
The ancient Egyptian pharaoh married his own daughter and had children with her, why didn't he feel that it was against ethics

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The ancient Egyptian pharaoh married his own daughter and had children with her, why didn't he feel that it was against ethics

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The marriage customs of close relatives of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptian pharaoh married his own daughter and had children with her, why didn't he feel that it was against ethics

(about 3000 words)

Since ancient times, there have always been some incomprehensible customs in the world that are difficult to understand even today. The most prominent of these is the ancient Egyptian royal family's tradition of consanguineous marriage. It is incomprehensible that the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, one of the most powerful civilizations of the time, would openly marry their daughters and even have children with her. So, what are the reasons for this?

The ancient Egyptian pharaoh married his own daughter and had children with her, why didn't he feel that it was against ethics

To explore this question, we must first understand the origins of this tradition. It turned out that the founder of this custom was none other than the famous tyrant Akaria. Although people do not regard him as a tyrant because of his peculiar behavior, but because he brutally oppresses the people, causing them to live in misery. However, Akaria, as an extremely lascivious person, did openly marry his daughter Atana.

When Akaria returned from home to fight on the border when her daughter Atana was a child, she found that she had grown into a beautiful woman in the city. The chiefs of the neighboring countries also coveted Atana and took her captive. Akaria, who was furious, learned that the "beauty" sent by the neighboring country was actually her own daughter. It was too late to change anything, and Atana was pregnant with Akaria's flesh and blood. In this way, Akalia became the first pharaoh to openly marry his own daughter.

The ancient Egyptian pharaoh married his own daughter and had children with her, why didn't he feel that it was against ethics

There are two main reasons why people can easily accept this seemingly unethical behavior: cultural psychology and realpolitik.

First of all, from the perspective of cultural psychology, ancient Egypt did not have a strict hierarchical concept like Chinese Confucian culture, nor did it have an ethical and moral concept similar to "monarchs, ministers, fathers, sons, fathers, sons". In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was the supreme being, and whatever he did was right, people naturally did not dispute the pharaoh's act of marrying his daughter. After all, the pharaoh was a symbol of divine power, and it was certainly impossible for the common people to ignore the actions of the gods.

The ancient Egyptian pharaoh married his own daughter and had children with her, why didn't he feel that it was against ethics

Secondly, from the perspective of realpolitik, the reason why Pharaoh married his daughter was mainly to ensure the purity of the royal bloodline, not to allow outsiders to infiltrate, so as to firmly control power. If you marry your daughter to someone with a foreign surname, or if you marry a foreigner, then you risk being robbed of power. Therefore, Pharaoh chose to marry his own daughter and give birth to an heir who was entirely of his own bloodline in order to ensure the stability of royal power.

While this approach can achieve this goal to some extent, it also has serious consequences. Because consanguineous marriage can easily lead to genetic malformations, children born to royalty and nobles at that time often had a high mortality rate and a very low survival rate. Coupled with the limited level of medical care in ancient Egypt at the time, people did not attribute this to consanguineous marriages, but continued to do so.

The ancient Egyptian pharaoh married his own daughter and had children with her, why didn't he feel that it was against ethics

As a result, this practice not only affected the continuation of the royal family, but also led to the decline of the population of the country as a whole. At that time, the population of ancient Egypt was relatively sparse, and even demographic disasters occurred, which is undoubtedly closely related to the pharaohs' tradition of marriage between close relatives.

Obviously, in order to protect their power, the pharaohs did not hesitate to do things that were incomprehensible to others. This was not limited to ancient Egypt, but almost all of the early European royal families had a tradition of consanguineous marriage, also in order to ensure dominance. The temptation of power is indeed enormous, but it also comes at a heavy cost, such as those babies who die young.

The ancient Egyptian pharaoh married his own daughter and had children with her, why didn't he feel that it was against ethics

Looking at the world today, we can also see signs that some powerful people are unscrupulous for their own interests. Therefore, we should be vigilant against the corrosive nature of power and establish a more just and reasonable social order, so that everyone's rights can be guaranteed. Only in this way can we avoid repeating the mistakes of the ancient Egyptian royal family and move human society towards a better future.

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The ancient Egyptian pharaoh married his own daughter and had children with her, why didn't he feel that it was against ethics

While the ancient Egyptian royal family's tradition of consanguineous marriage may seem incomprehensible, a closer look reveals some of the deeper reasons behind it. This practice was not purely motivated by personal likes and dislikes, but was motivated by a political consideration to preserve the royal power.

As the supreme ruler, the pharaoh naturally did not want his power to be encroached upon by outsiders. And marrying a daughter to a foreign surname, or marrying a woman with a foreign surname, can shake power. Therefore, they chose to marry their own daughters and give birth to a descendant who was entirely their own bloodline, thus ensuring the continuation of the royal family's power and the strength of its power. This allowed the pharaoh to hold the core of power forever and not be infiltrated by outsiders.

The ancient Egyptian pharaoh married his own daughter and had children with her, why didn't he feel that it was against ethics

At the same time, this tradition of consanguineous marriage was also in line with the cultural psychology of ancient Egypt at that time. At that time, the pharaohs were supreme beings, and all their actions were considered right, let alone matters related to royal glory. Ordinary people naturally have no right to ignore the decision of the gods, even if they feel that it is unethical, they can only accept it silently. After all, the pharaoh was a theocratic incarnation, and if anyone dared to speak out against it, they were bound to be severely punished.

Thus, we can see that the marriage of close relatives of the ancient Egyptian royal family was not based on personal likes and dislikes, but out of a practical consideration to preserve power. This practice not only conformed to the cultural psychology of the time, but also ensured the purity of the royal bloodline, thus consolidating the dominance. Despite some negative effects, it was clear that the pharaohs were more interested in their own interests in the context of the era.

The ancient Egyptian pharaoh married his own daughter and had children with her, why didn't he feel that it was against ethics

This kind of unscrupulous approach for the sake of power may have been understandable in ancient Egypt at that time, but if it is put into today's social environment, it is undoubtedly unacceptable. We should reflect on the corrosive nature of power and establish a more just and reasonable social order, so that everyone's rights can be guaranteed. Only in this way can we avoid repeating the mistakes of the ancient Egyptian royal family and move human society towards a better future.

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