
The new law offers hope for rural development

author:Reversal @ life

A New Chapter in Rural Areas, Smiling Farmers: The Legend of Rural Revitalization under Legal Escort


Have you ever heard that in a faraway countryside, a law is about to change the fate of hundreds of millions of peasants? That's right, that's the Law of the People's Republic of China on Rural Collective Economic Organizations! This law not only allows farmers to go to the city without worry, but also protects their rights and interests like never before. Today, let's walk into the story behind this law and see how it writes the legend of rural revitalization!

The new law offers hope for rural development

First, the peasants go to the city, and their rights and interests are worry-free

Have you ever imagined such a scenario? Lao Wang, a farmer, with a longing for the city, packed his bags and set foot on the road into the city. But before that, he was always worried that once he left his hometown, would the rights and interests such as land contracting rights and homestead use rights that he had worked so hard to work on would be "lost"? Now, Lao Wang can rest assured! This is because this law clearly stipulates that no matter whether or not the household registration is still in the rural areas, as long as there is an interest relationship with the rural collective economic organizations, the peasant friends can enjoy the due protection of their rights and interests.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the charm of this law. It is not only a legal text, but also a "reassurance" for farmers. It allows farmers to work hard in the city without worrying about losing the rights and interests of their hometown. This kind of guarantee undoubtedly makes farmers more assured and more confident to devote themselves to urban construction.

The new law offers hope for rural development

Second, the rural collective economy has been revitalized

In addition to protecting the rights and interests of peasant friends, this law has also injected new vitality into the rural collective economy. It encourages rural collective economic organizations to explore new business models and development methods, and promotes the transformation and upgrading of the rural collective economy. Imagine that those once obscure rural collective economic organizations are now full of vitality under the protection of the law. They have not only achieved their own leapfrog development, but also led to the prosperity and revitalization of the entire countryside.

Here, I would like to make a special mention of the "leader" of the rural collective economic organizations -- Xiao Zhang, the village party secretary. He is a young and promising village cadre, who not only has rich agricultural knowledge and management experience, but also has a heart for the welfare of farmers. Under the guidance of the law, Xiao Zhang led the villagers to set up a rural collective economic organization, which introduced new varieties, popularized new technologies, and broadened sales channels, so that the village's agricultural products went out of the mountains and into the whole country. Today, the living standards of the villagers have improved significantly, and the village has taken on a new look.

The new law offers hope for rural development

3. Serve farmers and warm people's hearts

In addition to providing protection of the rights and interests of farmers and development opportunities, this law also emphasizes the service function of rural collective economic organizations. It requires rural collective economic organizations to provide farmers with services such as the promotion of agricultural technology and the sale of agricultural products, so as to help them improve their agricultural production efficiency and market competitiveness. At the same time, it will also provide farmers with public service facilities such as education, medical care, and culture, so that their lives will be more convenient and comfortable.

Here, I would like to tell you a touching story. Xiao Li in the village is a young farmer who has been working hard for his family's livelihood. However, due to the lack of technical and market information, his agricultural products were never sold at a good price. However, with the help of the rural collective economic organization, Xiao Li attended an agricultural technology training course and learned to grow new varieties and use new technologies. At the same time, the rural collective economic organization also helped him connect with sales channels, so that his agricultural products could be sold smoothly. Today, Xiao Li has become a wealthy expert in the village, and his life is becoming more and more prosperous.

The new law offers hope for rural development

Fourth, rural revitalization, building a better future

Through the implementation of this law, we see a bright future for rural revitalization. The rights and interests of peasant friends have been protected, the rural collective economy has been revitalized, and the countryside has taken on a new look. All this is inseparable from the escort of the law and the hard work of farmers.

Here, I would like to pay high tribute to all the farmers who have worked hard for rural revitalization! It is precisely because of your hard work and selfless dedication that our countryside can be full of vitality and infinite vitality. At the same time, I would also like to call on more people to pay attention to the cause of rural revitalization and jointly contribute to the construction of a beautiful China!

The new law offers hope for rural development


The promulgation and implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Rural Collective Economic Organizations has injected new impetus and hope into rural revitalization. It allows farmers to work hard in the city without worrying about losing the rights and interests of their hometown; It gives new vigor and vitality to the rural collective economy; It gives the countryside a new look and a new life. In the days to come, let us work together to write a more brilliant chapter for the cause of rural revitalization!

The new law offers hope for rural development

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