mother was still busy in the kitchen. He walked softly into the kitchen and saw his mother's white hair glaring in the lamp. Zhang Guoqiang's heart was sour, and he asked in a low voice: "Mom, what are you busy with so late?" Mother turned around, smiled, and said, "I know you're coming back, so I'll get you something to eat."

Zhang Guoqiang looked at his mother, and his eyes showed distress and emotion. He took over the work from his mother and insisted on doing it himself. The mother looked at her son's back, her eyes full of relief. Zhang Guoqiang felt the warmth of his family, and his eyes couldn't help but burst into tears.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

As a father, Zhang Guoqiang gave all his love. Despite his busy schedule, he always tries his best to care for the children. Every time he goes out to film, he will call the children to understand their learning progress and repeatedly tell them to eat well.

However, Zhang Guoqiang is not blindly doting on children. He often taught his children to cherish money and be grateful to others. Once, he called his son during a break on the set. The son excitedly told him on the phone: "Dad, I got a perfect score in the exam today!" After Zhang Guoqiang heard this, a trace of proud tears flashed in his eyes.

He said softly, "Awesome! Dad is proud of you, but you have to remember that this is just the beginning, and you have to keep trying."

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Zhang Guoqiang often tells the children about his struggles, hoping that they can understand the difficulties of life. He used to say, "Do you know how hard Daddy's money is? So cherish.

Whenever he sees the children gradually becoming sensible, Zhang Guoqiang's eyes will always flash tears of relief.

Despite his busy schedule, Cheung always puts his family first. He often said, "No matter how busy you are, your family always comes first." "In between shoots, he always finds time to go home with his parents and children.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Sometimes, in order to spend more time with his family, he even declines some job offers.

Zhang Guoqiang's family concept has a deep influence on his children, although they live in a privileged environment, they all know how to be grateful and learn to work hard. Zhang Guoqiang often sighed: "Seeing the children grow up healthily and sensible and motivated, this is my greatest gratification."

Zhang Guoqiang knows that his family is his strongest backing, and the support and understanding of his family also pushes him to work harder. No matter how successful his career was, he always maintained a deep attachment and sense of responsibility to his family.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

This emphasis on family has allowed Zhang Guoqiang to always maintain a balance in his busy acting career, and it has also made his performance more humane.

Every Spring Festival, no matter how busy Zhang Guoqiang is, he insists on returning to his hometown Musitai to visit his parents. This habit has been maintained for many years, and whenever he sets foot on the way home, there will always be a warm current in his heart, and his eyes will also sparkle with anticipation and longing.

On Chinese New Year's Eve, when the bell strikes twelve, Zhang Guoqiang will kneel in front of his parents with his siblings and kowtow. At this moment, his eyes always flashed with tears of gratitude, and he would hold his parents' feet with both hands and sincerely say, "Thank you for your nurturing grace."

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Parents looked at their children, and tears of relief welled up in their eyes.

Zhang Guoqiang's kneeling tradition is not only a respect for his parents, but also a gratitude for his life and growth process. Every time he bowed, he would think back to his upbringing. From the difficult childhood, to the hardships of the North Drift, to today's achievements, every step is inseparable from the support and encouragement of parents.

Zhang Guoqiang often said: "No matter how much I have achieved, to my parents, I will always be a child." His humility and gratitude enabled him to stick to his original intention at the peak of his acting career.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

On a Spring Festival day, actor Zhang Guoqiang brought back some of his works home to watch with his parents. After the parents saw their son's performance, a proud smile appeared on their faces, and Zhang Guoqiang looked at the parents' smile, and his eyes couldn't help but flash tears of relief.

He knows that his efforts have not been in vain, and what he is most proud of is that he can make his parents proud.

Every time he leaves his hometown and returns to work, Zhang Guoqiang will seem reluctant. He would stand at the entrance of the village, looking back at his parents until he disappeared from view. At this time, his eyes always flashed with tears of reluctance and longing.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Zhang Guoqiang's tradition and gratitude are not only reflected in his attitude towards his parents, but also affect his behavior in the world. In the complex entertainment industry, he has always adhered to a humble and grateful attitude, which may be one of the key reasons why he can go further and more stable in his acting career.

Cheung taught his children to respect their elders and be grateful to their parents, and hoped to pass on this traditional virtue. Every Chinese New Year, he would bring his children home with him and let them participate in the tradition of bowing down to their parents.

In Zhang Guoqiang's personality, this adherence to tradition and gratitude to his parents are particularly important, which also deeply affects his family and friends. Inspired by Cheung, many people have begun to re-examine their relationship with their parents and cherish the emotional bond between their family members even more.

Famous actor Zhang Guoqiang: 8 unknown sides, tears flashing

Zhang Guoqiang's story is not only the struggle of a successful actor, but also a life model who never forgets his roots and knows how to repay his kindness. He used his practical actions to interpret the true meaning of filial piety and gratitude, and injected rare warmth and positive energy into this impetuous society.

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