
Firm beliefs. Building a bright future together

author:Reversal @ life


Hey guys! Have you ever wondered why China has been able to rise in such a short period of time and become a superpower in the world's attention? Some say it's luck, some say policy, but I'm going to tell you, there's a big secret behind it! That is - we have unswervingly followed the socialist road and have been deeply influenced by a certain great person. So, who is this mysterious figure? Why are his works so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people? Don't worry, let's unveil this mystery together!

Firm beliefs. Building a bright future together

1. The fog of capitalism and the dawn of socialism

When you think of capitalism, you may think of high-rise buildings, luxury cars and yachts, and those glamorous rich people. But you know what? Behind this prosperity, there are actually countless injustices and greed. In pursuit of higher profits, capitalists do not hesitate to sacrifice the rights and interests of workers and even destroy the environment. This extreme individualism makes society more and more indifferent, and the trust between people gradually disappears.

However, in our great China, there is a great man who has long seen through all this. He knew very well that only socialism could save the world and enable the people to live a happy and beautiful life. Therefore, he resolutely chose to take the road of socialism and left us a precious treasure -- Mao Zedong Thought.

Firm beliefs. Building a bright future together

2. Mao Zedong's legendary life and immortal works

Speaking of this great man, he is our beloved Chairman Mao! Chairman Mao's life can be said to be full of legends. He grew step by step from an ordinary peasant boy to the founder of New China, and the hardships and dedication are unimaginable.

Chairman Mao was not only a great politician and military strategist, but also an outstanding writer. His representative works "Theory of Contradiction" and "Theory of Practice" are all immortal classics. These works expound the theory of socialism in simple terms and point out the way forward for us. At the same time, Chairman Mao was also good at using vivid language and vivid metaphors to let the people better understand the true meaning of socialism.

For example, in "The Theory of Contradiction", Chairman Mao used the metaphor of "eggs and stones" to vividly illustrate the relationship between the main contradiction and the secondary contradiction; In "On Practice", he used the metaphor of "crossing the river and the boat" to expound the importance of combining theory and practice. These vivid metaphors not only let us understand the theory of socialism more deeply, but also let us feel the wisdom and charm of Chairman Mao.

Firm beliefs. Building a bright future together

3. The Socialist Road and China's Rise

Under the guidance of Chairman Mao, China has firmly followed the road of socialism. Although the road has been tortuous and bumpy, we have always maintained our confidence and determination to move forward step by step.

In economic construction, we have implemented a planned economic system to ensure the fair distribution of resources and the stable development of the economy. At the same time, we have also vigorously developed agriculture, industry, science and technology and other fields, laying a solid foundation for the country's development.

In terms of social security, we have established a sound social security system to ensure that the basic living needs of the people are met. Whether it is medical insurance, pension insurance or housing security, we have achieved remarkable results.

In the area of culture and education, we have paid attention to cultivating the people's moral qualities and scientific and cultural qualities. We have vigorously promoted Putonghua, universalized compulsory education, and developed higher education, so that the people's cultural level has been continuously improved.

It is these efforts and dedication that have enabled China to rise to become a global superpower in a short period of time. Our people have lived a happy and beautiful life, and our country has won the respect and praise of the world.

Firm beliefs. Building a bright future together

Fourth, in the face of challenges, we are more determined

Of course, on the road to socialism, we are also faced with various challenges and difficulties. However, it is precisely these challenges and difficulties that make us more determined to walk on the road of socialism.

We know that the forces of capitalism are still strong and that they are always trying to subvert our socialist system. But we have the confidence, determination and ability to meet these challenges. We will continue to study Mao Zedong Thought and other socialist theories in depth, and constantly improve our ideological consciousness and political literacy. We will actively participate in the construction of socialism and contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Firm beliefs. Building a bright future together


Friends, after reading this article, do you have a deeper understanding of socialism? Do you think Chairman Mao is really a great leader? That's right! It is Chairman Mao's wise leadership and the correct guidance of the socialist road that have enabled China to rise to become a global superpower in a short period of time. Let us work hand in hand, continue to walk firmly on the road of socialism, and work hard to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Firm beliefs. Building a bright future together