
Foul-smelling, dirty, explosive, poisoning, infection...... Is your child secretly raising this? Check yourself early!

Foul-smelling, dirty, explosive, poisoning, infection...... Is your child secretly raising this? Check yourself early!

Metropolis Express Orange Persimmon Interactive

2024-06-29 14:17The official account of Metro Express

Summer vacation is coming, and it's finally time for children to "let go of themselves". However, many parents have been shocked by their children's "sassy operation": they actually raised stinky water in the beverage bottle......

Foul-smelling, dirty, explosive, poisoning, infection...... Is your child secretly raising this? Check yourself early!
Foul-smelling, dirty, explosive, poisoning, infection...... Is your child secretly raising this? Check yourself early!

At a glance, they want to "yue", but the children can't stop and enjoy it, and even share their recipes and experiences on social platforms.

What is "smelly water"? In fact, it refers to mixing many things in life such as pure milk, shampoo, egg white, egg liquid, saliva, wonton soup and so on into a beverage bottle, and then sealing it, after a long period of fermentation, waiting for the contents of the bottle to deteriorate, until finally a chemical reaction occurs and then explodes.

How can children have such "stinky" fun? Parents should not care? What would be the best way to deal with it?

Not only does it stink and dirty, but it also explodes, poisons, and infections......

Emergency specialist: Don't let your child get smelly water

Wu Xiujing, director of the emergency department of Zhejiang University Children's Hospital, said: "The result of raising smelly water is not only smelly, but also a huge safety hazard behind this move. Once the stinky water bottle explodes, it may pose a huge threat to the health of elementary and middle school students! ”

Foul-smelling, dirty, explosive, poisoning, infection...... Is your child secretly raising this? Check yourself early!

Director Wu Xiujing reminded that we must first be vigilant against the risk of explosion. The "stinky water" is constantly fermenting in the plastic bottle, which increases the pressure inside the bottle, and eventually causes the bottle to explode. Fragments of mineral water that suddenly explode may injure classmates who can't dodge on the side. If debris flies into the eye, it can also cause severe vision damage or even blindness. In addition, the loud noise of the explosion can also cause hearing damage to the child's delicate ears, resulting in hearing loss or tinnitus.

The second is the risk of poisoning. In the process of "raising smelly water", fermentation may produce a variety of toxic gases and liquid compounds such as methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methanol and ethyl mercaptan, which will irritate the child's mouth, nose, eyes, skin, etc. Excessive inhalation or exposure to these toxic gases and liquids can also cause the risk of poisoning such as headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

In addition, there is a great risk of infection with smelly water. "Smelly water" may also contain a large number of bacteria, molds, etc., after fermentation, and these pathogens are transmitted through contact or inhalation, which can lead to a variety of health problems such as skin infections, respiratory tract infections, and digestive tract infections.

"Raising stinky water is very dangerous, and it is not recommended for primary and secondary school students to do it, especially not to keep stinky water in classrooms, which are closed and densely populated." Director Wu Xiujing said that if there is a stinky water explosion, students must pay attention to protect themselves in time, and open windows for ventilation in time to avoid inhaling harmful gases. Once accidentally come into contact with "stinky water", rinse the skin with clean water immediately, disinfect it in time, and seek medical treatment if necessary.

As for the dangerous behavior of "raising stinky water", because many children are not aware of the health threats and serious consequences that this behavior may bring, parents and teachers need to work together to educate and stop it.

"It's an unconventional and even destructive act"

Psychological experts analyze the four psychology behind primary school students' stinky water

Dr. Wang Liqiong, from the Department of Psychology at Zhejiang University's Children's Hospital, said that "raising stinky water" is an unconventional and even somewhat mischievous behavior, and there may be a variety of psychological and social factors behind this behavior.

1. Curiosity and desire to explore

Children are naturally curious about the unknown, and by raising smelly water to observe the changes and results of different substances after mixing, it just satisfies children's curiosity and desire to explore.

2. Seek attention and a sense of social belonging

At home and at school, if children don't get enough attention, they may use some special behaviors to attract the attention of others. Peer influences and pressures in social settings can also lead children to imitate the behaviour of others as a way to gain a sense of identity and belonging. When children find that everyone around them is popular for "stinky water", they will also want to keep up with this "trend".

3. Vent emotions and stress

Academic, family, and social pressures can be beyond your child's ability to cope, leading them to vent their emotions in inappropriate ways. Due to the lack of proper emotional expression and problem-solving channels, children may choose to release stress through behaviors such as "stinking water". Some children may think, "School is so boring, I want to make a difference!" You may even think: "It's just to destroy the class, so that there is no way to continue the class~"

4. Pranks and thrill-seeking

There are also children who may "keep the smelly water" because they like to play pranks and enjoy the excitement and excitement that comes with it. The mindset of pursuing adventure and trying new things may drive children to engage in such activities.

Discourage children from raising smelly water, and don't be tough and arrogant

Try the following

In the process of dissuasion, Yang Rongwang, deputy director of the Department of Psychology, suggested that parents should not adopt a tough and arrogant attitude such as criticism and punishment, and that reasonable safety and health education and counseling should be carried out.

After discovering that your child is "raising stinky water", parents can try to do the following:

1. Open communication and building trust: First, parents need to understand why their children behave the way they do. Have an open conversation with your child about their thoughts and motivations. Make sure the child knows that the parent is trustworthy and willing to share their questions and concerns with the parent. Parents should not immediately criticize or punish harshly, but try to understand the thoughts and expectations behind them.

2. Set boundaries and rules: Clearly tell your child what behaviors are safe and what are not. Explain why "smelly water" is dangerous, educate about safety, and set clear rules for the house.

3. Strengthen home-school ties: Maintain close contact with your child's teachers and school to better understand your child's performance and needs at school.

4. Engage in activities: Encourage children to participate in other beneficial outdoor activities or experimental projects to satisfy their desire to explore.

5. Provide alternatives: If the child is motivated by curiosity, offer some safe science experiments or exploration activities as an alternative to unsafe behaviors.

6. Monitoring & Guidance: Keep an eye on your child's behavior for a period of time to make sure they don't engage in such activities again. At the same time, provide appropriate guidance and support.

7. Seek professional help: If you notice that your child continues to engage in such behaviour or has other related psychological issues, you may need to seek professional mental health services.

Parents, schools and society should work together to take comprehensive measures to guide children's healthy growth from multiple perspectives, create a healthier and safer environment for children, and help children establish correct values and shape good behavior patterns.

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  • Foul-smelling, dirty, explosive, poisoning, infection...... Is your child secretly raising this? Check yourself early!
  • Foul-smelling, dirty, explosive, poisoning, infection...... Is your child secretly raising this? Check yourself early!
  • Foul-smelling, dirty, explosive, poisoning, infection...... Is your child secretly raising this? Check yourself early!

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