
More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

author:Ten percent of the story

"The college entrance examination results are out!" This sentence has made many students and parents excited. However, for the Jiang quadruplets in Shenzhen, it should have been a moment of joy, but suddenly the news of "broken dreams" came. Why did this family, which once attracted much attention, usher in such a huge gap in joy? Let's take a closer look at this special family and see what secrets are hidden behind their stories.

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

In 2006, Tan Chaoyun, a 41-year-old pregnant woman in Shenzhen, gave birth to quadruplets boys, a rare news that immediately attracted widespread media attention. The advent of four little lives has brought infinite joy to the family, and also made the outside world full of curiosity and blessings for them.

However, as time goes on, there seems to be an untold story behind this seemingly perfect family. In 2016, a home improvement program team came to Jiang's house for filming, and accidentally found a family member who had never been mentioned - Jiang Na, the sister of the quadruplets. This sudden discovery makes people wonder: why did the Jiang family keep hiding Jiang Na's existence from the outside world?

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

What's even more surprising is that Tan Chaoyun revealed on a talk show in 2012 that she had killed a pair of twins before giving birth to quadruplets. At that time, the reason she gave was her old age and difficult family conditions. This remark sparked heated discussions and questions among the public: why did you give up the twins in the first place when you can raise quadruplets now?

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

As the quadruplets grew up, their academic performance was excellent, and they made a stunning appearance in this year's college entrance examination with a score of about 600. This was supposed to be a moment to celebrate, but suddenly the news of "broken dreams" came. At the same time, some of Jiang's father's online remarks have also caused controversy, raising questions about the family's values.

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

This once enviable family is now facing a storm of public opinion. The quadruplets are certainly commendable in their college entrance examinations, but their family stories have provoked deep thought about how they are educated and what their family values.

@阳光灿烂123: "This family is really complicated, the quadruplets should be happy to do so well in the exam, why are they still 'broken'? I feel like there's a lot of story behind it. "

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

Indeed, the family's situation is far more complicated than we thought. On the surface, the quadruplets should have brought joy to their excellent grades, but the news of the "broken dream" cast a shadow over the family.

This makes us wonder if we are neglecting other, more important family values while pursuing academic success. Family harmony and correct values, aren't these things more important than college entrance examination results?

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

@小小追梦人: "I feel that this family is a bit patriarchal, why hide the existence of my daughter? Is this really good for children's development? "

This netizen asked a very pointed question. Concealing the existence of her daughter does make people wonder if there is a patriarchal concept in this family.

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

This practice may not only cause psychological harm to the daughter, but may also affect the formation of the values of the quadruplets brothers. In modern society, we should advocate for gender equality, and every child should be treated with equal care and respect. This case may lead us to think about the concept of gender in family education.

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

@理性思考者: "College entrance examination results are important, but family atmosphere and correct values are even more important. If there is something wrong with a parent's words and actions, the impact on the child can be profound. "

This netizen's point of view is very pertinent. College entrance examination results are important, but they do not represent the whole of a person. A good family atmosphere and correct values play a vital role in a child's development. Parents are their children's first teachers, and their words and deeds will have a subtle impact on their children.

If the parents' values are deviated, it is likely to affect the formation of the child's outlook on life and worldview. This case reminds us that while we should pay attention to our children's academic performance, we should also pay attention to cultivating their correct values.

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

@教育人生: "This case illustrates a lot of problems in family education. Is it really good to pursue grades too much and ignore the all-round development of children? "

This netizen pointed out a common phenomenon in current education. Many families see their child's academic performance as a top priority and neglect other aspects of their child's development. However, true education should be comprehensive, not only to cultivate children's learning ability, but also to pay attention to their moral cultivation, interpersonal skills, independent thinking ability, etc. The case of the Jiang family may lead us to think about what is truly successful education.

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

@关心未来: "I hope that the family can be honest about the problem and create a healthy environment for the children to grow up. At the same time, I also hope that the society can give them more understanding and tolerance. "

This netizen's comment was full of goodwill and expectation. Indeed, the best attitude towards problems is to be honest and courageous. It is hoped that the Jiang family can face up to the existing problems and create a healthier and more harmonious family environment for the children. At the same time, as bystanders, we should also look at this family with a more tolerant and understanding attitude, and give them the opportunity and space to correct their mistakes.

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

The story of the Jiang quadruplets, from the enviable at the beginning to the controversy today, reflects the many problems existing in our society. It is not only a private matter of a family, but also a mirror, reflecting our shortcomings in educational concepts and family values.

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

This case reminds us that while pursuing academic success, we should also pay more attention to cultivating children's correct values and good morals. Homeschooling should not only focus on grades, but should be all-encompassing. Every child, male or female, deserves equal care and respect. The impact of parents' words and deeds on children is far-reaching, and every parent should always reflect on ourselves and set a good example for our children.

More than 600 high-scoring quadruplets "dream broken"! Dad fired anti-China, and my sister evaporated from the world?

At the same time, this case also shows us that every family can face a variety of difficulties and challenges. We should look at others with a more understanding and tolerant mindset, and give them the respect and support they deserve. Only in this way can our society become more harmonious and warm.

Let's work together to create a better environment for the next generation to grow up, so that every child can grow up healthy and happy, and become useful to society. This is the "gold list" that each of us should strive for.