
What would happen if Ms. Yu Li gave up on the patient to go to class? Southern Medical University, please consider

author:Old Jiang Kan world
Summary: Is it important to attend classes or to treat diseases and save people, please think carefully about the leaders of Southern Medical University, is the punishment of Teacher Yu Li reasonable and reasonable?

If a person is both a teacher and a doctor, and he has to choose between life and class, how should he choose?

The ins and outs of the matter

Teacher Yu Li was punished for treating the disease and saving people, and the explanation given by Southern Medical University was that it was a serious teaching accident, and netizens thought that Southern Medical University was too hasty in handling it, and the school only saw Teacher Yu Li being late for class, and did not see the other side of her as a doctor and treating patients.

What would happen if Ms. Yu Li gave up on the patient to go to class? Southern Medical University, please consider

It is reported that before the "Pediatrics" course on May 10, 2024, teacher Yu Li of Southern Medical University found that the children in her department were in critical condition, so she stayed for emergency treatment, resulting in 29 minutes late for class, and was fined 2,000 yuan by Southern Medical University, canceling the punishment of the year's evaluation.

On June 16, 2024, Southern Medical University issued a statement saying that it had paid attention to the network information, and the school was learning about the verification from the relevant units, and would follow up on it. Interestingly, on the same day, the staff of the Publicity Department of Nanfang Hospital said that the matter was under investigation and understanding, and the result was a teaching error.

What would happen if Ms. Yu Li gave up on the patient to go to class? Southern Medical University, please consider

On June 17, the official appointment and registration platform of Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University showed that Yu Li was already in a state of "suspension of diagnosis", and a reporter consulted and received the reply that it may be due to Teacher Yu Li's own reasons.

The evaluation of the incident from all walks of life

Professor Yu Jiang of Southern Medical University publicly expressed support for the school's decision to punish Ms. Yu Li, and claimed that even if Ms. Yu did not treat the child at that time, other doctors would have stepped up. Yu Jiang is not only the deputy director of the Department of General Surgery, but also the deputy director of the Clinical Medical Education Center.

What would happen if Ms. Yu Li gave up on the patient to go to class? Southern Medical University, please consider

Professor Yu may have forgotten that the patient's onset is not the doctor's time at work, and the reason why Teacher Yu Li did not ask for leave from the school is because the time is urgent, and the patient's life is in danger for every second delayed.

In the face of overwhelming public opinion pressure, Southern Medical University chose to remain silent, not only refused to be interviewed by the media, but also did not make any official response to the incident.

What would happen if Ms. Yu Li gave up on the patient to go to class? Southern Medical University, please consider

Such comments are very rare, and they are also very harsh, some netizens made an assumption, if Professor Yu is in class, the secretary and the president of Southern Medical University have cerebral palsy at the same time, and Professor Yu needs to go to the doctor, will she go or not?

What would happen if Ms. Yu Li gave up on the patient to go to class? Southern Medical University, please consider

If Teacher Yu Li gives up on treating the child and goes to class

Southern Medical University's handling and explanation that Teacher Yu Li should be punished, the root cause is that she was late for class and was complained by international students.

What would happen if Ms. Yu Li gave up on the patient to go to class? Southern Medical University, please consider

Since international students complain, the school always has to give people an explanation, otherwise, if the international students complain collectively, the position of the president of Southern Medical University will be difficult to protect, what should I do? Why do you have to give Teacher Yu Li a punishment to keep the position of the principal, so as to preserve the position of the leader.

In other words, if Yu Li insists on attending classes and asks the leader for leave, and the patient has an accident that makes it impossible to treat him, what will be the result? It is estimated that the whole network will cyberbully Teacher Yu Li, will Southern Medical University at this time expel Teacher Yu Li for Teacher Yu Li's lack of medical ethics? Could it be that Teacher Yu Li will still be commended by Southern Medical University?

What would happen if Ms. Yu Li gave up on the patient to go to class? Southern Medical University, please consider

According to media reports, the teacher involved is teaching courses for international students, and was reported by international students, may I ask Southern Medical University, if as a doctor, if you can't have a sense of reverence for life and can't put treating diseases and saving people in the first place, what is the point of them cultivating more international students who are walking dead?

Advice to Southern Medical University

Please keep in mind the school motto of "erudition, dedication, virtue, and benevolence", and don't chill a doctor's heart and hurt a teacher's self-esteem.

What would happen if Ms. Yu Li gave up on the patient to go to class? Southern Medical University, please consider

More warmth, more human care, the system needs to be reasonable and reasonable, not too dogmatic, and we must not forget the preciousness of life at any time, because human life is only once, and it cannot be made up if it is lost.

Today's topic:

Do you think Southern Medical University will revoke the punishment of Ms. Yu Li? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.