
On his first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

author:History of the Great Nation

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On his first visit to China, he was given a disgrace and wanted to humiliate the mainland, so Liu Huaqing went back and forth to make him have a correct attitude.

In 1986, the U.S. Navy visited China for the first time, which was originally of great significance for promoting the improvement of relations between the two sides, but unexpectedly, the visit to China had just begun, and there was a small episode that no one expected.

A small move by the United States made the mainland very angry, and not only refused to allow it to enter the port, but also withdrew the guard of honor on the spot, demanding that it come back after putting on a correct attitude.

On his first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

From 0 to 1, humiliation follows you

In the 80s of the last century, the US Navy entered a period of rapid expansion, and the various types of warships produced were like dumplings in the pot.

By 1987, the U.S. Navy had reached an all-time high of 594 warships.

The United States has also spent huge sums of money to significantly upgrade its warships, equip them with advanced anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles, and install the revolutionary Aegis defense system.

It can be said that the US Navy at this time has not only greatly increased the number of warships, but also strengthened the performance of warships.

On his first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

On the other hand, the construction of the mainland navy, although the navy has been established since 1949.

However, due to the limitations of economic conditions and the level of science and technology, the research on weapons and equipment slowly caught up with the world only after reform and opening up.

So when the US Navy already had four aircraft carriers, and the USS Eisenhower and USS Nimitz were already nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

The Melbourne, the starting point of the continental research aircraft carrier, was not purchased from Australia until 1985.

One side already has a large-scale and powerful aircraft carrier battle group, while the other side is just beginning to study aircraft carriers.

At that time, when the mainland decided to buy the Melbourne, it was also ridiculed by the international community, especially some Western countries.

Western society has ridiculed the mainland for buying an empty shell aircraft carrier at a high price, believing that even if the mainland takes the Melbourne back for research, it will only have to sell scrap iron in the end.

Therefore, the United States looked down on the Chinese Navy at this time and wanted to humiliate it during the Navy's visit to China in 1986.

The dismount of the US Navy

Since the founding of New China, in order to speed up naval construction, the mainland has successively invited more than a dozen countries in China, including the Soviet Union, France, Canada, and Australia, to lead fleets to visit China for exchanges and study by the mainland's navy.

However, although this move is useful, it is still too limited, and only by going out can the Chinese navy better learn the technology and structure of the world's advanced navy.

So in 1985, Liu Huaqing, then commander of the Navy, led the mainland navy to visit Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and visited the US Navy in November of that year.

On his first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

On November 5 of the following year, the US Navy paid an official visit to China.

According to international practice, ships of other countries visiting the country should be covered with the national flag of the country being visited as a sign of peace and respect.

However, the United States did not follow international practice and did not have a single mainland flag on its ships, so it was ready to swagger into the mainland ports.

In the face of such a move by the United States, Liu Huaqing thought for a moment and then made a decision, ordering the troops to put away the red carpet of welcome, withdraw the navy's honor guard, and put the troops on alert.

In addition, the troops were ordered to issue a warning to the US troops sailing into the waters of the mainland, asking them to think carefully about the purpose of their visit and come back after thinking about it.

During this period, the US military repeatedly tried to find various reasons to explain to our side in an attempt to prevaricate the past.

However, Liu Huaqing knows very well that the US military's act of not flying the Chinese flag on its own warships is not as simple as negligence.

Obviously, this move by the United States is a kind of test for the mainland, testing how the mainland will respond to them, so as to find out where the bottom line of the mainland's navy is, and to humiliate us.

For the sake of the dignity of the country and the honor of the navy, Liu Huaqing insisted that the US military should follow international etiquette before entering the mainland for a visit.

On his first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

After more than an hour of stalemate, finally after all three US warships flew the Chinese flag as required.

Only then did Liu Huaqing agree to the request of the US military to enter the mainland ports and carry out follow-up visits.

The Chinese Navy has made another brilliant achievement

In fact, this is not the first time that the Chinese Navy has been humiliated by the United States, nor is it the first time that Liu Huaqing has been humiliated by the US Navy.

As early as 1980, when Liu Huaqing visited the United States for the first time, the US military arranged for him to visit the aircraft carrier "Kitty Hawk," but on the grounds of secrecy, he was not allowed to approach or touch any of the ship's instruments.

However, if we can know the construction principle of the entire warship, it will be of great benefit to the Chinese Navy in the future design and construction of its own warships.

For the sake of the future of the Chinese Navy, even though he knew that the US military was humiliating him, Liu Huaqing still stood on tiptoe and watched carefully, hoping to learn more details about the warship in a limited time.

And the scene he tiptoed to watch with great effort has become an eternal pain in the hearts of Chinese, and has also made all navy people determined to build the Chinese Navy into a world-class army.

On his first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

Time has passed, and today's Chinese Navy has long completed a gorgeous turnaround.

Not only has the number of ships increased exponentially, but even the tonnage has changed dramatically.

With the official launch of China's third conventionally powered aircraft carrier "Fujian" in June 2022, the Chinese Navy officially ushered in the era of "three-ship passengers".

In April 2024, with the launch of the 10th Type 055 large missile destroyer, it once again attracted global attention.

And now there is news that China's fourth aircraft carrier has begun to be designed and built, and it is likely to be nuclear-powered.

Today's well-equipped Chinese Navy is no longer the object of the United States that the United States can humiliate at will.

On his first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

On June 4 of this year, the United States issued a document stating that the number of ships in the Chinese Navy has surpassed that of the United States.

Although his original intention is to play up the theory of China's naval threat as always, in an attempt to pour dirty water on China, in order to mold the Chinese Navy into a dangerous factor that threatens the security of the world.

However, it also proves from the side that the development of China's navy has indeed reached the point where the United States has to pay attention to it.

It is not the object of wanton humiliation by other countries.

Despite the rapid development of China's navy, the mainland has never forgotten the purpose of peaceful development, resolutely carried out friendly activities with other countries, and actively participated in international affairs.

Taking the maintenance of regional stability and peace as its own responsibility demonstrates China's responsibility and responsibility as a peaceful major country!


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