
Beat the Israeli army! The wheel war besieged the Israeli army, and the Taliban entered the war strongly and shook the Middle East

author:Clever pineapple
Beat the Israeli army! The wheel war besieged the Israeli army, and the Taliban entered the war strongly and shook the Middle East

Thrilling! The Taliban and Iran have set off a new pattern in the Middle East

Speaking of the Middle East, we have to mention the series of violent events that have taken place here recently. As a hotspot of geopolitical gatherings, the events here have always been dizzying, as if a wonderful TV series is being staged in front of you. And this time, the joint cooperation between the Taliban and Iran has caused an uproar, deeply shaking the entire Middle East and even the global pattern.

The Taliban and Iran, two traditionally almost incompatible religious extremist forces, have come together in a jaw-dropping alliance in the Middle East. Together, they launched a series of military operations that directly posed a serious challenge to Israel and its allies. What kind of deep logic is contained in this seemingly unexpected cooperation? How will it affect the direction of the Middle East and the world? Let's take a look at this fascinating new situation.

Beat the Israeli army! The wheel war besieged the Israeli army, and the Taliban entered the war strongly and shook the Middle East

From contradiction to hand in hand

The Taliban and Iran have come together a few years ago in terms of the delicate relationship between the two.

The situation was such that Iran, the leading power in the Middle East, was actively seeking to expand its influence, while the Taliban, a religious extremist group, was trying to break free from the isolation of the international community. On the surface, the two seem to be incompatible, but in fact there are some hidden interests between them.

Beat the Israeli army! The wheel war besieged the Israeli army, and the Taliban entered the war strongly and shook the Middle East

Specifically, both sides have a common goal of confronting Israel and the United States. Iran, as a Shiite power, has long been in confrontation with Israel and its American backing; Although the Taliban is a Sunni organization, it also harbors strong anti-American sentiment and demands for national liberation. This common interest has made the two originally incompatible forces reach a delicate balance to a certain extent.

But just recently, the relationship has taken a sharp turn. The Taliban and Iran are no longer satisfied with this, but have taken the initiative to embark on a path of closer cooperation. This seemingly impossible alliance is undoubtedly puzzling, but there are some deep strategic considerations behind it.

First of all, this alliance reflects a major change in the balance of power in the Middle East. With the U.S. defeat in the war in Afghanistan, the resurgence of the Taliban, combined with Iran's long-standing anti-American confrontation, has given the two forces a relative advantage to some extent. They believe that by working together, they can compete for a better position in the future of the Middle East.

Beat the Israeli army! The wheel war besieged the Israeli army, and the Taliban entered the war strongly and shook the Middle East

Second, there is a certain convergence of interests between the two sides. Although the Taliban is a religious extremist organization, its roots still lie in national liberation and anti-American sentiment. Iran, as a Shiite power, has always wanted to expand its influence in the Middle East and break free from the control of the United States and its allies. At this level, there is indeed a certain common demand between them.

Moreover, both forces are facing intense pressure from the United States and its allies. The Taliban, as the de facto ruler in Afghanistan, has been sanctioned and isolated by the international community. Iran, on the other hand, has long suffered from economic sanctions and military threats from the United States and its allies. In this case, they had to seek new allies in order to strengthen their power and position.

Finally, the religious factor cannot be ignored. Although the Taliban is a Sunni group, its partnership with Shiite Iran also reflects the importance of religious identity in disputes in the Middle East. For the two, this spiritual unity is also an important bond.

Beat the Israeli army! The wheel war besieged the Israeli army, and the Taliban entered the war strongly and shook the Middle East

It can be said that the formation of this Taliban-Iran alliance stems from multiple factors such as complex geopolitical changes, convergence of interests, and common external pressures, and it marks a major turning point in the power structure in the Middle East.

The shock of the "march on foot".

One of the most striking moves of the new Taliban-Iran coalition is the "march on foot" they organized. This seemingly ancient tactic is particularly prominent in today's modern warfare.

Beat the Israeli army! The wheel war besieged the Israeli army, and the Taliban entered the war strongly and shook the Middle East

The so-called "march on foot" means that this coalition army has abandoned modern weapons and equipment and has chosen the most primitive way of marching. They completely abandoned heavy weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles, and advanced only on their own legs and simple light weapons. This approach not only poses a huge physical challenge, but also a tactic with a great psychological impact.

In this way, the Taliban and the Houthis have not only demonstrated their resilience and tenacity, but have also succeeded in refocusing the world's attention on this ancient Middle Eastern land. This has undoubtedly caused a huge shock to the opponent Israel, as well as the United States and its allies behind it.

On the one hand, this "march on foot" greatly challenges the Israeli military's conventional combat capabilities. The Israeli army, which has always relied on advanced weaponry and strong firepower, is somewhat helpless in the face of such an enemy army, which does not rely on modern weapons and advances solely on willpower. The success of this tactic has also further strengthened the self-confidence and combat effectiveness of the Taliban and the Houthis.

Beat the Israeli army! The wheel war besieged the Israeli army, and the Taliban entered the war strongly and shook the Middle East

On the other hand, such actions have also had a great impact at the level of international public opinion. In today's era of highly advanced information, any military operation will immediately attract global attention. The Taliban and the Houthis' "march on foot" vividly demonstrated their determination and courage, and people could not help but be moved. In contrast, Israel's use of force is apt to arouse criticism and doubts from the international community.

It can be said that this kind of "march on foot" is not only a physical means of attack, but also a tactic with great psychological impact. It effectively undermines the self-confidence of Israel and the entire Western camp, making it difficult for them to cope with such a simple and tenacious way of fighting. This further highlights the strategic significance of the Taliban and Iranian alliance.

Israel's two-front war

In the face of such a change in the situation, Israel is undoubtedly under tremendous pressure. As a major U.S. ally in the Middle East, it has to deal not only with a military challenge from the Taliban-Iran coalition, but also with a complex game at the diplomatic level.

From a military point of view, Israel has had to adjust its strategic thinking and combat methods. For many years, it has relied on advanced weaponry and powerful firepower superiority to maintain its own security. But in the face of the Taliban's "march on foot" and the asymmetrical tactics of opponents such as the Houthis, it appears to be somewhat powerless.

For this reason, the Israeli military has had to adopt a more flexible and changeable mode of warfare. On the one hand, they must improve their counter-guerrilla warfare capabilities and better respond to the unconventional tactics of the enemy army. On the other hand, they also need to strengthen their military intelligence gathering and counterterrorism capabilities to keep track of their opponents' movements as much as possible. At the same time, Israel should also strengthen military cooperation with the United States and other allies to maintain its military superiority.

However, military means alone are not enough. At the diplomatic level, Israel is also under unprecedented pressure. From Hamas to Allah to the Houthis today, every regional conflict could pose a huge diplomatic challenge for Israel.

On the one hand, Israel must manage its relations with these non-State actors. They need to find some diplomatic channels to try to ease tensions between the two sides and reduce the risk of military conflict. On the other hand, Israel should also strengthen diplomatic coordination with the United States and other Western camps, strive for more international support, and enhance its regional influence.

It can be said that in this complex Middle East landscape, Israel has to fight at the same time, both military and diplomatic. This requires not only its own strategic wisdom, but also close coordination with the United States and other allies. Only in this way will Israel be able to safeguard its security interests in this volatile region.

The future of the new Middle East pattern

The Taliban and Iran have undoubtedly won a more advantageous position for themselves in the complicated chess game in the Middle East. This seemingly impossible alliance is changing the balance of power in the region.

First, it marks a major change in the balance of power in the Middle East. In the past, Israel has been firmly supported by the United States and has occupied a pivotal position in the regional landscape. But now, with the Taliban and Iran joining forces, Israel is facing significantly increased military and diplomatic pressure. This will inevitably rebalance the balance of power in the region as a whole.

Secondly, this new alliance could also lead to a further intensification of regional conflicts. Although the Taliban and Iran share anti-American sentiments, their roots and demands are not entirely identical. It remains to be seen whether they will be able to maintain long-term and stable cooperation with each other in the future. What is certain, however, is that as long as such an alliance exists, it will inevitably provoke a backlash from Israel and its allies. The risk of regional conflict will rise further.

Moreover, this new change in the power structure will also have a direct impact on global security and peace. After all, the Middle East has always been a hot spot of the world's attention, and changes in its situation will inevitably have a far-reaching impact on the international landscape. Once a large-scale military conflict breaks out, it will inevitably trigger global turmoil and crisis.

Therefore, in the coming period, more fierce political games will be staged in this ancient Middle Eastern land. The rivalry between the Taliban, Iran, and other forces will not only change the pattern of the region, but will also affect the global security landscape to a large extent.

This chess game is far from over, and we can only wait and see what the future holds for the region. Whatever the final outcome, the Middle East is bound to continue to be the focus of the world's attention. We can only hope that these disputes will eventually be resolved through peaceful dialogue, rather than turning into bloodier wars. After all, peace is the eternal pursuit of human society.