
What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

author:Creek Boy
What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason


On the way home on a man's electric car, he was hit by a car straight up, and the man's life was not buried under the wheels, just when the man sat on the ground with a confused face and thought about how the accident happened, the driver of the car ran towards the man with a knife in his hand, and the man was scared to run home.

The driver did not give up, broke down the door, and continued to look for the man.

What exactly did this man do? Let the driver chase after him, and he must take the man's life? The insider revealed the reason, which is incredible.


What happened

On June 27, a frightening scene occurred in a small village in Baoding, Hebei Province.

A man dressed in black rode an electric car on the village road leisurely, and was about to turn into his yard, when suddenly a black sedan roared behind him, and the man in black didn't have time to think about it, and his electric car was hit by the car at a lightning speed. The car didn't mean to stop, and continued to drive away, the violent impact and the speed of the car making the surrounding dust fly.

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

Fortunately, the man was not knocked off like the car, but fell to the ground and one of his shoes fell off. This can be called a scene of special effects in the movie, which really startled passers-by.

The man sat on the ground with a confused face, looking back at his unrecognizable electric car, what had just happened seemed like a dream. I still wonder who this is! Isn't it drunk and driving so violently, this is your own life!

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

Before the man could figure out how the accident had happened, an even greater danger came to the man.

It turned out that the driver of the car was holding a knife in his hand, scolding and running towards the man in black, so frightened that the man couldn't care about the pain on his body, ran into his house and closed the door of his house.

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

The driver of the sedan did not give up the chase because the man ran into the house, he vigorously kicked open the iron door and ran in to continue looking for the man in black. Fortunately, the man in black hid and was not found by the driver of the car, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

The video sparked heated discussions

Everyone doesn't understand that this sedan driver chased and killed with a knife in order to hit people again, and this situation of rushing to kill is like some deep hatred!

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

This scene of driving and killing is like making a movie.

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

I thought it was an ordinary traffic accident, but I didn't expect that there would be a follow-up, and it became an intentional injury.

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

Insiders broke the news

Sure enough, there must be a reason for things to go wrong, as netizens speculated, this matter is not so simple. The sedan driver and the man in black had indeed had a conflict before, but what was the deep hatred that wanted to take his life? Saying the reason simply made everyone's jaw drop!

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

It turned out that the man in black and the driver of the sedan were neighbors, and the two families had an unpleasant incident because of a garbage can before, but the contradictory statements about what happened were not consistent, and there was a statement that it was because the man kicked down the trash can, and the man in black accused him of his behavior. Just because of such a trivial matter, the sedan driver held a grudge and waited for an opportunity to retaliate.

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

Ordinary people don't be so extreme, this driver is so crazy, it's because he is mentally ill, his brother has also confirmed his condition, and when he laughs, he will say a word to him, if he has a serious face, go away quickly, he really does it!

I used to chase the pancake seller before, and this is not long after I came out of the mental hospital, so it's not going to happen again!

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

Things are progressing

At present, the man with the knife has been contained. Fortunately, the man in black only suffered non-life-threatening knee injuries on both legs.

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

Netizens are not calm

As soon as the follow-up video came out, netizens were not calm, neuropathy has become a gold medal for breaking the law and committing crimes, and all mental patients must be sent to professional hospitals, otherwise everyone will not be at ease!

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

There are also netizens who call for mental illness not to be an excuse for breaking the law and committing crimes, and violating the law must also be punished.

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason

There are also sensible netizens who call for not to conflict with others outside, to be more humble, to be more understanding, and to add peace to themselves. After all, you don't know what the other person's situation is, maybe he has a mental illness, maybe he is experiencing frustration and frustration, and your bad words may become the last straw that breaks the camel's back, and if you do something radical, it is we who are hurt. So be a little cowardly when you're out and about!

What a hatred! The man drove into someone and then entered the house with a knife to chase him, and the insider revealed the reason


The incident sparked a widespread public debate about the ethics of the application of the law to the diagnosis of mental illness and whether people with mental illness should be allowed to drive freely.

Many people believe that people with mental illness should be strictly managed and treated to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

At the same time, some people also call on government departments to strengthen supervision and assistance for people with mental illness to ensure social harmony and stability.

In the end, the editor still advises everyone to value harmony in everything, don't be so angry, it's useless to be quick to speak for a while. Sometimes it doesn't matter if you suffer a little loss, isn't there an old saying! "Suffering is a blessing"! That's really the reason!