
Accidentally! Luneng gave Cui Kangxi a dismissal for the first time and refused to let his three major connections start this round

author:Flying on the grass sports

Accidentally! Luneng gave Cui Kangxi a dismissal for the first time and refused to let his three major connections start this round

The world is unpredictable, and even God doesn't know that Luneng actually dares to give Cui Kangxi a "dismount" this time. Speaking of this round of the Chinese Super League focus battle, everyone turned their attention to Guoan's home game against Taishan team. As soon as the starting list of the Taishan team came out, everyone was stunned - Cui Kangxi's three major related households, Liu Shibo, Bi Jinhao and Peng Xinli, were all pressed on the bench. This is big news, it's a "big show"!

The name Liu Shibo has frequently appeared in fans' spit conferences recently. Taking advantage of Wang Dalei's injury, he finally got the opportunity to start, but his performance can only be described as "spicy eyes". The low-level mistakes continued, causing the fans to beat their chests one by one and call "substitutions". So, when Wang Dalei came back, Liu Shibo could only obediently return to the bench.

Accidentally! Luneng gave Cui Kangxi a dismissal for the first time and refused to let his three major connections start this round

Let's talk about Peng Xinli. In the last round, he did have a highlight moment, scoring a goal to win a valuable draw for the Taishan team. However, there is obviously a more suitable candidate for the back position in this round, so Peng Xinli was also placed on the bench. This operation is estimated to make him a little disappointed.

The most interesting thing is Bi Jinhao. The brother's position in the Taishan team can be called a "panacea", the center also plays, and the center defender also plays, but neither side has a bright performance. The fans were worried and suggested "let him rest". The club's senior management obviously listened to these opinions, and this round directly let Bi Jinhao also sit on the cold bench.

This wave of operations is not a casual trick. Fans have speculated that the Taishan team is giving Cui Kangxi a signal: don't let these three related households start again. After all, the team now wants results, not friendship. In such a crucial game, Luneng is really "real" this time.

The championship situation of the Taishan team this season has long been not optimistic, and it is extremely difficult to break through in the Chinese Super League. As a result, their strategic focus may have shifted to the FA Cup. In this "blessed land" where they have won many championships, they may have more hope of qualifying for the AFC Champions League next season.

Accidentally! Luneng gave Cui Kangxi a dismissal for the first time and refused to let his three major connections start this round

Faced with such a situation, Cui Kangxi may have mixed feelings. This adjustment is a warning to him: what the team needs is victory, not the so-called "lineage" relationship. This "dismounting" not only made Cui Kangxi sober, but also made all fans see it clearly.

The reaction of fans to this adjustment is also varied, some people applaud, feeling that they have finally seen the courage of the high-level; There are also people who feel sorry for these three players, after all, the career is not easy. In the future game, whether Liu Shibo, Peng Xinli and Bi Jinhao can counterattack and regain the starting position has also become a hot topic for everyone.

The football field is always full of uncertainties. Maybe being pressed to the bench this time will inspire these three players to be more motivated. Will they be able to prove themselves in future matches and slap the skeptics in the face? Anything is possible. Fans are waiting to see more from here.

For the Taishan team, this adjustment is not only for this round of games, but also paves the way for the strategic adjustment of the whole season. Going all out to challenge for the FA Cup and qualify for next season's AFC Champions League has become their most realistic goal.

Accidentally! Luneng gave Cui Kangxi a dismissal for the first time and refused to let his three major connections start this round

Luneng's bold decision this time also sounded the alarm for other teams and coaches. No matter how strong the relationship is, what ultimately determines the play, is the strength and state. What the fans want to see is fair play, and what the team needs is the strongest fighting power.

There will be more variables and excitement in the future competitions. Whether Luneng's "dismounting" to Cui Kangxi can bring unexpected results, everyone will wait and see. There is no winning general on the football field, and only by constantly adjusting and working hard can we stand out in the fierce competition.

Luneng gave Cui Kangxi a dismissal for the first time and refused to let his three major relations play in the starting line-up this round, a move that not only let fans see the determination of the top management, but also added more highlights to the future game. Let's look forward to the performance of the Taishan team in the future, and hope they can bring us more surprises.

Accidentally! Luneng gave Cui Kangxi a dismissal for the first time and refused to let his three major connections start this round

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