
Suggestion: Small vendors also have to pay taxes, and they make big profits, but they don't pay taxes, which is unreasonable

author:Ah Xin never gave up


Have you ever noticed that the street vendors make a lot of money but don't pay taxes? This unfair practice raises questions. This article will explore the issue of paying taxes on vendors and make recommendations calling on them to pay their taxes fairly as well.

Suggestion: Small vendors also have to pay taxes, and they make big profits, but they don't pay taxes, which is unreasonable

In recent years, street vendors have become a non-negligible part of urban life. They attract the citizens with a variety of delicacies and goods, and they are very profitable. However, it is puzzling that many small vendors choose to avoid paying taxes. Such a practice not only violates the principle of fairness, but also has a certain impact on social order and the normal operation of the economy.

Suggestion: Small vendors also have to pay taxes, and they make big profits, but they don't pay taxes, which is unreasonable

First, let's take a look at the reasons behind this phenomenon. For some small vendors, they may think that they are micro-business, small-scale operations, and the tax does not have much of an impact on their burden. And, because they are usually cash-based transactions, which are difficult to regulate, there are also people who take advantage of the opportunity to evade their tax obligations. These reasons have led to a weak tax awareness among small vendors.

Suggestion: Small vendors also have to pay taxes, and they make big profits, but they don't pay taxes, which is unreasonable

However, we should not let small vendors fail to pay their taxes. After all, paying taxes is the responsibility of every citizen and business, and it is also the foundation of building a better society. We have reason to call on small vendors to also pay their taxes fairly and make their due contribution to social development.

Suggestion: Small vendors also have to pay taxes, and they make big profits, but they don't pay taxes, which is unreasonable

First of all, the government can increase publicity and guidance for small vendors to raise their awareness of paying taxes. Through tax law publicity activities and tax training courses, we help small vendors understand tax policies and tax procedures, and stimulate their awareness of legal tax payment.

Suggestion: Small vendors also have to pay taxes, and they make big profits, but they don't pay taxes, which is unreasonable

Second, the government can introduce some preferential tax policies to encourage small vendors to take the initiative to pay taxes. For example, tax relief policies for small and micro enterprises can be set up to reduce their tax burden and make them more willing to take the initiative to declare and pay taxes.

In addition, the government can also strengthen tax supervision of small vendors. Through the use of modern scientific and technological means, such as the establishment of an intelligent tax payment system, strengthen the investigation and control of small vendors, improve the efficiency of tax collection and management, and reduce the occurrence of tax evasion.

Finally, all sectors of society should also play their part and jointly call on small vendors to pay their taxes fairly. The media can step up their efforts to expose small vendors who evade taxes and expose them to the pressure of public opinion. At the same time, citizens should also enhance their awareness of the rule of law, do not support the purchase of goods from small vendors who evade taxes, and form a joint force to jointly safeguard the fairness and justice of tax payment.

To sum up, small vendors should also pay their taxes fairly. This is not only the observance of the tax law, but also the maintenance of social order and the support of economic development. The government, society and individuals all need to work together to promote the solution of the tax problem of small vendors and achieve fairness and efficiency in taxation.