
An island has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, Saudi Arabia: the island is yours, Egypt: no, it is your island

author:International Detective

Tiran Island: Sixty-six years of turmoil, the legend of Escha's humility

In the waves of the Red Sea, Tiran Island is like a shining pearl, and its geographical location is so important that it has become the focus of competition between Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Since 1906, when Britain placed it under Egyptian administration, the island has served as a mirror of the ups and downs of regional tensions. However, it is this island that has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, writing a good story in the history of international relations.

An island has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, Saudi Arabia: the island is yours, Egypt: no, it is your island

Tiran Island, which is located in the Strait of Tiran, the southern mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba in the northern part of the Red Sea, covers an area of 80 square kilometers. Despite its small size, the island is home to breathtaking coral reefs that attract many divers every year. It is also strategically located in the Strait of Tiran between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, controlling key shipping lanes to the Red Sea.

An island has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, Saudi Arabia: the island is yours, Egypt: no, it is your island

Historically, Tiran was part of the Ottoman Empire, which at the time spanned from the Middle East to North Africa. However, with the rise of the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire gradually lost control of the region. British expansion eventually forced the Ottoman Empire to cede the island of Tiran and other areas to British-controlled Egypt. Although the island nominally belonged to Egypt, it failed to exercise sovereignty over Tiran in time after Egypt freed itself from British rule. This state of affairs has led to numerous territorial negotiations with the Saudis.

An island has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, Saudi Arabia: the island is yours, Egypt: no, it is your island

In 1922, Egypt declared its independence, and Britain was hypocritical, ostensibly supporting Egypt's independence, but secretly controlling the island of Tiran, preparing to muddy the waters of the Middle East before leaving. In 1927, the British withdrew from Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, which had long since become independent, immediately made territorial claims to Saudi Arabia. Egypt believed that the island of Tiran should be returned to Egypt, after all, the British had originally annexed the island to British Egypt. However, Saudi Arabia is also unwilling to give up the sovereignty of the islands, and the two sides have disputed, and the ownership of the islands has not been decided.

An island has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, Saudi Arabia: the island is yours, Egypt: no, it is your island

After the end of World War II, the Jews, who had been oppressed by the Nazis, began to unite and returned to Palestine, where their ancestors had lived, to re-establish the state. Israel showed a strong desire to expand after the establishment of the state, and in 1950 they set their sights on the nearby island of Tiran. The control of Tiran was in Saudi control at the time, and the Saudis at that time did not have enough power to compete with Israel, so they planned to give the island to neighboring Egypt. Compared with Saudi Arabia, Egypt's strength is still relatively stronger, and the remnants of the four ancient civilizations of the past still exist. But Egypt also knew that whoever controlled Tiran would be leading the war to itself, and Egypt did not want to be Israel's enemy. As a result, there was a situation in which the two countries were humble to each other.

An island has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, Saudi Arabia: the island is yours, Egypt: no, it is your island

In 1950, Saudi Arabia handed over de facto control of Tiran Island to Egypt. But Egypt is also reluctant to take on this hot potato. Saudi Arabia is regarded as retreating, and after Egypt obtains the ownership of Tiran Island, it is equivalent to controlling Israel's southern maritime lifeline. As a result, years of war broke out between Israel and Egypt. Back in 1950, the battle for Tiran's status heated up and became the heart of regional tensions. The forces of all parties are intertwined here, like a game of chess, and every step is taken carefully, for fear of triggering an unpredictable chain reaction. In this game of chess, Tiran Island is undoubtedly the most eye-catching chess piece, and the question of its ownership has become a touchstone to test the wisdom and mind of the two countries.

An island has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, Saudi Arabia: the island is yours, Egypt: no, it is your island

In 1978, the signing of the Camp David Accords seemed to put an end to a long-running dispute. The agreement stipulates that Israel will return the island of Tiran to Egypt, but Saudi Arabia has not given up its demand for its repossession. However, Saudi Arabia did not take drastic measures, but carried out dialogue and consultation with Egypt in a peaceful and rational manner, demonstrating its bearing and responsibility as a regional power.

An island has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, Saudi Arabia: the island is yours, Egypt: no, it is your island

In 2016, the Saudi king visited Egypt and made a request for the return of the island, and in 2017, the Egyptian top level agreed to the request after discussion, and the island of Tiran was finally asserted after 66 years of humility.

An island has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, Saudi Arabia: the island is yours, Egypt: no, it is your island

In the blink of an eye, in 2018, the Egyptian government's decision shocked the world: return the island of Tiran to Saudi Arabia. This decision is not only a satisfactory resolution of the 66-year-old dispute, but also the best interpretation of the spirit of mutual humility between the two countries. Egypt's choice is not only a respect for history, but also an expectation for the future; Saudi Arabia's insistence is both a defense of sovereignty and a desire for peace. The handling of the Tiran Island issue between the two countries is like a harmonious symphony, playing a magnificent movement of international cooperation and mutual understanding and mutual accommodation.

An island has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, Saudi Arabia: the island is yours, Egypt: no, it is your island

Looking back on this period of history, we can't help but feel a lot of emotion. Tiran, once a land of tension and antagonism, is now a symbol of friendship between the two countries. It has witnessed the transformation of Egypt and Saudi Arabia from competition to humility, and demonstrated the importance of peaceful coexistence and friendly consultation in international relations. Over the past 66 years, the mutual humility of the two countries on Tiran Island has not only resolved disputes, but also set an example of valuing peace between countries and promoting peace through concession.

An island has allowed the two countries to humble each other for 66 years, Saudi Arabia: the island is yours, Egypt: no, it is your island

The story of Tiran Island is a poem of peace and humility, a beautiful picture of international cooperation. It tells us that no matter what kind of disputes and challenges we face, as long as we uphold the principles of mutual respect and consultation on an equal footing, we can always find a mutually acceptable solution. The vicissitudes of Tiran Island have finally turned into a friendly bond between Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia, and this humility and wisdom will forever be engraved in the long river of history and shine brightly.

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