
In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain


Back in the summer evening of 1995, outside the window, I knew that I was screaming in the trees, and Zhang's mother in the yard was busy with dinner with the neighbors. In this warm and cheerful atmosphere, a young boy clutches an admission letter from a top university in his hand, and his heart is filled with indescribable excitement and joy - this teenager is our protagonist Zhang Peng. He knows that this acceptance letter is not only a symbol of honor, but also means that he is about to step into a wider world.

Mother Zhang poked her head out of the kitchen to look at her son who was in a daze, and she said, "Peng Peng, what are you doing standing there stupidly?" Come and help me cook. ”

Zhang Peng's eyes widened and he shouted excitedly, "Mom, don't you really understand? It was a major turning point in my life! ”

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

Under the soft light, Zhang's mother looked at him with a smile while skillfully turning the food in the pot: "Of course I understand!" You're the pride of our family. ”

After the great joy, Zhang Peng gradually calmed down and began to think about the real-life problem - college tuition. Since my father's death, the family has not been financially well-off, so how can they raise this money? Only two people's conversations remained at the dinner table at home:

"Mom, this tuition...... What should we do? ”

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

"Don't worry, kid, I still have some savings at home."

Early the next morning, with the encouragement of his mother, Zhang Peng packed his luggage and prepared to go to his second uncle's house for help. However, their relationship has always been estranged. Zhang Peng's grandfather once told him in all seriousness that their relationship was not so close.

When night fell, Zhang Peng dragged his tired body back home, and found that the home was empty, only his mother sat alone in the dim light and waited for him to come home.

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Zhang Peng walked into the house with a tired body, and said to himself: "It seems that I have to think of other ways to do it......

The mother seemed to notice something, but did not ask more: "If you are tired, go and rest." ”

After a while, the mother sighed softly and asked in a low voice, "Then what did your second uncle say?" ”

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

The meeting with my second uncle, Li Wei, did not go as smoothly as I expected. At his place, without saying a few words, the answer came out: basically no possibility.

My mom is still the same as before, full of apologies and love like a child who has made mistakes, she always tries her best to help everyone, this selfless dedication attitude makes people feel emotional but extremely helpless. She brought up that sentence again, full of apology and concern: "Why don't we look for your uncle?" He's the elder of our family! "

It was quiet that night, so quiet that you could only hear the breeze outside blowing through the leaves and a soft sigh.

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

Time is passing by quickly, and Zhang Peng's college life is coming. One day at noon, the family suddenly received a bad news - my grandmother accidentally fell and was admitted to the hospital. At this moment, in the corner of the courtyard, Zhang's mother's voice passed through a heavy sigh: "Alas... This hospital is really not easy to mess with. "

This sudden medical expense made our family's financial situation worse, and the "second uncle" became the only savior of our family. Although he was a little resistant, Zhang Peng had no choice but to go to Li's house for help.

When he pushed open the door of his second uncle's house, a smiling face appeared in front of him that might not be willing to receive him: "Hello second aunt." "

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

"Xiaopeng is here? Do you have anything to do with your uncle? The second uncle asked me cordially while throwing the feather duster in his hand aside.

"Hmm... That one... Second uncle, in fact, I have already been admitted to university..."Zhang Peng began this embarrassing topic in a hurry.

The two sat in front of the coffee table in the living room and began to chat. Although Li Wei's words were marked with obvious embarrassment and reasons for not being able to borrow money - it turned out that there was something wrong with his own job, and his current income was not stable, "I really want to help you, Xiaopeng... But I'm pretty tight on my hands right now..."

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

After returning home, in order to cope with his father's anxiety and helplessness, a group of relatives in the family, including his father's former friends and family members, gathered together to discuss countermeasures. While they were deliberating, someone suggested, "Maybe we can go to Uncle Zhou again and ask for clarification?" And when everyone was deeply nervous and helpless about the current situation, Zhang Peng happened to meet Uncle Wang, an old friend in the family, at the entrance of the village. When Uncle Wang saw him, he smiled and quipped, "Xiaopeng, I heard that you were admitted to university?" Zhang Peng replied politely: "Hello Uncle Wang, it's true." Uncle Wang asked with concern, "What, don't you have any money to pay for tuition?" Hearing this question, the children's hearts were mixed, but at the same time, they felt extremely helpless and angry about the current situation.

At such an important moment, the whispered voices of the surrounding villagers floated like a whirling song in every corner of the village, although everyone belonged to the same clan, they were both relatives and neighbors, and the friendship of helping each other in the same boat always overcame difficulties. At this critical turning point, the scene of Zhang Peng inadvertently mentioning the incident reached the ears of his uncle who was resting on the side of the road wearing a hat and preparing to return home. On a dark night, the village is filled with a fresh scent, with the twinkling stars in the moonlight and the ripples in the pond, a place where children dream and parents worry.

That night, lightning and thunder thundered in the sky, breaking the usual calm. In Zhang Peng's old house, the storm was pouring in, and the branches and leaves were trembling, as if to indicate that something ominous was coming. Suddenly, there was a hard bang on the door. At this moment, Uncle Zhou Qiang's heart was burning like a blazing fire, and he said with a resolute momentum: "Hurry up and open the door!" His voice was exceptionally clear and swift in the wind and rain. In this urgent situation, my mother hurriedly came forward to greet her. She asked puzzledly: "Big brother, is there anything important about coming to my house in such a heavy rain?" And, Xiaowei's side..."The eldest uncle wiped the rain from his face without care, and said angrily, "He won't help?"

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

The mother replied in a gentle and slightly bitter tone, "It's really hard to explain. ”

With the sound of heavy footsteps, the eldest uncle walked into the room, then sat down slowly, and after thinking for a while, he made a calm and powerful voice, "The children of this family are the future of our entire family!" How can we leave them alone to face their difficulties and remain indifferent? "When he speaks, he looks like a stage drama master, and he vividly interprets the mighty family struggle.

Regarding the rejection of the second uncle's family, the family was full of questions and puzzles. Emperor Fang simply shouted: "Aren't we brothers and sisters? Is there really an irresistible reality factor that prevents Big Brother from reaching out? ”

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

Seeing that everyone was stunned, Li Wei, who had been silent in the corner, suddenly flashed his flickering eyes - this kind of light makes it difficult to judge whether it is true feelings or false feelings, "Actually, I am also very difficult...... The second uncle finally said his heart frankly, "But now I see you like this...... I began to wonder if I was doing something wrong. ”

"Then why don't you confess the truth to everyone?" The protagonist can't help but ask.

The brief silence in this conversation seems to stretch the time out, and finally according to the second uncle's reluctant decision, he reveals the secrets of his heart, including his worries and personal troubles, and other details, which resonate with everyone.

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

The eldest uncle stood there expressionless, not saying a word. For him, this is not only to solve his nephew's problems, but also the responsibility and obligation that he should bear as an elder in this family!

However, when everyone is at a stalemate, the protagonist suddenly stands up: his heart is full of gratitude to his uncle, and at the same time, he feels deep guilt and remorse for misunderstanding his second uncle, "I'm just a little surprised...... At the same time, I would like to thank the two elders for helping me with all their might......"

This sentence is like a shining star in the middle of the night, illuminating the haze in everyone's heart, and it makes people move and feel a lot of emotion.

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

It was another gloomy morning, and the small courtyard of the Zhang family in front of the house was filled with a fresh and slightly moist scent of earthy grass. After last night's heated quarrels and family strife, the air in this small space seems to have been washed and made exceptionally fresh and pleasant.

My mother was busy drying her laundry in the yard, doing housework while softly humming those old ballads: "Affection is as deep as brothers and sisters, and affection is as deep as the ocean." And his uncle Zhou Qiang was wiping his reading glasses beside him, although he seemed to be busy with housework, he had actually begun to make psychological rehearsals for future plans.

At this moment, my uncle shouted to Zhang Peng, who was sorting out his luggage in the house, "Peng'er, are all the things packed?" Come with me to the bazaar later to raise some more tuition. ”

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

Hearing this, Zhang Peng's heart swelled with warmth, "Okay, uncle!" His voice was filled with gratitude and anticipation.

After a while, the whole family sat around the table and enjoyed a new breakfast. The atmosphere is more harmonious than before. While chewing on the steamed buns, the mother said, "Xiaowei also has a hard time...... We should be more considerate of each other. ”

The second uncle's helpless eyes resurfaced in front of him, "I have to untie this knot as soon as possible......," he whispered to himself.

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

Immediately afterwards, the mother added: "We can't ruin decades of family ties because of this little thing!" It is appropriate for relatives to help each other. ”

"Mom is right!" Zhang Peng nodded with a smile while eating, "When I graduate from college and find a job and earn money, I will definitely treat you to a good meal." ”

Later, with the active assistance of my uncle, the problem of tuition fees was finally resolved. In order to alleviate the burden on the family, the second uncle also began to work hard to adjust his living habits and tried to find other ways to alleviate the family's financial distress.

In 95, I was admitted to university, went to my second uncle's house to borrow tuition and returned empty-handed, and my uncle came in the evening in the heavy rain

Time just slipped away without waiting for anyone, and in the days on the university campus, Zhang Peng always adhered to his beliefs, studied hard, worked hard to earn tuition, and devoted himself to experiencing the ups and downs of life. Although it is tens of millions of kilometers away from home, the hearts of the family are still closely intertwined and have never been far away~

As the years passed, the eyes of the family members were still full of warmth and the nostalgic, intimate and warm memories...... No matter what changes will happen in the future, the relationship between the family will never waver!