
When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?

author:Serious orange Lfx

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When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?

In the era of heroes in the Three Kingdoms, there are two wise men of Shu Han, they are like shining twin stars, one is Wolong Zhuge Liang, and the other is Fazheng. Each of them played an important role under Liu Bei, but who had a higher status in Shu Han? Today, we're going to talk about these two big names

After reading the comments of netizens, it was an eye-opener for me

‬法正是心腹,诸葛亮是技术入股的股东兼大总管。 In terms of internal affairs, it is difficult for Liu Bei to leave Zhuge Liang, Fa Zheng is a good staff officer, but Liu Bei will not leave the chief manager and hand over his belongings to the staff officer

When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?
When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?
When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?
When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?

‬当然是村夫高,有村夫在,大耳才有闲情跟孝直打情骂俏,法正没了,蜀汉亡不了,村夫当时要没了,蜀汉恐怕就完了多说一句,法正日常就是大耳的内参,帮大耳做出及时、科学、有利的决定; The village man is the premier of the Shu Han State Council and is responsible for the operation of the entire Shu Han

When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?
When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?


When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?
When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?
When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?


When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?


When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?

‬你别说你还真别说。 However, Zhuge Liang is definitely unwilling to compete with Fa Zheng for this glory

When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?

‬刘备打汉中战役是刘巴,董和做后勤。 Fighting Liangchuan is Guan Yu, and Ma Liang is doing logistics. After winning Hanzhong, Zhuge Liang is a foreign county Taishou in Yizhou, what do you talk about Zhuge Liang doing logistics?

When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?


When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?

Is there a possibility that Zhuge Liang is similar to the combination of the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty, Fazheng is similar to Chen Ping, and Guan Yu is similar to Cao Shen.

When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?


When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?
When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?
When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?
When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?

‬法正可比不了周瑜,东吴貌似也没有这种情况的君臣关系。 It's Wei, Zhuge is compared to Xun Yu, and Fa is proportional to Guo Jia, barely can

When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?


When Fa Zheng was alive and Zhuge Liang, who had a higher status in Shu Han?

The twin stars shine, each showing its brilliance Fa Zheng and Zhuge Liang, one is as bright as a meteor but short-lived, and the other is like the Beidou forever guiding the direction. They each left a deep imprint on the history of Shu Han. Fazheng's talent and determination let us see the power of resourcefulness; Zhuge Liang's persistence and wisdom let us understand what true loyalty and responsibility are. Although their respective paths were different, they both made indelible contributions to the glory of Shu Han. In the long river of history, their light will always shine

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