
In the eighth year of being the crown prince's secret guard, he was finally willing to let me go, and he asked me to replace Bai Yueguang to marry the old emperor

author:Little Sister Library

In the eighth year of being the prince's secret guard, the prince was finally willing to let me go.

He asked me to replace his Bai Yueguang and marry the old emperor.

Later, the Son of Heaven was dying, and the concubines who had no heirs were buried with him.

But the prince panicked.

He broke into the palace in the middle of the night and crushed me underneath me.

In the voice that used to be gentle, he said to me:

"Lonely, this is to save you, when Lone ascends the throne, to be a brother or a father and son with the son in your womb, not all in Lone's thoughts."

In the eighth year of being the crown prince's secret guard, he was finally willing to let me go, and he asked me to replace Bai Yueguang to marry the old emperor


After the mission was completed, I rushed back to Yongdu without stopping.

I thought that the night banquet at the East Palace would last until late at night.

But when you step into the East Palace, the hall is quiet.

Song Huaichi was drinking alone, and when he saw me come in, he looked up at me.

"Coming back? Come and have two drinks with Gu."

Song Huaichi's voice was bitter, and because of his drunkenness, his eyes were a little scarlet.

He seemed to be in a bad mood.

I took out the birthday gift specially prepared for him from my bosom and walked up to him.

"This is a birthday gift for His Highness's ......".

Before I finished speaking, Song Huaichi pulled me into his arms violently.

"Your Highness, I haven't bathed yet......

But Song Huaichi turned a deaf ear, his hand began to wander on my body, and small kisses fell between my eyebrows and eyes, all the way down.

I had just finished killing someone, and the hem of my clothes was stained with dried blood.

He never loved the smell of blood on my body, and whenever he was close to me, he asked me to bathe in incense.

But today he doesn't mind at all.



Every time I had a good time with him, he wouldn't let me talk, and this time was no exception.

All that was left in the hall was the sound of candles bursting and the rustling of clothes rubbing.

The scorching breath lingered all over my body, and Song Huaichi fiercely invaded every inch of my soul.

I gradually sank under the collision of souls again and again.

After some clouds and rain, Song Huaichi put his robe on top of me, and picked up the wine cup that had just fallen aside due to the violent impact.

"I'm coming back pretty quickly this time."

Song Huaichi looked at me, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Because I didn't want to miss his birthday, I almost completed the task as fast as I could.

Thinking of this, I quickly got up and rummaged through the birthday gifts for him, and finally pulled out the brocade box at the bottom of the pile of clothes.

I was just about to hand the gift to Song Huaichi, but Gong E's voice came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, Miss Su Wanning has something to ask to see."

The wine cup in Song Huaichi's hand fell off his hand in an instant, with disbelief in his eyes.

He stumbled to his feet, picking up his clothes from the ground and draping them over as he went.

I looked at the gift in my hand that I couldn't give, and my heart was a little empty.

Song Huaichi has always been a person who rarely shows his emotions.

It's the first time I've seen him lose his temper like this.

With curiosity about Su Wanning, I secretly went up to the roof of the main hall.

Looking down from the roof, I saw a woman with pear blossoms and rain, kneeling in front of Song Huaichi with her clothes half-undressed.

"Brother Huaichi, Wan Ning doesn't want to enter the palace with regrets, please grant my wish."

Su Wanning took Song Huaichi's hand and put it on her chest.

Song Huaichi's Adam's apple rolled, and even his breathing became heavier.

But when he looked at Su Wanning, his eyes were full of distress and restraint.

The moment Su Wanning looked up at Song Huaichi, I could see her face clearly.

The face, which was eight points similar to mine, looked even more feminine in the candlelight.

I forgot to breathe for a moment.

Until Song Huaichi's voice sounded again.

"Aning, I'll find a way to help you."

After Song Huaichi pulled on Su Wanning's half-unbuttoned clothes, he immediately distanced himself from her.

From beginning to end, Song Huaichi was gentle and restrained with her, as if it was his unblasphemous deity.


After Su Wanning left, Song Huaichi asked the attendant beside him to announce that I would go to his dormitory.

For the first time, I disobeyed his orders and did not go to see him.

When the night was darker, Song Huaichi came to me.

He silently slipped into the bed and encircled me from behind, the warm breath spreading around my neck.

I remembered that when he was exiled, we snuggled up to each other in the bitter cold of Binzhou to keep warm.

"Your Highness, Su Wanning's Ning, and Hongning's Ning, are they the same word?"

Song Huaichi suddenly stiffened while holding my body and didn't answer.

When I was in Snow Peak Pavilion, I didn't have a name.

The name Hongning was chosen for me by Song Huaichi.

At that time, it was the season of peony flowers.

"A branch of red dew incense, from now on you will call red condensation."

I can't read, but I think it's a beautiful name.

The days in the Blood Peak Pavilion were too hard.

So when I was chosen as the prince's secret guard, I was so happy.

Because the prince seems very different to me.

Before leaving the cabinet, the seniors said that the only mission of those who do this business is to protect the master, and the only end is to die for the master.

But Song Huaichi treated me very well, so good that he almost died for me.

As the prince's secret guard, I owe the prince a life.

At that time, I secretly vowed to guard him for the rest of my life.

Song Huaichi rolled over and pressed me under him, raised his hand to clamp my chin, and forced me to look directly at him.

His eyes were cold to the bone.

In all the years I have been by Song Huaichi's side, I have never seen him look at me like this.

"Who told you to go with you to the main hall?"

His tone was unpleasant, like a cat that has been stepped on by its tail.

I pushed Song Huaichi away, but he clamped his hands and buckled them behind him.

During the pulling, Song Huaichi's breath gradually became chaotic, and his hot body was next to me through the thin fabric.

A raindrop-like kiss slid from his shoulders to his exposed back, and Song Huaichi whispered while kissing:


I know, he's not calling me.

The restrained feelings for Su Wanning in the main hall are now eager to vent out.

Tears of unwillingness and grievance wet the pillow.

But Song Huaichi turned a deaf ear and buried his hair to vent his long-suppressed emotions.

After finishing the incident, Song Huaichi sat on the edge of the bed and stroked my hair.

His deep voice came from me, and it returned to the gentleness it had been with me.

"Ah Ning, in next month's draft, I want you to enter the palace as the second lady of Su Tingwei's family."

I breathed for a moment and slowly closed my eyes.

After a few years of getting along across the line, I almost forgot that he was the master and that I was a slave.

"Remember, this is your last mission."

This is your last mission.

But when I was poisoned by the scorpion venom in southern Xinjiang in order to protect him, the noble prince above 10,000 people secretly shed tears because of me.

He was by my side every day.

I comforted him and told him that dying to protect the Lord was the last task of the Dark Guard.

But he said to me, "Ah Ning, your last task is to marry me."


Song Huaichi didn't know what way to find it, so he secretly took Su Wanning to live in the East Palace for a long time, in order for me to better imitate her.

But when I really got in touch with Su Wanning, I found that I was surprisingly similar to her in every way.

But Su Wanning loves light-colored clothes, and I love to wear dark-colored clothes.

Because dark clothes are not too noticeable after being stained with blood.

After Su Wanning entered the East Palace, she came to see me with the smug attitude of a victor.

"Brother Huaichi trained you so well, it's like I was carved out of a mold."

She looked at me in admiration, but her eyes were full of disdain.

"If it weren't for Daddy's refusal to attach himself to the prince, the mistress of this East Palace would have been me. You see, all that you have now is by me."

Su Wanning blinked, revealing an innocent smile.

After she entered the East Palace, she probably heard some rumors and knew about my relationship with the crown prince, and now she is here to declare her sovereignty.

I was tossed by Song Huaichi all night, and I was too tired to do it, so I turned around and ignored her.

The moment she turned around, Su Wanning saw the red mark on the back of my neck, and she was immediately furious, and reached out and ripped off my back collar.

My back was shining with spring.

The icy air came from behind me, and I subconsciously pulled out my Hidden Blade and put it on Su Wanning's neck.

"What are you doing?"

Song Huaichi's angry voice came from the door, and he stepped forward quickly, knocked out my sword, and protected Su Wanning behind him.

"Brother Huaichi, she'...... She's going to kill me."

Su Wanning looked like a weak willow supporting the wind, leaning on Song Huaichi's body, tears rolling in her eyes.

"Hong Ning, don't forget your identity, how to serve your master, do you still want me to teach?"

I felt that my eyes were very sore, and my hand holding the sword was shaking.

"Okay, then Your Highness will teach me, how will Hongning serve you?"

Song Huaichi's eyes became even colder.

He was about to speak, when the sound of swords came from behind Su Wanning.

With Su Wanning's scream, Song Huaichi grabbed her and flashed the assassin's sword.

By the time I raised my hand to block it, it was too late.

The blade of the sword sliced through my right hand, and the wound was deep into the bone.

Song Huaichi escorted Su Wanning to retreat behind me, and as the assassins continued to pour in, he pushed me forward.

"Ah Ning, why are you stunned? Do what you have to do."

The guards of the East Palace and the assassins fought together, and Song Huaichi escorted Su Wanning to retreat again and again.

I was surrounded by armor-clad guards, and I stood in the middle of it looking very isolated.

After the chaos subsided, Su Wanning fainted in Song Huaichi's arms in an instant.

Obviously she was unharmed, but Song Huaichi was very frightened.

He held Su Wanning tightly in his arms with trembling hands, as if it was a treasure that he could not find in this world.

After staying by Song Huaichi's side for eight years, I only saw him lose his temper twice.

Both times are because of Su Wanning.

I looked at his departing back, raised my hand to touch the bloody wound on my right hand, and laughed.

The imperial physicians of the entire East Palace were all invited to Su Wanning's Chunxi Pavilion.

No matter how much I begged, I couldn't ask for a doctor to heal my wounds.

It wasn't until five days later that the imperial physician was sent by Song Huaichi.

The few words of the Imperial Doctor are roughly meant that my hands will be useless in the future.

"Hong Ning, you are a secret guard, you can still use your left hand without your right hand."

It's as if the Secret Guards are people who are dexterous and interchangeable.

Just like everyone thinks, the killer has no heart.

Song Huaichi is a person who does everything.

It is impossible for him not to know that all my swordsmanship and moves rely on this right hand.

To abolish my right hand is to abolish me.

I found out later, because Su Wanning is used to her left hand.

Song Huaichi was afraid that after I entered the palace, I would be discovered by someone with a heart and reveal my identity.

That's why I deliberately didn't let people heal me.


The day I entered the palace was a good day, no wind or rain.

Everything went so smoothly, entering the palace and serving the flop.

By the time I came back from my trance, I was already on the dragon's bed.

Song Heng is over half a hundred years old, but he has never fallen behind in the draft every three years.

Everyone thinks that the emperor should be old and strong.

But as the crown prince's secret guard, how could I not know that the emperor had already been hollowed out inside.

His body had already been injured, and if he was careless, he would drive west.

But these messages have been blocked.

However, no matter how bad his body was, he couldn't hinder Song Heng's heart to be happy in time.

In the main hall, when Song Heng's rough fingertips crossed my body, I still couldn't stop trembling.

"Your father said that you were a peerless beauty, and I still bragged to him. Now it seems to be true."

Song Heng leaned down as he spoke, biting me on the shoulder.

But then his breathing became heavy, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

After a while, he fell to the side, and there was no sound.

"Your Majesty?"

No response.

I nudged him with my hand again.

Still no response.

Hou was the chief eunuch outside, Xu was already experienced, and when he saw that there was no movement inside, he immediately brought the imperial doctor in.

There were also a few alchemists between the imperial doctors.

A crowd of people came in and retreated.

The great eunuch would not let me go, but told me to wait until the emperor woke up.

In fact, over the years, the emperor has been taking pills, and some of the monks raised by his side are still people sent by the prince.

Song Heng has always been worried about the loss of power, even if his body is almost unbearable, he still doesn't want to be noticed by others.

When the sky turned slightly brighter, Song Heng woke up.

As soon as he woke up, he asked me:

"What did you see tonight?"

"Back to Your Majesty, the concubines are tired of serving Your Majesty, and they don't know anything when they fall asleep."

Song Heng had a lazy smile on his face, and his gaze swept over my body.

"Su Tingwei's daughter is smart, but it's a pity. Only the dead can keep their mouths shut."

Song Heng sighed regretfully, and his lazy voice sounded again:

"Come on, drag Su Guiren down and give him death."

The guards immediately stepped forward and dragged me out of the temple.

Why is this happening?

Everyone says that the current saint is a Ming Jun, but they don't know that Song Heng is actually a madman.

Song Heng looked at me calmly with a lazy coldness in his eyes.

Those eyes were so similar to Song Huaichi, cold and cold.

Did Song Huaichi ever think about what I would face if I was sent to the palace.

There was no way he didn't know.

"Your Majesty, although the elixir is solid, it also hurts the body, and the concubine knows a little about medicine and can help Your Majesty's dragon body recover well!"

When a person is about to die, the sound can always burst out with amazing explosive power.

Song Heng was slightly stunned, and snorted coldly, as if he was amused by my embarrassment of survival.

He walked up to me barefoot and reached out to lift my chin as he crouched.

"Oh? Knowing a little bit about medical science? The daughter of a little Tingwei can understand more than the entire Tai Hospital?"

I fiercely broke free of the restraints and looked up at Song Heng's eyes.

I raised my hand and pointed at a few acupuncture points on Song Heng's body.

Song Heng reacted, his face was fierce, and he grabbed my hand.

The sound of swords unsheathed crossed my ears, and several knives were placed around my neck in an instant.

Song Heng frowned slightly, but quickly stretched his brows, and looked at me with a long-lost heart.

He raised his hand and waved away the attendant beside him, leaving me alone.

A sense of slackness for the rest of my life after the catastrophe suddenly made me soft on the ground.

After that night, I changed from a Su Guiren to a Su Concubine.

Song Heng announced that I would go to regulate his body every day.

Those imperial doctors and Taoist priests only said that I had a wonderful hand to rejuvenate, but they didn't know that in fact, I was just sealing a few acupuncture points of Song Heng.

The principle is to overdraw his original energy.

If it accumulates over time, once the acupuncture points are unlocked, Song Heng will be unable to return to the sky.

Because of the improvement of his health, Song Heng favored me even more.

In just a few months, I was promoted to the position of the concubine.

The next time I saw Song Huaichi, it was at Song Heng's longevity banquet.

This time I am on the emperor's side, no longer his secret guard, no longer his slave, but his concubine.


Not long after the birthday feast began, I slipped back to my dormitory due to being unwell.

But as soon as he stepped into the dormitory, he saw Song Huaichi, who had been waiting for a long time.

Song Huaichi walked out from behind the curtain, his careless gaze sweeping over my face.

Originally, at the banquet, Song Huaichi's seemingly absent gaze has been wandering around me.

I was so upset that I left the table early.

But I never expected that Song Huaichi would be so bold as to sneak into the harem.

"Isn't the prince afraid of His Majesty's guilt if he trespasses into the harem?"

The smile on Song Huaichi's face gradually receded, and his deep and cold eyes stared at me deadly.

"Niangniang is really good, it only took a long time to climb to the position of the concubine."

Song Huaichi stretched out his hand and pulled me violently in front of him.

"Your Highness, please respect yourself, the concubine is your concubine."

There was a tingling pain in my right hand, which was clamped by Song Huaichi.

"At the palace banquet just now, my father's eyes were full of you, and it seems that you served him well."

I sneered and replied, "Isn't the prince the best at serving people?"

My retortive words completely angered Song Huaichi.

He raised his hand and grabbed my neck, anger suppressed in his eyes.

"Ah Ning, don't you want to leave the palace?"

My hand on Song Huaichi's robe suddenly trembled.

"Kill my father, and I'll take you out of the palace."

I can't refuse Song Huaichi's request.

I don't want to stay in the palace.

As long as Song Heng dies and the crown prince succeeds to the throne, I can leave the palace with the help of Song Heng.

But I originally wanted to wait for a while longer and then unlock Song Heng's acupuncture points.

But Song Huaichi insisted that I do it immediately.

So after a few months, when Song Hengxuan was sleeping with me, I secretly unlocked his acupuncture points.

Because the timing of the untie was wrong, Song Heng did not die immediately.

Just paralyzed in bed, seriously ill.

The situation in the court, which was supposed to be turbulent, gradually stabilized because the crown prince assumed the post of superintendent.

And most of Yongwang's henchmen also defected to the prince's party.

After Song Huaichi took charge of the country, under the pretext of being happy for the emperor, he married Su Tingwei's daughter Su Wan as a concubine.

Everyone is curious about Su Tingwei's daughter who has lived in the boudoir for a long time.

But I know that Su Wan is Su Wanning.

The delusions in Song Huaichi's heart were probably completely shattered at this time.


I ran to the kitchenette alone in search of a drink, only to tripped over a cloud of ash as soon as I entered.

I was already annoyed, and at this time, I even wanted to scold the rats passing by.

As a result, I saw that it was a young man with red lips and white teeth who tripped me up.

The boy grabbed three pastries with both hands and bit one on his mouth.

When he saw my face clearly, the boy had a panicked look on his face, babbling as if he was saying something.

The more he spoke, the more anxious he became, only to choke on the half of the pastry in his mouth, and his hand beating his chest indiscriminately.

I stepped forward to point the acupuncture points for him, and then pressed his back, which saved him.

"Su Niangniang's life, I, I'm so hungry."

"Which palace are you a eunuch? What's it called?"

The little eunuch stood up from the ground, and the eunuch clothes on his body hung loosely on his body, obviously not his size.

"I...... The slave is from the cold palace."

Cold Palace?

The cold palace is in the northernmost part of the palace, and it is close to the Huaijin Mountains behind it, so maybe the cold palace has a passage to escape from the palace.

As soon as I thought about it, the eyes of the little eunuch lit up.

"Would you like something good?"

Xiao Qi was stunned for a moment, and then nodded frantically.

"You should be familiar with the cold palace, do you know if the cold palace has a dog hole or something?"

Xiao Qi's face froze, and then he smiled.

"No, my aunt said that those who enter the imperial city will not be able to get out for the rest of their lives unless they die."

The little eunuch was already born delicate, and this smile was even more beautiful.

It's just that for some reason, I always have an indescribable sense of familiarity.


I still didn't give up on escaping from the palace, so I asked Xiao Qi to take me to the cold palace for a spin.

There is a huge banyan tree in the cold palace, and I originally wanted to climb it so that I could see it clearly.

But because of the heavy palace clothes, I stepped on the tree.

Originally, I could have turned over and landed safely, but I caught a glimpse of Xiao Qi looking at me with a worried face.

I was afraid that my identity would be exposed, so I could only close my eyes and let myself fall.

However, the pain in the premonition did not come as promised.