
The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

author:Andrey's note

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In 1986, the U.S. Navy visited the mainland, opening the first military diplomacy between China and the United States, and China also sent General Liu Huaqing to greet him personally.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that when General Liu Huaqing saw the behavior of the US Navy clearly, he not only withdrew the carefully prepared honor guard, but even warned the US Navy: Correct your attitude and come back after thinking about it!

What did the US Navy do at that time? How did it end?

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

The source of this article comes from the official media, and the specific link is repeated at the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Background of a visit to the U.S. Navy

In 1950, the Korean War broke out, and China did not hesitate to participate in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. This tragic conflict not only caused a large number of casualties, but also pushed Sino-US relations to a freezing point.

The hostility and confrontation between the two great powers seem to be destined to last for a long time, like an insurmountable chasm.

However, history is always full of dramatic turns.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

In 1972, U.S. President Richard Nixon set foot on Chinese soil. This historic visit is like a ray of light that illuminates the way forward for Sino-US relations.

Seven years later, in 1979, China and the United States formally established diplomatic relations, and the two once tense rivals finally shook hands and made peace.

Despite this, the relationship between China and the United States in the early days of the establishment of diplomatic relations was still fragile, like a tender sprout in early spring, which needs to be carefully cared for.

The international situation is changing, the haze of the Cold War has not completely dissipated, and mutual trust and understanding between the two countries will still need time to accumulate.

It was against this background that in 1986, the US Navy made a request to visit China.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

The news, like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, caused huge waves in the Chinese government and military.

For China, this is not only an ordinary foreign affairs event, but also an excellent opportunity to show a new image to the world, and it is also a touchstone to test the relationship between China and the United States.

China attaches great importance to this visit, and preparations are in full swing for a grand welcoming ceremony at the port of Qingdao.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

General Liu Huaqing, as the representative of the host, personally inquired into every detail. From the laying of the bright red carpet to the hanging of the welcome banner, from the preparation of the salute to the wording of the welcome message, everything was perfect.

The honor guard worked tirelessly, training day after day, just to show the best demeanor in front of the U.S. Navy.

There is an atmosphere of tension and anticipation in the air, and everyone hopes to contribute to the development of Sino-US relations.

However, when the long-awaited day finally arrived, an unexpected situation occurred.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again


When the US warship slowly sailed into the port, General Liu Huaqing keenly discovered a serious problem: the warship was not full of flags in accordance with international etiquette.

In international maritime exchanges, it is an important courtesy to show respect and friendship when a warship visits a friendly country with flags on it.

This move by the US Navy is undoubtedly a manifestation of arrogance and disrespect.

At this moment, a wave of anger swelled in General Liu's heart, but he quickly calmed down and began to think about how to deal with this tricky situation.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

As an experienced diplomat and military strategist, General Liu Huaqing is well aware that every decision made at this moment could have a profound impact on Sino-US relations.

He can't be emotional, but he must not show weakness either. After a short but fierce inner struggle, General Liu made a decisive decision: to ask the American side to hang the flag first, and then to carry out the welcoming ceremony.

This decision was like a hammer blow that shattered the tranquility of the port.

General Liu Huaqing immediately ordered the withdrawal of the honor guard that had already been in place, a move that undoubtedly conveyed the resolute attitude of the Chinese side.

He called on the US side to adopt a correct attitude and respect international etiquette and China's national dignity.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

China's attitude and the results

The U.S. apparently did not expect such a tough response from China, trying to explain that it was just an unintentional oversight, and demanding a welcoming ceremony and promising to put up the flag later.

However, General Liu and the Chinese delegation stood firm on principle and refused to compromise. They made it clear that the welcoming ceremony can only continue if the US side is fully flagped in accordance with international etiquette.

The atmosphere of this diplomatic game is tense and delicate, and both sides understand that every decision made at the moment could affect the future course of the relationship.

The representatives of the American side paced back and forth on the warship, clearly in a dilemma. The Chinese delegation on the shore, on the other hand, remained calm and waited for the US side's decision.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

There was an eerie silence throughout the port, as if time had stood still.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the outcome of this diplomatic crisis, waiting for how a new chapter in Sino-US relations will begin.

At this moment, General Liu Huaqing's heart was full of complex emotions. He is well aware that his decision may be seen by some as being too tough. But he knows better that principles must be upheld when it comes to matters of national dignity.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

Over time, the American side finally realized the seriousness of the problem. They began to get busy on the warship, raising various flags one by one.

When the colorful flags fluttered in the sea breeze, General Liu Huaqing's face finally showed a smile of relief.

This moment is not only the resolution of a diplomatic crisis, but also an important moment for China to demonstrate its self-confidence and dignity on the international stage.

It sends a clear signal to the world: China in the new era not only loves peace, but also knows how to defend its own rights and interests.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

After the US side finished hoisting the flag, the Chinese side immediately resumed the welcoming ceremony, with the honor guard lined up in an orderly manner and the military band playing a majestic welcome song.

General Liu personally greeted the U.S. Navy delegation, and the two sides shook hands as if the previous unpleasantness had never happened.

Diplomats and political analysts in many countries are surprised by China's firm position.

They began to re-examine the rising eastern power, recognizing that China is no longer a role that can be easily ignored or trivialized.

For China, the significance of this event is even more far-reaching.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

It demonstrates China's firm determination to safeguard the dignity of the country and enhances the self-confidence and pride of the people of the whole country.

At the same time, the experience has also made the Chinese leadership more soberly aware that diplomacy alone is not enough to win respect on the international stage.

Only when you are truly strong can you be invincible in dealing with great powers.

From this perspective, the 1986 visit was a turning point in China's recognition of the importance of development.

In the years that followed, China accelerated the pace of reform and opening up, and made every effort to promote economic construction and national defense modernization.

The correctness of this strategic choice has been fully proven today.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

China's development

Since that far-reaching naval visit in 1986, China's development has been earth-shaking. The "backward" military equipment, which was once ridiculed, has now become one of the great powers that has attracted the attention of the world.

This tremendous change not only reflects the enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength, but also demonstrates the spirit of the Chinese nation's unremitting self-improvement.

Looking at today's Chinese Navy, the Type 055 destroyer stands proudly on the surface of the sea, and its advanced combat system and powerful firepower make it a world-class surface combat ship.

The Type 071 dock landing ship demonstrates China's tremendous progress in amphibious combat capabilities and provides a strong guarantee for safeguarding the country's maritime rights and interests.

These ships are no longer "backward equipment" in the eyes of the US Navy back then, but modern warships that are comparable to them.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

In terms of land-based missiles, the successful development of the DF-17 ballistic missile indicates that China has taken the lead in the world in the field of hypersonic weapons.

This weapon, which is capable of breaking through existing anti-missile systems, has greatly enhanced China's strategic deterrence capability.

At the same time, the service of the J-20 stealth fighter has made China one of the few countries that have mastered the technology of fifth-generation fighters.

However, China's progress is not limited to the military sphere.

In the space industry, China has also made remarkable achievements.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

The successful launch of the Chang'e-6 probe not only marks another breakthrough in China's lunar exploration technology, but also reflects Chinese's firm determination to explore the universe.

Even the continent successfully obtained the soil on the far side of the moon some time ago, which is the first case in the world.

These achievements have not only strengthened the pride of the Chinese people, but also won the respect and praise of the international community.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

Looking back, we can't help but feel emotional. Once upon a time, China's military equipment was often ridiculed by Western countries as "backward" and "outdated".

Today, China has caught up with or even ahead of the United States in a number of areas. Such tremendous changes have not only changed the international balance of power, but also profoundly affected the world pattern.

However, we must recognize that China's strength is fundamentally different from that of the United States.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

China's rise is peaceful and constructive, and we pursue mutual benefit and win-win results, not a zero-sum game.

China adheres to the path of peaceful development and advocates building a community with a shared future for mankind, which has been recognized and supported by more and more countries.

However, we are also soberly aware that China's development still faces many challenges.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

In some areas, there is still a gap between us and the developed countries. But it is this sober understanding that inspires us to keep moving forward.

We firmly believe that as long as we stick to our own path and maintain an open and inclusive mindset, China will achieve greater development.

Today's China is no longer the country it was in 1986 when it needed to prove itself through diplomatic mediation.

We have the ability and confidence to engage in dialogue with all countries in the world on an equal footing in a more open and confident manner.

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

We are neither arrogant nor self-deprecating. We pursue the demeanor of a true great power and practice the concept of a "community with a shared future for mankind" with concrete actions.

Let us always remember history and cherish the hard-won fruits of development.

On the journey of the new era, China will continue to contribute its wisdom and strength to world peace and development.

We firmly believe that as long as we adhere to the path of peaceful development and mutual benefit, China will write a more brilliant chapter on the road to national rejuvenation and make greater contributions to the cause of human progress.


Guangdong Satellite TV - Global Zero Distance January 11, 2020 on "Details of the US Navy's First Visit to China: We Immediately Withdrew the Honor Guard Without Flying Full Flags When Entering the Port"

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

Qingdao Daily, July 28, 2017 on "[Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of the Army] The Story of the People's Navy Receiving Foreign Warships for the First Time"

The first visit to China in 86 gave Ma Wei? China withdraws the guard of honor: correct the attitude and think about it again

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