
Bian Mu was poisoned in the follow-up! The other party is a retired criminal policeman, and he will not file a case if he commits a crime more than once!

author:Ah Xin never gave up

Recently, a distressing incident has once again attracted widespread attention. After a cute border collie was poisoned, the owner found that he had called the police many times but was rejected by the retired criminal police! The call for the protection of animal rights is once again sounding.

Bian Mu was poisoned in the follow-up! The other party is a retired criminal policeman, and he will not file a case if he commits a crime more than once!

Dear readers, hello everyone, today, I would like to introduce you to an incident that shocked and angered us. This incident happened all around us and taught us a vivid lesson in the importance of protecting animal rights.

Bian Mu was poisoned in the follow-up! The other party is a retired criminal policeman, and he will not file a case if he commits a crime more than once!

The whole story: poisoning an innocent border collie

The main character of this story is a border collie named "Qiaoqiao". It is intelligent, loyal, and energetic. Unfortunately, however, Qiaoqiao became a victim of poisoning by unscrupulous people. The owner found that Qiaoqiao had lost his appetite and was depressed, so he immediately took it to the doctor, and after examination, the result was painful - Qiaoqiao was poisoned!

Bian Mu was poisoned in the follow-up! The other party is a retired criminal policeman, and he will not file a case if he commits a crime more than once!

The owner's cries for help: Asking for help but no one heeded

Faced with Qiaoqiao's pain, the owner was heartbroken and decided to report the case to the police. However, unexpectedly, the retired criminal policeman Zhang rejected the master's appeal under various excuses! The police were called many times, but each time they were told that there was not enough evidence to file a case, and some even suspected that the owner was deliberately fabricating the facts.

In order to do justice to Qiaoqiao, the owner can only turn to social media to seek more solidarity and help. The incident attracted widespread attention, and the voice of anger spread throughout society.

Let's act together: demand justice

When this incident was exposed, everyone expressed their anger at Qiaoqiao's experience and their dissatisfaction with the retired criminal police officer who evaded responsibility. On the Internet, people actively participate in discussions, advocating for the protection of animal rights and calling for stronger efforts to combat animal cruelty.

At the same time, some dog lovers organized themselves to protest and demonstrate. They asked the police to revisit the case and give the border collie the justice it deserves.

Judicial indifference: the conundrum behind the complexity

Regarding the fact that the case was not filed, retired criminal policeman Zhang explained that there was a lack of conclusive evidence and the murderer could not be found. But these explanations are not convincing. After all, we live in an era of highly developed science and technology, and exploration and investigation techniques emerge one after another.

What's more, animal protection laws have long made it clear that any form of abuse should be punished. If even our judiciary cannot protect the rights and interests of animals, then where is the conscience of our national society?

A call for change: Protecting animal rights requires action

We cannot sit idly by in the face of this incident. It is up to each of us to take action to protect animal rights.

First of all, we need to strengthen the publicity and popularization of the animal protection law, so that more people understand the importance of legal protection of animals.

Secondly, we need to actively participate in the activities of animal protection organizations, speak up for innocent animals, and help them receive the respect and care they deserve.

Finally, we need to push for change through legal means, calling on the legislature to enact better laws and regulations to punish animal cruelty and create a kinder and more equal society.

Let's take action together to protect animal rights and work for a better world!

This is a shocking incident of a border collie being poisoned, and what deserves our attention is that the retired criminal police ignored the owner's call for help. The incident has sparked heated discussions about the protection of animal rights and justice. As a member of society, we cannot sit idly by, we should act together to fight for the protection of animal rights and interests to the end! If you are interested in this matter, please leave a message to discuss.